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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. when? That has to be the most disappointing article I have ever read - the headline was longer and more informative. That sucks.
  2. It's not hard to guess that in your head you post this stuff thinking "watch me make the liberals lose their minds". At this point I really should let you know, every time you post this stuff we, or rather I since I can't speak for anybody else, are laughing at you. I am completely content to continue laughing at you except for one thing....the above statement. Let's be honest, you post this stuff here because in part it is controversial, and for the most part we both have a lot of fun discussing it. But there is a little part of you that believes some of this stuff, or at least wants to. Now I am not going to go out on a limb and call you a white supremacist, or some other name, but come on man, there comes to a point where you are going to have to come to Jesus about some things about yourself: - You want to believe it, which well....you may actually be that thing I am not calling you outright or at the very least completely tone deaf as to race relations in this country. - you don't believe it, but you think there is another side of the story that isn't getting told, which is fair but then you need to address that you are just really really really bad about telling what is fake news and what isn't. - you think you are trolling some people you haven't met, to which you may have to come to terms you aren't actually trolling, or at least they may be trolling you back, and having more fun at your expense than you realize. anyway, let's talk about Libertynews.com for a second. You have google so all this information is available to you. They are based out of Kenosha, WI, but are owned by a company called "Grassroots Action, Inc" dba "Grassroots Action Works" out of Iowa. GAInc onws several brands like libertynews.com and Grassfire, inc. It is a 9 employee company. The primary focus of Grassroots Action, Inc is Conservative political activism and it prides itself on "supplying Citizen Action Services". In case you are wondering what that means - well it means that it isn't really in the "news" business, it is in the politics business and it's activities solely support that agenda. It is quite open that it provides.... It has no interest in the professional ethics standards of journalism, the goal of it's "news" is to spark outrage to get people to act. It does this by posting very controversial and biased pieces without regard for accuracy of the facts and intending to mislead. And it is not subtle. This is textbook propaganda. Are the a white supremacy organization? I don't know if I can prove that through google, but you don't really have to. Go through their archives and you'll see plenty of headlines that specifically make it seem like white people are under attack (there is one article that even refers to "white supremacy" as the boogeyman that liberals love to associate with present conservatism). Point is...you want to know what "fake news" looks like, this is it. It's an overly patriotic named propaganda machine owned by a political action group for the sole purposes of promoting their agenda, which they do by writing controversial and heavily biased pieces to cajole people into donating time or money. Circulating this kind of drivel isn't socializing news, it's working for them as a political activist. Most sane rational people would read the article you posted and realize it is white supremacy propaganda, so even if you are not a white supremacist, you aren't helping your case by handing out their flyers. Again, I sincerely believe you are not a white supremacist or at least you don't intend to be. But, I don't think you know how to tell what that looks like and that is actually more dangerous than you think. I am not here to change your mind on anything, but as a person concerned for your well being, I think you need to take a hard look concerning some of these things and ask yourself, am I really coming across the way I want to come across?
  3. I dunno...I think David Carradine actually made it one of the more hip ways to go. I mean it's kind of rock and roll in that it's both decadent and accidental while living close to the edge. Don't get me wrong, dying sucks, dying young super sucks, and dying when you have kids that depend on you triple sucks donkey dick, but as far as ways to go auto-erotic asphyxiation is kind of closer to the plane/car crash, overdose, Murder side of the spectrum of rock and roll death than it is to the ham sandwich, ungrounded equipment electrocution, chemical exposure while remodeling, falling down an elevator shaft end of things.
  4. Is it really a "bottom end" issue? The cheap as chips hack in me thinks it is a dingle ball hone and a used serviceable piston away from running again. maybe it is because I consider bottom end to be rotating assembly (crank and rods) and this is only slightly worse than a ring job - but what do I know, the only engines I have ever touched this far apart are old junky American v-8s and 70's motorcycles, not boosted modern german precision engines.
