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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. yes but the opposite of believing everything you read is NOT calling it all lies promoting an agenda as you are fond of doing. You are not more informed if you think the news is all lies without personally verifying, you are just a crackpot. Also, porn fails your "warranting coverage" test. But nice try.
  2. or...newsworthy things are actually happening you just don't want to hear it because you don't want to be wrong about this flaming orange grease fire inside a dumpster fire, inside a chemical factory fire was preferable to literally anything else.
  3. thanks bro for the sage advice that boils down to "be selfish, fuck everyone else." Unfortunately, my job relies on the government actually being able to do theirs. If there aren't bodies in the head seats of some of these regulatory agencies then things are at a standstill. It's one thing to disagree with policy, it's another to just not be able to put bodies in seats so that the government can function. To be fair, he initially wasn't the slowest in recent history - that honor goes to George H.W. Bush, but even he had it wrapped up by the end of the first 100 days, Trump still has hundreds of appointments outstanding and what's worse is that he removed all the former people in office (it's generally acceptable to have the predecessor stay on so as to ease transition). Disrupting the functions of the government and killing a smooth transition is costing the taxpayers and the business sector a lot of money and time, and it is hurting them in other intangible ways. For the record, I am not "freaking out" and it isn't emotional to me - I get paid whether the government tells me how they interpret their own rules or don't. But keep in mind I am of a people that usually when populists come to power get marginalized and eliminated so I have slightly more that impacts me in my life than taxes.
  4. I've seen the things you call "media" and I would agree with this statement - but then again conservatism always has benefited from fake news because it is an inherently reactionary position. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/02/why-fake-news-targeted-trump-supporters/515433/ http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/11/23/503146770/npr-finds-the-head-of-a-covert-fake-news-operation-in-the-suburbs LMFAO!
  5. go buy this: https://www.amazon.com/Mustang-Performance-Handbook-William-Mathis/dp/1557882029 then do all the suspension and body stuff. Use the stock rims with whatever decent sticky tire you can until you can get nice lightweight wheels. Some of the suspension mods will change the track of the car (wheel to wheel width) which is why I say hold off on the aftermarket wheels until done (because offset will change).
  6. you keep saying left media....just stop. All media. All of it. It's free publicity, as long as he's in it, good or bad, he's getting something out of it. It's the one thing his life as a reality TV star has prepared him for. There were plenty of times in the past where the president of the US didn't make front page headlines. Obama, the Bushes, Reagan, all of them had days off where there just wasn't anything to report. Not Trump - every single goddamn day is front page news. Twitter is esp effective because they are so batshit, and he knows it. He's working everyone in the media, and when he thinks they might just not report on him, he unleashes another unhinged tweet and they wind back up again. All media works for him at the moment (for free). They just don't all have favorable things to say.
  7. Clay, Just curious, have you talked to Wheel Medic? I betcha they could do something about the crack for cheaper than you can get a new set of wheels. by the way saw this: https://limaohio.craigslist.org/wto/6112997692.html you'll need a special set of offset lugs (PCD Variation lug nuts) to run the vette wheels because of the .65mm lug spacing and the wheels bored for it to fit the 72.56 hub but not the worst idea. Even at $100 per 20 lug nuts and $50 per bore, you are still a head of most e36 bmw rims. edit, I was also thinking about the m3 contours you have on the car now - the rears are too wide which is why they rub, but I betcha if you found 2 more front rims you could run 4 m3 contour fronts on the car no problem. you could also roll your fender lip if you are feeling froggy about making them fit. you could buy this set of 4 and then only use the fronts: https://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/wto/6072680779.html
  8. In some cases they are the same people, Tim. You can't replace everybody in government. There are many people in the federal government who are on their third or fourth president. Additionally there are many open seats in high management positions that trump hasn't filled - those managerial positions would be responsible for enforcing anti-disclosure policy. It is a fundamental failure of leadership to choose not to appoint people to open management positions, and it is illogical to then complain that the employees, lacking effective management, are "leaking" information when there is no oversight of those people. Nobody is telling them they can't do it because it is mgmt that sets the policy, and mgmt is not there. you don't get small government by just not appointing people - the job and it's functions don't just disappear on their own. Your bias prevents you from ever looking at this critically or objectively. The far right (of which you are a member) is equally a danger to the American public. Extremism is the danger, in any form. The captain of the ship sets how leaky his boat is, can't really complain about leaky boats if captains haven't been appointed on purpose....unless the function of a captain was not understood which again is poor leadership. Trump is an outsider, and one of the dangers of being an outsider is just plainly not knowing how the mundane stuff works. One of the dangers of being Trump is just being continuously ignorant about it because he things he is "dismantling" government. Also you don't seem to know what free speech is. You understand that "unsecured" in this context means below Federal Government standards right? It doesn't mean any 8th grader with a speak and spell can access this information. Trump is "unsecured". W was also "unsecured" when he was president. At this point if you are bringing up Hilary's unsecured server as some marker of how Trump is better you just aren't informed on the issue. I don't know why the US government requires the person holding office to provide their own IT solutions for their term when the rest of the government has a pretty robust IT infrastructure. I personally think it is a bad system for exactly the problems brought up, but then again if we transitioned then no more Trump twitter and honestly watching him have a meltdown on twitter everyday is just too hilarious to miss.
