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Posts posted by motocat12

  1. Oops.http://madworldnews.com/female-fire-cadet-ten-days/

    Injured 10 days into probation period while performing a routine check of equipment.


    Courts previously ordered them to take more minorities after determining a written test was  "unequally" "barring" them due to failure rates of People Who Couldn't Write protected classes.

     So the written test was ended ,physical tests are adjusted, and we know how this ends.

  2. Long story but the last time my truck was parked in a parking garage closed for a bomb scare I wound up in lycra watching the bachelor with a friend's roommate and the next day in the ER due to allergy anaphylaxis.


    Also watch yourself in the Easton restrooms they're known for hook-ups.

  3. Not sure I feel any better about this terror chart and wonder what event's they're counting.

    What percentage of foiled terror plots are muslims, maybe they just suck at it?

    So the message is they are only 2-6% so why try to stop them at all?  When they do hit It's pretty hard. Compared to other groups onesie twosies.


    And look at the latino slice... What's the terror acts to population % ratio for muslims...?



  4. If I'm elected President I'll make project managers of road construction projects put their cell phone numbers on detour signs.

    Was out in Zanesville today road closed detour signs on both directions for bridge work but no arrows for non local yocals, pick a random road in a random direction...


    Also what's with lazy crews leaving the road closed signs up at night while the road is reopened?

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