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Posts posted by Strawboss

  1. Fan guy here too. I'm called cheap all the time, frugal is what I like better, sorry, I'm not going to pay $300 a month like some I know. I also keep the house closed till the evening or until it rains and the temps fall. I have a box fan downstairs blowing in and its like AC sometimes. But to answer your question, yes, as stated above, use what you can to maximize the fan by enclosing as much of the window around it as possible. Cardboard is fine. Opening 1 or 2 windows downstairs and using the fan upstairs in one window like the bedroom with the rest of the windows upstairs closed, you'll create a type of venturi effect that will draw the air up through the house and out that window provided the fan overcomes the total openings of the windows downstairs. Got that? Get that hot air out of the attic too.

  2. A 550B with a caliber conversion kit is under $450.00. That's everything you need to load. You are going to buy dies and components anyhow no matter the machine. You don't need all the accessories you see in the photo. But the warranty is the deal MAKER, no warranty can touch it. No questions, broken part? Shipped that day, FREE. Lost a part? Shipped that day, FREE. Bought a used one that's missing stuff? Shipped FREE that day. No questions asked. No BS warranty.

  3. Dillon is the way to go in my opinion. The lifetime warranty on their products simply cannot be matched by anyone. The warranty goes with the press, so no matter the age or who owns it, they replace parts, FREE. I have 3 of their products and the design and quality is the best. I've got a few other presses by other companies but the Dillon is what I always go back to.  Easy to work on, easy to use, easy to change calibers, just a no brainer in my book. Look them up, Dillon Precision

  4. Great bikes, the Ulysses I rode had the best suspension I ever saw on a bike. OK, everybody I know who has a Buell is getting rid of them now when they can get money for them as the parts and support will soon be absolute zero. They had no support from HD when they were being made.

  5. A few in the sport touring Concours group use the new Journey's and have had good things to say about them. Of course we aren't talking about berserko lean angles and tilting the horizon. But certainly rain and sprited riding while two up for distances.

  6. Race Tech is in CA, thats at least 5 business days by UPS after the order is shipped, if you ordered on Wednesday, the order was maybe filled Thursday, 5 business days after last Thursday with the holiday this Monday means you might not get your stuff till the Friday after Memorial Day. There are of course exceptions.

  7. I've had it, its ok, not something I'd buy on a regular basis, it can't compare to the craft beers but its not trying to and you don't drink it for that. I've seen it at Giant Eagle, Heinen's, I never looked at Wal-Mart, but any place that sells Coors which is just about everywhere should have it.

  8. And here all these years I thought the simple "ride your own ride" was all that needed saying. *note* The previous is called sarcasm. Of course I agree with everything posted here, these days though, we need to write pages long novels on how and why to NOT ride or ride a certain way that in years past was simply stated with a simple phrase that any second grader was able to grasp. Sadly, not so these days. Anyway, sorry to get off topic. Ride your own ride.

  9. I can understand both sides of the story. Personally, when I'm stopped I tell them I have CCW, and I'll tell them whether or not I'm carrying. If asked for an ID, I'll produce it, If I'm on the bike, the helmet comes off and the hands go where they can be seen, same if I'm in the car. I don't open carry now but I don't have a problem with those who do. If I did, I would not have a problem with the police asking for my ID. I don't feel my rights are infringed in any way by my behavior. Reading these posts, I may be wrong, but I've been stopped many times carrying and not carrying, in the car, on the bike. I've never been hassled, arrested, detained, held, searched, cuffed, relieved of my pistol, profiled, or questioned. I would think that if I did not provide my ID after being asked for it then I expect all the above would have happened to me.

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  10. I agree Chris, so I guess the new BMW's with their different sized/shaped lights really throws you for a loop? Remember when the new type HID lights came out and everyone was complaining, well, they were blue, and different and what happened was folks were staring into them hence the complaints about how they were blinding people.

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