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About Calinazaret

  • Birthday 04/16/1987

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  • Location
    Nanjing, China
  • Vehicles(s)
    CBR 600rr

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  1. Thanks! I'll look into these. So anxious to get my baby back. It's been a long two years!
  2. I'm finally back from China and I need to ship my Honda CBR from Columbus out to San Diego, CA. What are the best companies for shipping price and reliability wise? Thanks!
  3. Hi folks, I was wondering if anyone knew about shipping a motorcycle internationally? I'm going to be staying here in China another year and I want my baby with me. Bikes here can be expensive, especially if you want anything more than 150ccs. Might just be better to have mine shipped. It's a Honda CBR 600 and I'll need her shipped from Columbus, OH to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. Any ideas?
  4. So I went to walmart in china the other day. At first I was disappointed by how standardly walmart it was. Then I saw this. Just a dried pig face, don't they have those everywhere?
  5. I like t because it's super easy. My speciality is actually chicken pot pie from scratch but fuck if I'm going to write out THAT recipe.
  6. I'm still here. Although I'll be living in china by next week. Here's mine: BBQ Muffins 1 pound ground beef 1/2 cup ketchup 3 tbsp brown sugar Chili powder to taste 1 can biscuits 1/2 cup to 1 cup shredded cheese Brown beef. Mix ketchup, sugar, spices in and set aside. Roll or stretch out biscuits to fit in muffin tins. Fill with mixture and too with cheese. Bake at 375 for 18 minutes, I think, but I'd check after 15 or so.
  7. I read this 4 times before I got it.
  8. How do you know when you're in a bad relationship or a good one that needs work? How do you know when it's time to give up or try harder?
  9. If a cop rear ends someone, does he have to write himself a ticket?
  10. Awe that's cool! Wish I could go.
  11. Awe. And my bike will sit unused in a garage that day
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