  5. holy fuck that is funny savage
  6. He's cheating on me with you? The bastard. Maybe for his birthday we can just get him the grinder app and a bucket of astroglide and he can finally relieve all that sexual tension he seems to be venting here.
  7. So what do you think did that in? Overheat? Detonation?
  8. DOT tire approval for R O A D U S E includes a minimum safety standard for hydroplane resistance so yeah it includes rainy conditions. Apparently it is hard to comprehend. DOT isn't about safety, it's about certifying the part meets the laws and regulations that govern those types of parts, and in many cases the mfg self certifies (meaning if the mfg lies about it they may forfeit any defense to a lawsuit regarding the certification). The laws themselves are supposed to address safety but laws are outdated and hard to change. One need only to look at how the US approached headlight size and shape to see how this works in practice.
  9. you know I was just looking at the Dr-37s and wondering if they were the same. What is the offset size on your rims clay?
  10. Can you recommend some Amish places? because all the ones I have been at so far cost like 5 times what ikea furniture costs. I would love to buy inexpensive hardwood furniture but even the unfinished stuff I am seeing is still significantly more expensive than Ikea stuff. Wife and I have a lot of Ikea furniture. When we lived in Brooklyn, Ikea was 5 minutes away and it was an easy way to furnish an apartment for cheap without looking like you picked it out of the garbage. It is more durable than anything from walmart/target/etc...for almost the same money, and the more important thing is that it moves way easier than real wood furniture. We have book cases and an entertainment center that are going on 11 years now and two of those book cases my daughter has been climbing on for the last 2 years (I screw them into the wall with metal L brackets - I am not that irresponsible). Of course you should aspire to better than ikea furniture, but honestly if you live like us where we have lived in 6 different apartments in 3 different cities for the last 10-12 years, it's grown up stuff that makes moving easier.
  11. If they are thinner, then they will fit your non-m 3 series. The M3 rear wheel is too wide to fit your unaltered E36 rear wheel well. Not all aftermarket or replica wheels are DOT approved. Also there is no real DOT approval, just voluntary guidelines that the wheel meet the specific size and load rating requirements for the tire that will be mounted to it. There aren't even standard DOT markings that must be applied (most follow the Tire and Rim Association voluntary Standards). DOT and NHTSA don't certify wheels, it is up to the MFG to self certify to the guidelines, and mark it how ever they see fit. Personally, agree with the others, they are probably fine for what you need them for, but to be on the safe side you may want to run a tire with as tall a sidewall as you can get away with. There is a chance they are marked "for winter use only" because some summer tire load ratings might exceed the wheel's own load rating. A thinner wheel can have a lower load rating than it's wider same design counterpart, but as long as it is still within the load rating for the vehicle and tire it's perfectly safe.
  12. this is tragic. Absolutely effing tragic. Badmotorfinger, Superunknown, and Down on the Upside defined the 1990's for me - I was in love with soundgarden back then and still am. Just to bring this a little more relevant to this forums, supposedly he was a motorcycle collector. He had a rigid shovelhead, some old triumphs, and an Exlie chopper called "mad max" that I think was destroyed back in 2006 in an accident. There are also pics floating around of a porsche 550 spyder that belongs to him but no idea if it is a Beck replica or a real one.
  13. Geeto67


    I think I read somewhere that customs only inspects approx 1 container per 1000 imported. That's a less than 1% chance of being inspected let alone caught. Those are pretty good odds. However the penalty for getting caught can be jail and forfeiture of asset. Starting to see how drugs and trafficked humans and other things get into this country? The problem the importer has is that even if they could prove this is a parts car never to return to the road, they have misstated the value of the car to the authorities.
  14. FFR never made a GT40 kit. superperformance and race car replicas both offer GT40 MK 1 replicas and they are both high quality.
  15. Geeto67


  16. Anybody know the story on that GT40? I have seen it driving around before, but never got to talk to anybody about it. Bummer I missed CCC last weekend.
