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Posts posted by motocat12

  1. I originally didn't like the way it was presented due to not knowing about this "monopoly". The more i read the more i think this monopoly is just another way for the politicians to keep the backers of issue 3 out and try to revise this many years down the road to benefit them instead.


    I see it as if a simple monopoly blocking law would defeat it then it must have been intended as a monopoly. But yes, issue 2 is also a strategy from people who don't want 3 passed even sans monopoly.

  2. I think it's bad form to sellout law changes for profit (red light cameras anyone?) ballot measures get expensive when they're controversial  and more people need convinced to vote your way. 

    If the monopoly wasn't in the law, fewer people would need convinced and the marketing fight would have been cheaper.


    Bankers, lawyers,and paid political activists are creating an industry.


    Ian James responsible ohio does it for a living... http://teamtsn.com/  ran this one for  $6 million 

    "The Strategy Network is a full-service political consultancy that specializes in grassroots efforts such as ballot campaigns(initiatives, referenda, constitutional amendments and bond measures).

    We can oversee all aspects of your effort, or tailor our services to more narrowly to fit your needs."



  3. I have always been responsible for my education and development of skills. I am free to take my education, experience, and skills to the employer of my choice. That is the purpose of a free market economy.

    In the master level civil engineering classes, white males were a minority. If you add the Asians and Indians, they were the majority. Many of them went home after graduation, but some of them immigrated and stayed in the U.S. From my experience, these very intelligent individuals should be welcomed in any society. They tend to be an asset, not a liability.

    how many of them climbed the mexico border fence?

  4. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/14/15165781-new-york-brothers-accused-of-scamming-real-owner-of-5-million-lottery-ticket?lite




    "All eight of the men indicted are Somali immigrants who were in the country legally but are not U.S. citizens.

    The stores involved included City Dollar Store, 3350 Cleveland Ave.; Ohio Grocery and Halal Meats, 2815 Cleveland Ave.; Marwaas Market, 4181 W. Broad St.; and Muna Market, 3770 W. Broad St. All of the stores catered to the Somali community, said Fred Alverson, spokesman for the U.S. district attorney’s office."
  5. But those 40% are illegals or vetted by immigration? Would the ratio of business starters be better than citizens if every onc denied a visa had come in anyway?
    1/3 of our immigrants are mexican-

    "The self-employment rate was particularly high for immigrants from Korea (30.8 percent); Iran (27.5 percent); Italy (25.2 percent); Vietnam (19.5 percent) and Canada (18.4 percent). It was lowest for immigrants from the Dominican Republic (5.1 percent); Haiti (5.5 percent); Philippines (5.8 percent); Ecuador (7.3 percent) and Mexico (7.8 percent). The largest number of illegal immigrants are coming from that latter group, he said."

    "Immigrant business owners are not permitted a tax break. These immigrant business owners figured out how to get by without paying taxes. Our immigration law states that until an immigrant business owner is granted citizenship which takes an automatic 5 years, they are exempt from paying business taxes, which includes taxes on the cost of goods purchased for resale. These business owners manipulated the system and consistently changed ownership of these businesses to someone in their family every 5 years or once they gain citizenship, so that may escape the business tax."


    How do natural born citizens' companies compete with untaxed ones?

  6. I'd love to boycott banks/utilities that send out faux bill - service notice - IMPORTANT.ACCOUNT.INFORMATION junkmail

    but every single bastard one of them do it.

    The things people get upset these days (target gendered toy sections),but these by supposedly reputable companies are ignored? 

    • Upvote 1
  7. But a wall AND law enforcement will keep the numbers from continuing to climb.


    They also have a long list of crimes required to live illegaly that have stretched their morals(what's one more offence?). What makes you think they want to start paying taxes now? If they're legal citizens then farms would be required to pay them american wages and we'll need more illegals to work cheap again. If they are under what ever 2016 tax system salary minimum then we'll be giving out even more welfare.

    I bet they would get more child tax credits on average than current legal citizens.

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