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Everything posted by HeavyDuty

  1. We were one of the first families in the hood to get a tv it had a round 10 or 12 inch picture tube and you could make it in to a colored tv by putting a screen in front of the tube that was green on the bottom and blue on the top High tec stuff back then.
  2. Kids today don’t know how easy they have it. When I was young I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel
  3. Immediate movement off the “X” will reset your opponents aiming Use this time to skin that smoke wagon and make it rain.
  4. Love them squirrely squirrels
  5. I never hit my brakes for small animals I down shift and power thru it can get very messy but 99 % of the time you will not go down. To much front brake bike dives down and over you go.
  6. It seem like I never have time to ride anymore but somehow I always manage to put over 10,000 miles on my bike every year.
  7. Sam thanks for doing this I finely got to put some faces and names together I had a good time and and intresting ride home damm GPS has a mind of its own
  8. I have a job interview late morning tomorrow. I will need to go home after and change in to my boots chaps and vest before heading that way if it is cold I will throw on a pair of tighty whities also so the boys don’t hide should be there some time after 1 See you then.
  9. Probably has never been on a date EVER
  10. I have been working Retail so I know the feeling.
  11. Casper Just wondering about your screen name and its meaning. Is it like the ghost or spirit you know it there somewhere but you never actually see?
  12. Seven Years of Obama and now no one knows which bathroom to use.
  13. At the young age of 5 a bear told me that I am the only person that can prevent forest fires. Why was I chosen? We will never know.
  14. I bet you would but I do not think the 250 could survive the trip LOL
  15. Thanks for the help this guy is having a hard time right now I'm trying to keep him going I'm about 99% sure I will make the garage meat fest next Saturday Hope to see you there
  16. Thanks Jim These look like the ones that were on his Bike do you think they will work? http://www.jpcycles.com/product/3200365
  17. Need you’re Help PLEASE One of the members of my Legion post is a vet from the conflict in Afghanistan and rides a 1986 Honda 250 Rebel. This past Friday night kids kicked over his bike in the parking lot where he stays I can fix all of the damage but need your help finding the rear turn signals that they smashed at a good price. I have tomorrow off and can ride within 100 miles each way from Ravenna to get then I’m not a Honda guy so I do not know what to look for. This bike is his only way to get around so any help finding the turn signals will be greatly appreciated. THANKS
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