  17. I love Tim Allen the Car person. At that he is awesome. Heck I even like Tim Allen the Home Improvement TV star from the 1990s, the Movie star in Galaxy Quest, Buzz in Toy Story....he's a pretty great actor when he gets lucky and ends up on a good project. Did you know they made 3 of those Santa Clause Movies? That's almost a hate crime. He even remade the "the Shaggy Dog". ugh.
  18. Does it matter if it is a factor? TV companies are still private entities, not government run state sponsored entities. They have a right to be political if they want (see fox network and Rupert Murdoch's empire for an example). However, they are a business, and being political in this way is usually wildly unpopular (as evidenced by all the crazy conservative snowflakes who come out of the wood work to point to this as a sign of oppression). I can't think of any company that would purposely interrupt their revenue stream for something as silly as a political statement over a Tim Allen comedy. Let alone a publicly traded company like Disney, whom attempts to be so much a politically neutral money printing enterprise that they write case studies about their ability to appeal to the broad audience. If they killed it for any political reason, it was because it wasn't milquetoast and family friendly enough.
  19. but...but...but there is no Obama related conspiracy in that. How is he gonna come for my guns if Tim Allen isn't on TV? Brandon, Networks cancel shows with good ratings more often than you think. I mean ABC cancelled Desperate Housewives when it had a 3.5 share (10.4 million viewers) which was way more than 1.7 share Last man standing was pulling. It's a show on it's 6th season, it wasn't on the way up in the ratings, it was on the way down, a move from it's friday night lineup would have been a headshot to the show - better it be a mercy killing than stringing along some advertisers who want to know why their ad space is overvalued. You want to believe a conservative conspiracy, be my guest - ain't no law against being stupid.
  20. It's Tim Allen, I am surprised they didn't try to cancel it twice on the same day just for that alone.
  21. I have a reverse commute going west to east on Cbus in the AM, the only time I ever see any slowdown is the I-71 exit. Same thing going east to west in the evening but twice as bad. I am not looking forward to the extra volume, which can back up traffic as far back as the sawmill exit on 270 in the summer months already. I kinda think 270 needs an "express" lane for people in the left lane to keep the traffic moving through that corridor (from just past the 315 exit to the 161 exit would be ideal). There is no reason for left lane to be slowed to 20mph for a bunch of people trying to exit 3 lanes to the right. Also I don't get the plan to close the exits and move people to the next exit down further, that just causes more congestion as people turn around and try to make their way back to the spot they passed on surface streets. Adding more volume to a surface street isn't a way to clear traffic on a highway. Why not just put up a sign and divert everyone one exit before the PPky/Gemini exit? This is ohio and if the way people queue at lights with dual left turn lanes is any indication, if they put up an "ikea this way sign" most drivers will follow it.
  22. Are there any local places that can sell me specialty vinyl? I want to try wrapping a spare motorcycle tank I have and I want to see the vinyl sample before I do it. also I don't need a whole huge roll, just maybe a couple of feet. Looking for metalflake (zodiac) or the tinted Chrome (mirror) vinyl.
  23. "Story" is a format of reporting. It is not mutually exclusive to fiction or opinion. It can be a narrative, a report, an editorial, etc... All media has a bias of some sort - it's a human creation and it's unavoidable. Is it the bias that you claim it is? nope - everything to you is "liberal" media because you are so far right you have to look left to see Steve Bannon and Pat Buchanan. Is click bait a problem? absolutely. Is it all click bait? not really. Do Americans in general have a problem differentiating between what is editorial punditry and what is new reporting? you betcha. Late night comics are not reporters, what they do is not news. They have ALWAYS been less than kind to whomever is in office as president. Chevy Chase made part of his career on the back of pretending to be Gerald Ford and falling down a lot. To be fair comedians have a lot more to work with than others in the past but they were savage to W and Bill Clinton. You just don't find it funny because you have drifted too far right of mainstream.
  24. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/c9/c9e1095062393a24dab581243efc2de1caad68a4a78377fcb4a8fe54472060f1.jpg back it up buttercup
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