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Everything posted by nismopc

  1. Apparently, the license-plate readers failed to assist them. :dumb:
  2. DEER: http://www.new-forest-national-park.com/image-files/fallow_deer.jpg DEAR: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cfnuKGrbKFM/T711bA-zagI/AAAAAAAABw0/ioK9ayR6AUo/s1600/dear-diary.jpg :fuckyeah:
  3. I skipped several pages... http://pubservation.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/pickup-truck-girl.jpg http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com/thumbs/21/b0/21b00ea029be4e8e1d3ab9bd20eb1a4f_h.jpg http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/country-girl-10.jpg
  4. That abandoned (?!?) village, city, military base seems like the next apocalyptic movie set.
  5. 2nd gen was just a rebadged Dodge Nitro wasn't it? Not much to get excited about...
  6. NO SH!T !?!?! Dayum! :fuuuu: Had no idea!
  7. There is only one. Custom built. Nissan owns it. They did recently release the Nismo version, but that's just some minor bolt-ons to the stock Juke.
  8. Looks like a Hyundai had sex with an Isuzu and then some alien abduction occurred during the birthing period. :dumb: http://www.zercustoms.com/news/images/Hyundai/th1/2013-Hyundai-Santa-Fe-1.jpg http://www.chic-steals.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/plus_sign12.png http://trialx.com/curetalk/wp-content/blogs.dir/7/files/2011/06/cars/2003_Isuzu_Axiom-2.jpg http://www.baikbike.com/wp-content/uploads/equals-sign.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2013/02/2014-jeep-cherokee-2-opt.jpg
  9. Yea, it's the Juke-R... :fuuuu:
  10. "Look at it, look at this, just look at this suspension, would ya just look at it!" http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tWqvsW7WRl0/TQVgWo2bV2I/AAAAAAAAcrQ/hd9O4vmrSYQ/s640/Annoying+Prankster+vs.+Old+Guy+Cleaning+His+Car+vs.+%2527Look+At+It%2527+1.jpg
  11. In vid above, @ the 8:22 marker is where the girl took off and hit the truck...
  12. Reality tv of illegal [legal] street races with real [staged] fights. :lolguy: If this were real, because we already know all reality tv shows are, these guys would not want their mugs on tv... ...but I'll still watch it. :fuckyeah:
  13. Walmart sells those things all day long as oil/tranny fluid flex. They are on same shelves with the funnels and drip pans...
  14. :dumb: Looks like Lamborghini, Cadillac and the Bat Mobile had a threesome. This was the result... :no:
  15. That is right in front of the Church At Polaris and Rave Movie Theater. The Church has asked for lights at that intersection for years. Always gets pushed down. Hopefully this sheds light on the situation. There are accidents at that intersection all of the time.
  16. nismopc

    Walking Dead

  17. Shouldn't title say "Woman pulls gun in road rage, then hands to man" ? Apparently they didn't pay attention in their CCW training...
  18. Not sure this wasn't just really good acting? ...why would the Camaro have a cup holder attached to the vent at the exact position needed to capture the salesman's reactions off the Pepsi cam? Just me being pessimistic since this is a "advertising" video.
  19. Or if you do it, please actually do the Harlem Shake and not this dry humping the air, centipede in a sleeping bag, bouncing tent, crotch pumping sh!t... ...it's been done and it's still fubar'd.
  20. This is all I could find on it... http://www.democraticunderground.com/10022367995
  21. WHAT???????????? That's crazy. How'd he get thru on the phone???????????? "Your a dumbass, you don't know this is a prank...[CLICK!]"
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