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Chuck Clay

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Everything posted by Chuck Clay

  1. Bring it out next season,if you think a 4 stroke single is evil try a big bore 2 stroke ....lol
  2. Nice riding with you neighbor...........I need to find some more HP in my motard!!!! lol
  3. Don't make me get into the advance class on a stretched dirt bike....lol
  4. Your boy Zack is getting faster every race...he will be winning the 250 class soon.
  5. Yep....I know, I was on the cr500 Motard in front of the 250's...I was turning 1:08's in the gt750 and just cruising in the 250 class so Sam would have a carrot to chase...lol
  6. The problem with only being able to pass on braking is, when you hit the straights they pass you back and slow you down in corners......so it's a nice to have a little speed down the straights.SV speed would be nice though but I'm old and fat so i'd be lucky to run 1:10 at beaver on a SV....lol
  7. I've been think about that...but wind resistance acts as a dyno for me now, when I get the motor running the best I can then i'm going to put a small fairing on and run with Calvin down the straights. I have found that if I take off the radiator shrouds I gained 7 mph at nelson but the motor runs hot and popped head gasket...
  8. I don't have any room to laugh at Calvin, He is faster than me....lol
  9. I did it....I got a shop and i'm always fabricating something.
  10. Where is all the motard riders????.......get your ash to Putnam!!!!!! I going to try out my Ron stoppable head there....lol
  11. Bring it Craigiepoo, he too busy on modeling photo shoots...lol
  12. At the last Putnam Motoseries trackday/race school....I seemed to always find myself in the middle of the front group race school 3-4 Ducati with instructor, I had a great time riding with that group,so I hope you pick on me more....lol
  13. A few motard guys I seen at Beaver race asked if I was coming back sept. 22.....I'm thinking about it.I know he said he rode with the European cycle group on a 510 Husky, on second thought maybe I should just stay on the porch.....lol
  14. Bring it hoe,I'm building a cr500 cylinder i'm going to name Kevin....lol
  15. Correction:next time i'm just stuffing it in there....If I was any closer to you in turn 1-4 I would of been rubbing your tire....lol It's all just for fun, not sure about the rest of you but I have to go to work on Monday morning!!!
  16. It's all fun and games until you get 2-stroke smoke in your eyes....lol
  17. It's all good.....I just wasn't sure how close I could get to you and still be safe, next time we are rubbing!!! lol It was a great time until the leaders caught me/us in turn 4 so stayed high and then I lost you.
  18. If there been a lot of gerbil activity.....you may need a bigger cork!
  19. Jinu Is getting smoked by my new motor.....when he pulls off track!!! lol
  20. https://sphotos-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1238129_569953183067728_863192914_n.jpg
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