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Wicked Jester

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  • Name
  • Location
    Reynoldsburg, Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    2000 Yamaha Vstar 1100, 1982 Honda GL500

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  1. Priced lowered to $2200 obo! Make an offer!
  2. Looking to sell my Vstar 1100 to get a different bike. Bike currently has around 8509 miles and the following upgrades: -Switchblade 2 up windshield-Oxford Heated grips-Bad Boy Air Horn-Cobra Dragster Exhaust $2800
  3. I took an unwanted break from riding during my college years as my bike was stolen from me. At that time I couldn't afford to buy another bike with the cost of school an didn't want to risk having another bike stolen. Looking back it, a part of me is glad that bike was stolen. I was too young and dumb to own a sport bike as I was always pushing the limits with it (rode only for the thrill back then) and went down a few times playing around (luckily no injuries from any). Once I finished school and got my first professional job I was ready to get a new toy. I tried out the car scene for a few years, but it just didn't have the same feel. So I grabbed a new to me shadow 750 to start back into riding. This second entrance into the sport was different for me, as I wasn't in it just for the thrill of the speed. Now I took up riding for the feeling of being connected to the road and crunching miles. Today I get most of miles commuting to and from work and its a highlight of my day! But its true I rarely get an adrenaline rush like I did with my old sport bike. So my thought on riding is like many hobbies where it always comes in waves depending on what you have going on in your life. That is why I use my bike to commute so I always get to enjoy it, but also get practical day to day use out of it.
  4. Hey looking for some places to checkout in NE Ohio. I'll be in Akron for the weekend, what a good ride?
  5. Hey signed up a few years ago and got out of riding for a bit. Now I'm back into riding again and wanted to stop in and say hi! Currently I have 2 bikes. 2000 Vstar 1100 and a 1982 Honda gl500. Glad to be riding again!
  6. I wont be able to make it to this, forgot I bought tickets to the Indians game... lol.
  7. I wont be able to make it now, forgot I had bought tickets to the Indians game... lol
  8. Well then seems like you guys are some heavy drinkers...... but im down for a beer anytime. Brings to mind I need to get back into brewing my own beer.
  9. What time will you guys be stopping at the speedway?
  10. Ill bring my sport riding jacket to try and blend in.... lol.
  11. Awesome! So is everyone sport bike riders that go?
  12. Hey I'm new to the forum but would like to go on this ride. I live in the massilon area. I plan on staying in Columbus after the ride. Too late to join up with you guys? Need to bring anything specific for this ride?
  13. Hey if its not too late I would like to join the ride. I'd be in the slow group. Didn't catch this in the first post, but where are we ending this ride at?
  14. Hey everyone. Moved up to the Massilon/ Canton area for work. I had sport bikes in college and had a Honda Shadow for the past year and a half. Just bought a 2003 Harley Fat Boy this past weekend! Joined to see if there are any riders in the area, sport bike or cruiser. Doesn't matter to me. Look forward yo meeting you all.
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