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Posts posted by motocat12

  1. filter material isn't all that different. I've bought clearance car filters ,chopped and siliconed it into the old frame with enough left for a 2nd one.

    Time for a pet cat before they chew your wiring. I'd spray it down to remove scent trails. Is it under cover or a garage. Neighbors have open garbage nearby?

  2. "Did you reboot?" - IT support guy

    Diconnect the battery for a minute incase ECU is confused by non freezing december temperatures or any other yamaha software glitch.


    Wearing thicker gloves that increase the throttle tube radius?


    What and when was the last maintenance change to it?


    My VFR Auction buy-actually ran fine but told me I should have  checked everything before firing it up anyway.


  3. I pulled up to the ATM behind an SUV with Professional Organiser vinyl advertizing. They sat there with the window up too long for my patience. I pulled around, parked and went into the bank to make a deposit and make fun of the car with the teller. As I drove off the professional organizer was just started to leave the ATM.

  4. Definition of affect:

    1. have an effect on; 
      That really makes it simple to the tell difference hey?

    Abduction/Adduction  they trying to make opposite words sound exacly alike? Practically need to say Ab-as-in-bravo-duction, Ad-as-in-delta-duction

  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/20/world/europe/norway-offers-migrants-a-lesson-in-how-to-treat-women.html?mabReward=A3&moduleDetail=recommendations-0&action=click&contentCollection=U.S.&region=Footer&module=WhatsNext&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&src=recg&pgtype=article


    Confused, Mr. Kelifa volunteered to take part in a pioneering and, in some quarters, controversial program that seeks to prevent sexual and other violence by helping male immigrants from societies that are largely segregated or in which women show neither flesh nor public affection to adapt to more open European societies.

    Fearful of stigmatizing migrants as potential rapists and playing into the hands of anti-immigrant politicians, most European countries have avoided addressing the question of whether men arriving from more conservative societies might get the wrong idea once they move to places where it can seem as if anything goes.

    But, with more than a million asylum seekers arriving in Europe this year, an increasing number of politicians and also some migrant activists now favor offering coaching in European sexual norms and social codes.

    Henry Ove Berg, who was Stavanger’s police chief during the spike in rape cases, said he supported providing migrants sex education because “people from some parts of the world have never seen a girl in a miniskirt, only in a burqa.” When they get to Norway, he added, “something happens in their heads.”

    He said, “there was a link but not a very clear link” between the rape cases and the city’s immigrant community. According to the state broadcaster, NRK, which reviewed court documents, only three of 20 men found guilty in those cases were native Norwegians, the rest immigrants.

    Mr. Kelifa, the African asylum seeker, said he still had a hard time accepting that a wife could accuse her husband of sexual assault. But he added that he had learned how to read previously baffling signals from women who wear short skirts, smile or simply walk alone at night without an escort.

    “Men have weaknesses and when they see someone smiling it is difficult to control,” Mr. Kelifa said, explaining that in his own country, Eritrea, “if someone wants a lady he can just take her and he will not be punished,” at least not by the police.

    A class held on Wednesday in Lunde, a village southwest of Oslo, focused on differing perceptions of “honor” and how violence that might be seen as honorable in some cultures is shameful and also illegal in Norway.

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