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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. well idk how well that would go but i guess it could be interesting.
  2. thats 2 guys there genius. Not 2 girls. come on get it right.
  3. best advice is relax for now. use ice. keep your leg elevated and DO NOT over do it.
  4. thats always fun too. so long as the other girl knows what the fuck she's doin...
  5. that's all they gave you? well shit what good is that gonna do. that's just a muscle relaxant. you need real pain pills.
  6. So i'm sure he's bad at driving other things too!!
  7. nah. I just think ya'll dont know how to handle a girl like me
  8. That what pain meds are for especially when mixed with whiskey!
  9. well shit, when does that happen? because I've known guys who were small and last longer than 30 secs and probably knew how to use it but i still couldnt feel shit.
  10. well by then i'll be in hilliard. very close.
  11. Nope not at all. Which means ya'll are all talk and no deliver.
  12. seriously? that just just awesome then. I wanna go there.
  13. besides what fun is a pic. You deliver the sammich and some whiskey and I'm sure you can see them in person. isnt that better?
  14. well good to know. You want to give me money so I can buy a sammich now?
  15. I didnt see shit a couple weeks ago.
  16. well then maybe if you post pics then maybe Gen will too!
  17. yeah if you wanna guy a loaf of bread that costs $10. Fuck that. I'm broke enough as is right now. I'm lucky if I get to eat once a day right now let alone making that expensive of a sammich. and I havent been able to find a deli around here with gluten free anything.
  18. That it probably is.... btw finally just finished reading this whole thread. Just made my week!
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