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    2012 Harley Davidson Street Glide

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  1. CPL Keith Nepsa, was killed in Iraq while serving his country. Since 2009 we have been honoring the memory of CPL Nepsa by hosting a poker run to raise funds that benefit a memorial scholarship in his name and programs that assist veterans. In the past, we’ve donated to a national program, ‘Rebuilding America’s Warriors’ which provides plastic surgery to veteran’s that have been injured while serving in a combat zone. We’ve also donated to a local program called 'Dogs 4 Warriors'. This program donates therapy dogs to veterans diagnosed with PTSD that is a direct result of serving in a combat zone. Registration begins at 9am at New Phila VFW Post 1445 located at 441 Park Ave NW, New Phila, OH, 44663. Cost is $15 per person. Veteran’s program begins at 10:15. Last bike out 11:00am, last bike in 5:00pm. Event also ends at the VFW Post 1445. We have a 50/50 drawing, silent auction and give out $100 for best poker hand. All vehicles welcome. If you cannot participate in the run itself, please stop by in the morning to have breakfast and observe our veteran's program that begins at 10:15 am or you could come to the last stop and bid on our silent auction items!
  2. until
    CPL Keith Nepsa was killed June 2, 2007 while serving his country in Afghanistan. Since 2009 we have been honoring his memory by hosting a memorial poker run. All monies raised are donated to programs that assist veteran's and a memorial scholarship in CPL Nepsa's name. There is a donation pancake breakfast from 9-10:15. At 10:15 there is a veteran's program and last bike out at 11am. There is a 50/50, $100 for best hand and a gun raffle all drawn at the end of the ride where a light dinner is served.
  3. 10th annual poker run to benefit a memorial scholarship fund and programs that assist veteran's. One program is a national program, ‘Rebuilding America’s Warriors’ which provides plastic surgery to veteran’s that have been injured while serving in a combat zone. The second is a local program called 'Dogs 4 Warriors'. This program donates therapy dogs to veterans diagnosed with PTSD that is a direct result of serving in a combat zone. We have a 50/50 drawing, silent auction and give out $100 for best poker hand. All vehicles welcome. If you cannot participate in the run itself, please stop by in the morning to have breakfast and observe our veteran's program or you could come to the last stop and bid on our silent auction items! Registration begins at 9am at Lehman’s Big Open Road 401 N Wooster Ave, Dover. Cost is $15 per person. Veteran’s program begins at 10:15. Last bike out 11:00am, last bike in 5:00pm. For more information you can contact us at Nepsa.Ride4Pride@gmail.com or 330-987-0998.
  4. until
    CPL Keith Nepsa, was killed in Iraq while serving his country. Since 2009 we have been honoring the memory of CPL Nepsa by hosting a poker run to raise funds that benefit a memorial scholarship in his name through the Quaker Foundation and programs that assist veterans. One program is a national program, ‘Rebuilding America’s Warriors’ which provides plastic surgery to veteran’s that have been injured while serving in a combat zone. The second is a local program called 'Dogs 4 Warriors'. This program donates therapy dogs to veterans diagnosed with PTSD that is a direct result of serving in a combat zone. 2017 Flyer.pdf
  5. CPL Keith Nepsa, was killed in Iraq while serving his country. Since 2009 we have been honoring the memory of CPL Keith Nepsa by hosting a poker run to raise funds that benefit a memorial scholarship in his name that benefits to benefit a memorial scholarship fund and programs that assist veteran's. One program is a national program, ‘Rebuilding America’s Warriors’ which provides plastic surgery to veteran’s that have been injured while serving in a combat zone. The second is a local program called 'Dogs 4 Warriors'. This program donates therapy dogs to veterans diagnosed with PTSD that is a direct result of serving in a combat zone. Registration begins at 9am at Lehman’s Big Open Road 401 N Wooster Ave, Dover. Cost is $15 per person. Veteran’s program begins at 10:15. Last bike out 11:00am, last bike in 5:00pm.
  6. CPL Keith Nepsa, was killed in Iraq while serving his country. Since 2009 we have been honoring the memory of CPL Keith Nepsa by hosting a poker run to raise funds that benefit a memorial scholarship in his name that benefits to benefit a memorial scholarship fund and programs that assist veteran's. One program is a national program, ‘Rebuilding America’s Warriors’ which provides plastic surgery to veteran’s that have been injured while serving in a combat zone. The second is a local program called 'Dogs 4 Warriors'. This program donates therapy dogs to veterans diagnosed with PTSD that is a direct result of serving in a combat zone. Registration begins at 9am at Lehman’s Big Open Road 401 N Wooster Ave, Dover. Cost is $15 per person. Veteran’s program begins at 10:15. Last bike out 11:00am, last bike in 5:00pm.
  7. Poker run to benefit a memorial scholarship fund and programs that assist veteran's. In the past we have solely been donating to R.A.W., but this year we have added a local program called 'Dogs 4 Warriors'. This program donates therapy dogs to veterans diagnosed with PTSD that is a direct result of serving in a combat zone. We have a 50/50 drawing, silent auction and give out $100 for best poker hand. All vehicles are welcome. If you cannot participate in the run itself, please stop by in the morning to have breakfast and observe our veteran's program or you could come to the last stop and bid on our silent auction items!
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