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Everything posted by OH650R

  1. Out of curiosity, what kind of speeds are we talking about when the group was losing him? Obviously the turns are where he's lacking confidence as he seemed to catch up a few times in the straights. Again, props to the sweep for recognizing the situation and taking action.
  2. Welcome and I can't wait to take a ride down to SE Ohio and hit some of those roads!
  3. OH650R

    OR Decals

    Got my decals today, thanks!!!
  4. Right in my back yard, welcome!
  5. This is one hell of a sweet project! Thanks for sharing and keeping it updated.
  6. OH650R


    Welcome and ATGATT!
  7. OH650R

    OR Decals

    I had no idea these existed! I just orderd some but after adding to cart, the "checkout with paypal" button give an error when clicked. However, after proceeding through the checkout process and confirming the shipping address, I was able to choose paypal as the payment option. Just wanted to give a heads up on that little issue. Now I can't wait to get them!
  8. If you don't mind, that would be great!
  9. I too have the AS-15 and love the video quality but am having trouble finding a suitable mounting spot on the bike (prefer not to helmet mount). Within the waterproof case, I mounted on the right side fairing with 3M dual lock and I got up to 92mph...that sucker stayed put.
  10. When I bought my Ninja this March, the dealer didn't give me a temp tag. Although, they were aware I was trying to sell my other bike and (I guess?) assumed I would just transfer the plate. Well I tried that and BMV said "since you still currently own the other bike and haven't sold yet, we can't transfer". So, I had to purchase a temp tag. It kinda pissed me off! As I was walking away from the counter, the employee said "psssttt, when you come back just say you sold the other bike (whether you did or not) and they'll transfer the plate". I did just that and worked like a charm! Still salty I had to buy my own damn temp tag.
  11. Nothing near as entertaining as y'alls but I decided to take a ride and remembered a state park I hadn't been to in quite some time. I get there, take a walk around and relax at a picnic table overlooking the lake. Quite the peaceful and relaxing stop. Getting ready to leave, I gear up, back the bike out of my spot and fire her up. Clutch in, down to first and it dies. I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong and repeated the same steps 3 more times. I'm getting worried at this point that my new bike has a serious issue and I'm going to need a tow. I collect my thoughts and all of a sudden it hits me...damn kickstand is down! Boy, I felt like a complete moron and who knows how many onlookers watched me fail over and over.
  12. Welcome and congrats on the purchase!
  13. Welcome Leonard! Congrats on the first bike and I do recommend taking the basic rider course if you haven't already done so.
  14. Mohican was one of my favorite rides last year. Coming from Akron, it's pretty much 585 to route 3. Nice little town Loudonville is. Really nice people and delicious food! Can't wait to go down again this year.
  15. OH650R

    20140412 150443

    From the album: Ninja 650

  16. OH650R

    Ninja 650

  17. OH650R

    20140412 150623

    From the album: Ninja 650

  18. KC, welcome from another Akronite
  19. I have an exo 400 (new last season) and while it seemed a bit snug at the dealer, I decided to roll with it. I agree that after a few hrs of riding, it's not the most comfortable when it's new. I ended up taking out the cheek pads and shaved just a bit of the foam off at the tightest point of contact and then gave them a good wash. That seemed to help and it now fits very comfortably.
  20. Thanks wolfman, but I tentatively have plans for that weekend already. If not, I'll definitely get in touch and join ya'll for the ride down!
  21. New member here myself. Congrats on the purchase and welcome.
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