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About cuzenjeff

  • Birthday 01/04/1956

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  • Location
    Very West Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    Guzzi Stelvio
    81 Super Glide(basket)

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  1. Thanks Dan, been following your thread. Time is getting near.
  2. What mapping programs are you guys using these days that can be up loaded to a Garmin?
  3. Check out the Gamo Swarm Maxxim. I know a couple of guys that have this one and like it a lot. Loads itself on every cock and they got it at wally world. I shoot .177, cheaper then .22 and just fits my needs.
  4. I have been shooting Gamo guns, but there are many out there to choose from. Plenty of info on the net for what people like and don't like. I think if you can find any break barrel in the 120 to 220 price range you cant go wrong. Then shoot the hell out of it , do some research to find out find something that will suit your needs better. You will find these things addictive and a lot of fun to shoot. They can be highly accurate and deadly on small game. They can be like Lays potato chips....you cant only have one....Good Luck
  5. Its just another law that most wont give a FUCK about.....just remember before you ride...LOCK and LOAD,,,,,and as the old Indian said....first shot, yes, second shot, maybe, third shot, never.......
  6. I was not a lucky one to be blessed with a big penis.......but I do run T6 in the Dl650 but run the high dollar Motorex 10-60 in the Guzzi
  7. I am with Papa on this one,,,,,,,but virgins do like it up the ASS
  8. http://www.swmmotorcycles.co.uk/models/adventure/super-dual I would rather go Italian.
  9. Thanks, I will see what is out there. I can through on a ole cheap wall mart tire for the winter months.
  10. Thanks, being a Dad again at 61 is tough, but I am one tough Mother Fucker.....OK.... pretty tough until my knees hurt.....getting old ain't for PUSSYS.
  11. Hey Pauly, what trainer you suggest.
  12. Ready....set...go ride....
  13. Kinda, with what happened to his daughter and wife.......
  14. The Frontiersman......Allan Eckert Ghost Rider: Travels on The Healing Road......Neil Peart
  15. Hey pauly...its been a while.....thank for all of the advice. Arthritis in the knees makes it tough but the grand boy and I still got in a little over 500 miles for the year
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