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Posts posted by Bakemono

  1. Detroit is still awesome. I don't care what you cunts say.

    The words, "old and done" come to mind.  I mean, when you get dominated by a team like the Blue Jackets, thats pretty bad.

  2. My brother rode his Yamaha to the Marysville plant when he externed there. I doubt they're going to make you park further away or anything :p

    Glad someone enjoys our weather. Based on the way most locals complain, you would think they just moved here from FL. Personally, I think the Ohio weather is pretty good. We legitimately have 4 seasons, and I think it makes us appreciate the truly nice days we do get.


    Like Ive said in the past, native Ohioans dont know what a real winter is.

  3. Losing a pet is never easy.

    Gump, I didn't know you had to put your dog down your self. As I've always told you, I will do it for you when necessary because I know you would do it for me. I don't think I could ever put a bullet in my own dog.

    Yeah, that would be tough.  Id like to believe that Id do what I had to do in the moment but killing an animal that you love would be very difficult and is easier said than done.

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  4. Id love to accept that information if it were from some more credible sources.  Next thing you know, you will be quoting Americans For Prosperity.  :thanksbutno:

  5. LOL, the failures of the ACA is the Repubs fault. That is rich, even by OR standards.

    Never said that.  Im saying that they had a chance to comment and contribute they had nothing to say, other than that it would never work. 

  6. No, it's not another topic. It directly impacts what all of us are paying for insurance in the US. And how much more we have to fund Medicare and how much more we have to subsidize people on the health exchange. It is very much on topic as is the private meetings Obama had with the drug companies at the White House just prior to the start of the ACA legislation. Those private meetings lead to Obama saying right at the beginning that drug costs were off the table for the ACA. I want to know why the Dems were so hard on drug costs prior to Obama taking office but since then they have not said a fucking word. Not one word.


    And that is the biggest hole in the ACA. It addresses people getting insurance but it does nothing to address costs. And thus is doomed to fail.


    I do however agree with your assertion that drug company profit margins are not out of line.

    Well, perhaps if the Repubs had come up with some constructive ideas, instead of just saying it wouldnt work, we could come up with something better.  ACA isnt a perfect system and will be tweaked over time.  Saying that its doomed to fail and just wanting to scrap it isnt a helpful mindset though.  Sadly, thats the state of the Republican party today though.  They are the party of no and say everything is going to fail, yet they have no real ideas on how we can move forward and make things better.

  7. Pharma gets a bad rap from the hoi polloi.  It is about the toughest business imaginable to succeed in, and their margins are just not that big.  The info is out there -- a quick google of the first 3 the came to mind show profit margins around the 15% range.  And for every Merck of the world, there have been 50 upstarts that didnt make it..


    If the US squeeze the big drug makers more (as they do in the EU, who are basically being subsidized by US consumers, but thats another topic) it's just less incentive for them to invest in new drug discovery.  It takes $750M+ to bring the average drug to market, so they need to recoup that in addition to the sunk costs of R&D that didnt yeild results. 


    Sorry for the semi-rant, I just hate the idea of throwing more roadblocks in front of Pharma.  In terms of quality of life and the medical breakthroughs that have really made a difference over the last 100 years-- it's been Phama who has delivered the goods.  Not your neighborhood GP for cardio surgeon, whose reputations in the public eye are golden compared to the scary drug-makers...








    Bristol Myers


    My issue is why do they advertise at all?  Doctors are supposed to keep up to date on what new drugs are coming out.  They dont advertise for the doctors, they advertise for Joe Blow who sees an ad for a drug on TV and then goes to his doctor and asks for it.  What medcine a person takes should be the doctor's decision, so they shouldnt even advertise at all.

    Sorry but Im not ready for throw the drug companies a pity party.

  8. A novel idea might be to just pay the bill yourself for an emergency room visit.


    That would be great providing that everyone who doesnt pay does so simply because they dont want to.  Oftentimes, its not as simply as just paying the bill.  Sometimes people simply dont have the money to afford the health care that they need and refusing them care would basically be a death sentence.  Its easy to say, "oh well, thats their problem" when you look at it from a numbers standpoint, its not so easy when its a kid or someone that YOU love.

    The issue that I really have with the whole thing is that medicine is so expensive, yet drug companies clearly have more than enough money to advertise all the time (why they should even be allowed to do so is a whole different issue), so clearly they are doing pretty well.

    As is usually the case, those who foot the bill arent the rich guys, its the middle class and the poor.  Thats to be expected though when the rich guys are the ones running the show.

  9. Honda has been pumping out some ugly turds lately. They keep trying to expand into new markets instead of just really kicking ass at what they do best: the cbr and vfr bikes.

    I give them credit for at least trying something different.  You know, instead of making bikes that look exactly the same for 50 years like some other companies do.

    Harley, for example...  :motothumbsup:

    I agree though, I dont love the styling and somehow cant see myself ever riding it.

  10. We don't know that they were buddies.  Perhaps they

    were total strangers.  As for the other rider crashing his

    bike while I was simply trying to keep up, I'm not going to

    volunteer to be held accountable for his actions I had no

    part of.  We all ride fast.  But let us all be accountable

    for ourselves without our buddies having to pay for our

    own bad judgement.



    We dont know they werent either.

  11. I'd rather be left for dead than have some half-wit "I stayed at a HolidayInnExpress" doctor wannabe moving me all over the place after I launched myself over the bars of my bike at speed. Please, just call 911 and don't touch me.

    Worst case scenario, at least you wouldnt die alone.  Im not doctor either but at the very least I could be there for the person and provide them with some level of comfort and security in their last moments.


    I'd stop and help. But then again, I don't usually do 100 anywhere - if that's even what happened in this instance.

    Same here.  For one, my bike wont even do 100 and for two, Id never ride that fast on the street because theres so much risk for nothing.  If I want to ride that fast, I'll take it to the track where when/if I crash, the only person I hurt is myself.  No sense killing someone who is just trying to get to work or run errands because of my stupidity.

  13. Last time I left burn out marks on the rug :( I am not allowed to run in the house anymore. I can heat the oven to 450.

    Not sure what I would do, I think my instinct would kick in to try to save a life rather flight. I usually ride with close friends or Mutt. But, I try to keep it on the track for speeds that fast.

    I dont think that I could ever leave a brother or sister behind, even if I meant that I would face some prison time.

  14. Squids often wear helmets on the freeway because the wind hurts their face. Its the reason they leave them on the helmet lock when riding around town :)


    I always thought o a squid as you do unsafe rider, usually wearing no gear. Newbie doesn't have much to do with it though most either get injured and stop riding or grow up so there are not too many veteran squids. 



    What does that make Harley riders who never wear a helmet and wear Harley shirts with the sleeves cut off then? LOL

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