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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. You know what would be interesting - wrapping the car first, then finding a good artist to do the graffiti. That way when you get sick of it you peel it off and then hang chunks of it on your garage wall and do something different later.
  2. LOL I'm sure the bank would love that. My unprofessional, non-lawyer, advice (that in no way establishes a client relationship with you) is - if you can settle with them, then do it and don't look back. Make sure you document the costs (the cost of replacement of the wheels etc...) so they can see that you aren't trying to extort them (I know you aren't but if you show up without anything yo back up your number it will feel that way). AS to small claims court. You can do it, and it's pretty straight forward. You fill out a form, submit it to the court and they will give you a hearing date. Depending on the court, you can do it online or in person. You may be responsible for process of service which the court will tell you how to do. If you decide to do this, one of the compelling reasons is that in most cases the other party doesn't show up and you can get a default judgement. With that you can then collect against property they own (through seizure). Before I ever went to law school I sued a shop in small claims court for $3500 worth of damage they did to my GTO. I followed the directions, showed up when I was asked to, and documented everything with paper and photos to the court. In many ways it is partially responsible for why I went to law school because it was way more easy to do than I thought and I was surprised at how much people, including myself, don't know about their legal system. Most people also have anxiety about these sorts of things and most don't show up so they lose - if you do it you have to see it through to the end, but the administrative judges are pretty reasonable and the most annoying thing is the fees and the calendar. even if it is difficult to prove she was the cause of the accident, you should still try because there is a good chance they just wont show up and you win by default. However, if you can settle with them beforehand that's the best outcome, so push for that.
  3. I dunno, The new kit stuff is pretty great. This isn't like an old Fiberfab or Kelmark kit where everything is file to fit or modify to fit and requires some basic fabrication skills to ever finish. The new stuff goes together better than a revell model kit and you could just work through the manual and make sure he did things right - you can't really trush his work, but you can sort of trust that unless he was a ham fisted idiot the thing is put together pretty ok to this point. The G50 porsche transaxle will run you $3500-$5K on it's own, so I think he has solid bones there with the 99 vette LS1 engine. My problem is the price. Unfinished kit cars are worth half or less than the purchase price - so figure without the drivetrain pieces it's $12,500. Maybe the drive-train and ancillary pieces are worth say $10K that's still only $22,500. The potentially most expensive part of any kit, the paint, body work, and interior, is yet to be done and that's still another $7k-$15K for a pro job. At $45K you would be into it for what others spend on building a car from a brand new kit. It's awesome, it's just not a good price.
  4. Wishful thinking. Was hoping that now since they only run the nitro cars 1000ft, it might have given some extra room in the shut down area. Either way, happy to see the track getting investment.
  5. I'm glad to see the new owners taking an interest in making the track a top notch racing facility. Maybe we'll see a national NHRA event return to the track. I always wondered why the Coughlins didn't buy it. Jeg's hosts/sponsors enough events there for it to make sense and the same model seems to be working out for Summit.
  6. no motorcycle class....bummer....
  7. It also becomes more accurate the slower the target is going, and less accurate the faster it is going. But the problem here isn't just mathematical, it's consistency. Angle of observation, officer continuous visual observation, altitude, vehicle size, etc...these are all added factors that aren't compensated for and you don't have to even worry about with a fixed point land based measuring system like Radar/LIDAR. Even using 660 feet as the measurement, there is still an error margin of roughly 5-10 mph (assuming perfect reaction time, not average traction time), LIDAR has an error margin of 2kph (approx 1.2mph). Considering the speed is not only a factor as to whether you are violating the law, but also as to the severity of the infraction (and the ranges are in increments of 10mph-20mph) I don't feel a 5-10mph error rate is acceptable. For aircraft navigation uses the method works fine but then again you are measuring everything relative to the aircraft you are traveling in, in speed enforcement the aircraft is not part of the equation and is only there to introduce inconsistency. Aircraft for traffic enforcement against tailgaters, people swerving recklessly, things like that, I'm all for it. For speed measurement, too many variables and most of them human for it to be considered accurate for the kind of work being done, esp when LIDAR is both cheaper and more accurate.
  8. I don't know what he's complaining about....I saw the car at CCC on Saturday and the paint is way nicer than he described. I'm not sure even Tim would say it's a 20 footer and he corrects paint for fun and profit. Car is gorgeous.
  9. outstanding: https://lexington.craigslist.org/cto/6151500765.html I think this is the same car: http://www.dailyturismo.com/2015/10/chevy-powered-1958-wartburg-311-camping.html I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a wartburg of any kind, let alone a wagon. I think they rival Borgward for obscure german iron curtain era cars.
  10. I assume you meant, don't waste taxpayer's money, not time. What a crock of shit. You have a Constitutional right to face your accuser (sixth amendment). It's built into the system. Judge gets paid whether you are there or not, he or she's on salary. Officer gets paid too (although some qualify for overtime in testifying but that's a quirk of the system) and he or she has to be there because you aren't the only ticket he or she wrote that day. So no government funds are being "wasted", that money is spent whether you show up or not. Court fees get assessed whether you plead guilty or not, so the "waste" is negligible if non-existent. In fact the only person that has anything to lose is the person fighting the ticket. What do they have to lose? - pay from work for having to take the time off to appear - increased insurance - extra court fines And there is something else: your driving record is something an officer takes into account in every traffic related interaction you have with them. If you have a clean record you have a chance to get off with a warning. 2 violations or more on your record? yeah you can pretty much kiss ever getting a warning or catching a break ever again good bye. It takes a long time for these things to disappear from your license, and considering Ohio is the #1 state for writing traffic tickets once you get that bad reputation for being a serial offender it gets harder for you to get away from that - they are going to successively treat you like a dirt bag the more stuff you accrue on your license.