  9. Again, I agree with you. If they are bullies, then the passive aggressive stuff they wrote was their way of trying to save face to themselves while trying to write the bury the hatchet letter (because burying the hatchet is bitch move for pussies - in their head, maybe). Maybe you have heard the end of this, maybe not. Just be careful here, because this is where where things can go down the path to really wrong.
  10. https://lansing.craigslist.org/cto/6128501927.html not as many of these around as there used to be....and at that price it's no wonder why. When I was a kid there was a guy around the corner that had a daytona yellow 1969 Z/28 on a lifted blazer chassis. It was a real DZ302 z/28. Used to see an orange one around too and a GTO as well. Haven't seen one in years.
  11. If they truly are the inconsiderate d-bags you think they are, I can't imagine that your response is going to go unanswered. I'm not saying you shouldn't respond, no that response is hilarious but mostly because I am not the one receiving it. I don't think you are in the wrong by any sight, but I do think they probably think they were sending an olive branch and they might look at it as you pissed on the olives and mailed it back.
  12. Let me know when your episode of "fear thy neighbor" is going to air.....you know after this escalates
  13. That's a lot of work, good job!
  14. It's a really nice car. Did you do the euro bumpers or is it a euro car to start with?
  15. Could be either way. Could be she just asked for a cup and the flight attendant didn't put 2 and 2 together, or she could have said it as a joke to get her point across and the flight attendant called her bluff, or something completely different happened. who knows, none of us were there. I can say one thing...it certainly triggered the outrage of all these conservative snowflakes.
  16. First: Nobody is going to mention the Stack of Vox amps, the white Les Paul, or the vintage hi-fi in the background of that vid? Second: It's a pretty bitchy move on the part of the flight attendants to hand someone a cup when they say they have to pee. I mean, you call that bluff you have to expect someone is not going to flinch. Not letting the airline off the hook for that one.
  17. surprisingly enough the no title thing is not a deal breaker. In NY anything 1971 and older is transferable registration and all you need is a bill of sale and a willingness to pay taxes on it. Maine is the same way, and in NH you don't even need to be a resident, you can get a transferable registration through the mail. But you are right for $10K I kinda expect someone else to jump through the paperwork hoops. The interesting thing about this is....1954 corvettes don't have a "Cowl vin". the vin plate is attached to the door frame where the hinges are. Chevy didn't start using a data plate on these cars until 1963. So if the vin is in the cowl it has been moved. The glass is so rough on those early cars that it looks like kit car stuff (the '53s actually had the mat weave show through the paint). There were plenty of kit cars made in the 1980's of these cars (the most notable one is the CMC cars made on 1968-1979 chevy nova chassis, and since the bodies were made off originals, people used them to restore older cars. So you could end up with a kit car body and a nova vin plate on your c1 chassis. As for the 1962 frame, well all the C1 corvette frames are pretty much the same with minor differences (1953-1954 would have 6cyl engine mounts, where as 55-62 would have v-8 mounts). 62 might have a frame vin but that would be the major giveaway. Still, 1950's vettes are such a $40K and up proposition that if you wanted to build a hot rod out of original pieces $10K is still pretty cheap. you can easily pay that for a new press molded body alone.
  18. It drives me nuts that the early corvette market has gotten so bad that this seems almost reasonable: https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/6127143989.html
  19. Maybe. At the moment it will continue because government works slow. However, it does send the wrong message if your boss gets fired for the work that you are doing currently. "They" are the people who are raising concerns with the firing and having the concerns reported on. What do they know of the real reason? probably no more or less than any of us know at this point. But there is certainly a lot of smoke for there to be no fire. the fun part is going to see how this all turns out. because we didn't do it before, we shouldn't do it now? that's your argument? Special Prosecutors are beyond the influence of the Executive Office and are under Congressional oversight. They are necessary when there is a specific conflict of interest. There have been many that have been appointed in the past, and many times where it has not been necessary, it is a case by case basis evaluation. What needs to be evaluated here is whether there is enough of an apparent conflict of interest to warrant one. Prior to Comey's firing I would have agreed with you that it wasn't necessary but in light of it, I can't make that case anymore.
  20. no you did not get this right. Obama should have fired him for doing something that interferes with the political process. He absolutely should have investigated Hillary, it's his announcement of it when he knew it would have a major effect on the election that is what had a lot of people calling for his head. It didn't help that at the time of the announcement he was known as a life long republican and that in that investigation he did many firsts such as releasing the bureau's prosecutorial recommendation to the DOJ. To be honest, I am kind of upset about Comey just because I fully believe in agency transparency and under him the FBI was heading in that direction. However, he chose an election year to take the FBI down that path and it looks suspiciously like his actions were politically motivated to favor the republicans. now because of this the FBI is going to retract back and we loose any transparency we have gained thus far.
  21. I like these ones better because they are actual Otto Fuchs Wheels in 17-19" sizes but for the 964, 993, 996, 986, 987, and 981: http://hitecauto.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/DSC_5053-600x398.jpg http://hitecauto.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/DSC_50621-600x398.jpg http://hitecauto.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/DSC_5057-600x398.jpg
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