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Posts posted by Bakemono

  1. Facebook is for women but Twitter is not? :lol:

    That's attention whore Central for 12 year olds.

    I'm only Facebook friends with people that I'm actually friends with for the most part. I have also started deleting people I'm not actually friends with. No offense if you're on that list.

    Facebook is cool if you use it as is is intended. For posting funny shit, making fun of people and seeing pictures of dogs pooping.

    Agree.  I always thought Twitter was kind of stupid because its all short status updates.  The one thats REALLY stupid though is Instagram.  Its really nothing more than a place for women who arent all that hot but think theyre hot to post pictures of themselves making the duck face.

  2. He'd like to live in California or Seattle, and he's from Wisconsin, I'm guessing Madison at this point...some people you just can't beat the liberal out of. :-)

    Sent while riding

    Thats right and proud of it, although I consider myself more of a moderate.  

  3. XD3 for four years no visor lift but did resort to wheel weights to dampen vibration. Pricey but worth it. Newer version is supposed to have addressed all of the short comings.

    I believe the newer ones have shorter visors and more venting to fix those issues.  Personally, I used to wear MX style helmets for snowmobiling and even then, I never noticed visor lift was much of an issue.  Compared to MX helmets, DS helmets have a much smaller visor.

  4. Really, all the internet and social media has done is made the crazies worse because it perpetuates their wackadoodle ideas and they can go back and forth liking, commenting on and sharing crazy Facebook posts.

    At some point, you almost feel sorry for them because they are so gullible that they honestly believe some of this stuff.

  5. My mom would have made me sit in a cell and think about my actions. When I got out, she would have made me pay the insurance deductibles and anything else to make it right.


    Same here.  My parents told me the day I turned 18 that if I got arrested, not to call them asking for them to post bail.

    19 and he throws a little bitch fit like that, stepdad  must be a major pussy. Quick as I said no my dad would have got out the boxing gloves and tuned my ass up. And why didn't Harley dude stop juniors tantrum at the cost of his bike, maybe he didn't have time to put on his do-rag and fingerless gloves. Cant be a proper badass with out right gear. Chalk this one up one bigpussy raising another. 

    Probably another one of those suburban outlaws who watches too much SOA.

  6. Id go with the AFX.  Its a great helmet for a cheap price.  Its not the lightest helmet in the world.  Honestly, as much as I like my Icon Variant, its a pricey helmet and Im not sure that Id drop $400 on another one when I could get an AFX for about $120, put a dark shield on it for $30 and have the same look for half as much.

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  7. Meh, not so much that it needs to be supported today but more that it simply worked for me.  Then again, my folks didn't just beat my ass and go on about their business, there was a lot of explaining as to why I was getting a whoopin' and why my actions cost what they did -- so there was always a lesson learned, but the ass kickin was just to put a stamp on it. 

    And, like you said.....your parents hit you from time to time, and it did teach you not to repeat the mistake.....so you learned the same way, but "because I said so" is no lesson, they should've explained to you the differences

    Agree.  Typically it was a smack to the back of the head followed by getting yelled at with no explanation.  Thats not parenting.


    Beatings are always a last resort, and they are not effective if the parent sucks at the rest of the parenting skills. I think those of us that mention beatings forget all the other things we are doing. We pay attention to what they are doing, we are consistent with them. Yes means yes and no means no, always. The one time I beat mine which I mentioned above was the only time. But what it teaches, if done correctly is that serious f' ups have serious consequences. Even doing all of the above correctly there is still a good chance the the child will go way over the line, you need something in your back pocket to let them know what happens. A beating works really well. And to be clear, I didn't really beat him. I tackled him, sat on him and shook his shoulders and yelled a lot. But in his terrified mind it was a beating, and it worked.

    See, Im actually OK with that.

  8. When I was a young dumbass, beatings did wonders to straighten me out when I'd act a fool.  The step Dad went about it the right way for this day and age, but back in my day I'd have been bleeding from somewhere

    I always find it interesting when people talk about, "beatings" and what wonders they do for keeping kids on the straight and narrow.  Even back in the good ole days, when hitting your kids was perfectly acceptable by society, you still had kids who grew up to be criminals and murderers.

    Im not so much a believer that hitting your kids is the best way to discipline them.  Im of the school that spanking is the last resort of a parent who doesnt know what else to do and that it does little more than make the parent feel better.  My parents hit me from time to time but all it taught me was to do what they said because they said so and because if I didnt, I was going to get a beating.  To be fair though, my parents were more the, "do as I say, not as I do" kind, so they may not be the best example of good parenting. LOL

  9. over prescribing dumb ass meds to kids with no problems in the first place is half the issue the young generation faces with its fucked up ness. What they need is ACTUAL FRIGGIN PARENTING

    You could say that somone who freaks out and starts smashing his stepfather's bike AND THEN because apparently thats not enough, gets his car and runs said bike over with his car has some issues though.  Well-adjusted kids with loving parents dont do things like that.

  10. The past two winters prior to this one were unusually mild for Ohio, followed by this winter, which has been much colder, for longer than we've seen in years. I don't "love to bitch", but it's certainly justified! ;)


    And no thanks to Minnesota. I had a friend move there. His stay lasted one winter. 

    Which is exactly why Ohioans have nothing to complain about when it comes to weather.

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