  11. I'm not blaming anything, my point which went sailing over your head, is that they do this for a living and they know how to stack it in their favor in ways you don't think about. The mfgs even cop to their speedos being inaccurate and purposely so. If all speedometers were accurate there wouldn't be a need for special calibrated and certified ones in emergency vehicles. Flow of traffic is always faster than the speed limit and is never a good defense to a speeding ticket. I've seen dozens of times where a judge has laughed in the face of a defendant making that argument, usually with the reply "everybody may have been speeding but you are the one they caught". I've never seen a single person get off a ticket solely on that argument. Pacing an emergency vehicle is also not an excuse. I once defended a friends wife for a 55 in a 35 because an officer was sitting on the service road of a highway and shooting LIDAR up the off ramp catching vehicles decelerating off the highway and citing them. Still think you are in the wrong in that situation if you get a ticket? I have seen regularly officers misusing their equipment like operating LIDAR around a curve, operating equipment in weather it is not designed for, or operating radar without a valid FCC license, they are not infallible, they are human and they screw up because speed enforcement is a numbers game and there is a high margin of error they can live with. If 40% of their tickets are wrongful it doesn't matter, 60% of them are still paying millions into the coffers. I don't think it's all intentional and I don't think it's the officers faults either, speed enforcement has lousy oversight of practical field application, and even when things are discovered to be in the wrong they will let the tickets stand because they know a few people will pay it without question. Keep in mind, in court an officers tesitmony always outweighs yours. If your strategy is your word against his or hers you will lose 100% of the time. They are given this benefit of the doubt because again they do this for a living and you don't. You are at a disadvantage from before the ticket is even written. The only way to beat them is with facts backed up with evidence. Look at you, getting butt hurt for exactly the same thing. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya
  12. Don't forget it's used at 11k miles. Says it's a v8 car so I assumed base RT, where do you see sxt? Also aren't sxt cars 6cyl?
  13. https://kalamazoo.craigslist.org/ctd/6110906659.html because $45K - that's why.
  14. It's a Chevy...beat on it with a hammer till it's learned it's lesson. Also Lucore, since Austin is in this thread already.
  15. sounds like a used porsche 911 turbo to me....oh wait...nevermind
  16. E30 M3's aren't just any old BMWs. Yeah the overwhelming number of BMW drivers can be douches (myself included) but don't confuse a proper pukka race car with the guy in the murdered out e46 325i that parks across three spaces in the wendy's parking lot. Besides you can always LS swap it if it isn't fast enough. Says all it needs is up to date belts and net to be track ready. It's an LT1 not an LS1 so there isn't much room to make it faster, but really there are fewer things cheaper to run than a small block Chevy, and even fewer cars that have as big an aftermarket than a GM F-body. Plus if you crumple it like a beer can you can just go to the yard and get another shell and transfer the parts. I assume the wheels are just off in the pic to show the upgraded brakes. but whatever: https://dayton.craigslist.org/cto/6147229977.html maybe with enough money you can convince this gut to sell it to you turn key: https://cincinnati.craigslist.org/cto/6140877171.html
  17. Did you run out of pictures in my Facebook Album to fap too?
  18. https://indianapolis.craigslist.org/cto/6111815260.html $5900
  19. https://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/6134383968.html $25K
  20. I hear carmax's warranty is pretty great, if they offer it for the big MERC might want to consider it.
  21. did you dyno it stock? what do these things pull for FWHP bone stock? What upgrade do you think made the most difference?
  22. you are right, I should have mentioned that, usually when the offer the deal it's an non moving equipment violation that comes close to the dollar amount of the speeding violation, but every once in a while they offer a speed violation with no points (under 10mph) which can be reported to insurance and may affect rates. If they offer you the reduced speed ask them to change it - they may or may not.
  23. Absolutely true. However the human element is a huge part of it because the human is the measuring device. Reaction time error usually favors the officer. In Radar the measuring device is the Doppler effect using a narrow band radio signal and in LIDAR the measuring device is pulse light laser. The human error is limited to positioning (stationary radar requires being to the side of the road and slightly higher than the vehicle, Lidar must be aimed so the car is heading in a straight line directly toward the beam). All require visual contact contact with the target. The only other advantags to VASCAR over radar or Lidar is that it can be operated in marginally bad weather conditions and around curves in the road. Mist, snow, fog, or light rain will interfere with Lidar and Radar because the signal can hit the water droplets in the air and throw back an inaccurate reading. Lidar bouncing off the side of a body panel instead of off a fixed point on the front of the vehicle can be thrown off as well, it needs a fixed point on the front of the vehicle to bounce back off of to measure rate of change.
  24. I'm always surprised by their car collection and taste in great cars. My brother and I met Kevin in 1995 and I had a great time talking about cars with him. I was a big Heavy Metal reader at the time and I think he had just purchased it a couple years before, and my brother was a huge ninja turtle fan (I think he still has signed #1 issues around somewhere). Lemans Blue IS the 1969 camaro blue color. That would be an outstanding car if you ever decided to repaint it back to original. Dad had a 1969 Z/28 in dusk blue that he ran in SCCA from 1969-1974, very pretty car but doesn't have the pop of lemans blue. Oh the tales it could probably tell. I remember in 1997 in Rochester, NY a friend of mine bought a clapped out 1969 camaro with a 307 that turned out to be an X22 car (SS396) from the Van Nuys plant. An original NY car would have come from the Norwood, Ohio plant so we figure it must have come from out west. Back then those cars were tinker toys, in the 1980's there was a guy who lived down the street from me in Queens, NY who had three 1969 shells in his driveway, I think he ended up putting a 305 out of a 3rd gen in one of them. you should bring the car out to cars and coffee at lenox this saturday. I would love the chance to drool all over it.
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