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Everything posted by nismopc

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-LRFQTcdHg&NR=1 SAME TWO CARS?
  2. Holy freaking hi-res Bat-Man
  3. Any more pics of the white Stang? Classic...
  4. That's odd, I feel like I'm pushed back into my seat... Exactly!!
  5. To simulate acceleration... pretty much the only way to simulate that feeling is to tilt up and give sense of falling backwards.
  6. Isn't his girlfriend a hispanic woman, he has one child with her already and another in the oven? Atleast, that's what I heard... ...just saying.
  7. My HTC ERIS Droid just received the 2.1 Firmware upgrade today. Definately happy to see Verizon FINALLY came thru. Rumors had been stirring since Nov '09 of this upgrade. Too bad it's on Verizon's RIP list due to the Incredible's release.
  8. Maybe it's where he hides his weed...
  9. Ti-99/4A (beige version) with matching cassette drive http://chung.yikes.com/~leonard/mirrors/ti99/beigeti.jpg then Atari 800xl w/64k ram - 5.25" floppy - 1200 baud modem http://www.atarimuseum.com/computers/8BITS/XL/800xl/800xl.jpg then IBM 386PC w/super crappy specs. (Can't recall), but I do recall installing a 486 Pentium upgrade chip...
  10. "we which you were here." I which I had a sandwish. Getting hungry after reading that...
  11. I think this guy learned from that kid... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REpXf0cmJ64&NR=1
  12. I agree. Apparently, the spectators are not there to see a clean race. they want rubbing and cheating or else it wouldn't be any fun to them...
  13. I noticed the same thing... ...skill.
  14. The Scion drift cars are modified with items from the Toyota Avensis/Caldina all-wheel-drive chassis on which the tC is built. Modify the engine mounts to perform a transverse to longitudinal conversion and voila'
  15. Maybe it was an old can of... http://2008magnum.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/fix-a-flat.jpg ...before they removed the combustion chemicals.
  16. WTF? Expectations sucked ass!!!
  17. Hahahah!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V705QqXzDBE&NR=1 these are worth way more than the millions spent on that CarMax sh!t
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