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Everything posted by HeavyDuty

  1. I started my bike today for the first time since November the bike started right up but was running like shit when I revved it up a mouse and its nest shot out of the exhaust like a cannon and hit the wall about 2 feet behind the bike. At least it died a quick death.
  2. When they drained Lake Milton the houses and property went dirt cheap after they fixed the dam and refilled it they were selling for 20 times what they were bought for. Keep and Eye on that.
  3. To much salt and brine running on to the roads from melting snow for all the chrome on my bike onces that stuff gets in to the voids between parts and covers you can never get it all out. I will give it a few more weeks and see how things look then.
  4. http://www.abc6onyourside.com/template/inews_wire/wires.regional.oh/27285063-www.abc6onyourside.com.shtml#.VP0GC8vD_IU 6 injured when 4 motorcycles, 2 cars crash in Cincinnati March 08, 2015 20:43 EDT CINCINNATI (AP) -- Police say a crash involving numerous motorcycles and cars injured six people and scattered bikes and other debris across a busy roadway in eastern Cincinnati. The accident happened Sunday afternoon on the Columbia Parkway. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports that four motorcycles and two cars were involved. Twenty-two-year-old Tyler Middleton of Cleves tells the newspaper he was riding in group of seven people on six motorcycles when one of them sideswiped a car on a curvy stretch of the road and lost control. He says he managed to pull over and saw bike parts and bodies flying everywhere. Six people were reported injured, including four who were hospitalized in serious condition. The crash shut down a 1 1/2-mile section of the road in both directions for about five hours.
  5. Theoretically this would be great thing for the internet and everyone. BUT over the years the one think I have learned is anything that the government puts their fingers on turns in to a giant quagmire of shit real fast.
  6. The prime minister of Israel defends his people. The king of Jordon defends his people. The president of Egypt defends his people. The president of France defends his people. The president of the United States roams golf courses in search of his balls.
  7. I have been married 38 years the wife and I buy each other gag gifts for Valentine’s Day each year. She got me a shark helmet to wear this year and I bought her some new transportation a straw broom.
  8. No woman will ever be truly satisfied on Valentine’s Day. Because no man will ever have a chocolate penis that ejaculates money.
  9. I dug a 4 foot wide path thru the 8 foot deep snow pile that is was plowed in front of my patio doors so I can get my bike out before if froze in to solid ice It is getting close now.
  10. Do to the lack of a real one we should cancel president’s day this year.
  11. Jerry you did about 23 miles farther then me that day My GPS ended up at 1111 miles. During the no salt and Ice months I put 110 miles on my bike everyday round trip to work and back.
  12. I had chickenpox and measles by age 7 a gift from friends and then I gave them to my sisters they were considered child hood diseases back then and everyone got them it was no big deal. The only drawback to the measles was I got shingles 2 years ago on my stomach sides and back it was like having red hot charcoal taped to me for almost 2 months I would not wish that on anyone. And as far as schools requiring them now There are always exceptions to every rule.
  13. How times have changed Take Measles Now days the media makes it out as a terrible epidemic Old day (when I was a kid and before vaccine) when your friend Johnny got them all of the other parents sent their kids to Johnnies’ to play for the day to get them done with it sooner
  14. It does not appear to be working very well LOL
  15. What ever comes out of the wand at the car wash
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