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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Some of the comments did discuss it, but not in great detail. Some of the cars were seized by the courts and used to pay restitution and legal fees. although I am just speculating I am going to assume the cars and parts he had stashed at his employer's were probably among those since it would be really easy to do so. If that is the case they would have been auctioned through state run auctions where they could have traded for pennies on the dollar. I imagine being a financial crime they would have also suspended all his accounts and seized his other assets as well. that's the thing about special cars - sometimes it requires a special way in which to market and sell them to get maximum value and when they go into areas where people are usually trying to get a deal and pay as little as possible and don't really care about how special the car is - stuff sells cheap. Some of the cars sat in storage until he got out and he was able to collect them. It is mentioned in the article he kept at least one (the E39 540I wagon) that is serving as his DD. Still he probably had to sell a few to pay for legal defense or trade them for debts owed (since he has no cash to pay). The article says he only has one car left and I believe it, it seems like he swung the other way and is now avoiding the trouble at all costs. if you go down the comments far enough there is a picture of the cars he had parked at his work from google street view (6 bmw 2002s, An E28 M5, and his E39 540i wagon):
  2. So those bobtail tugs were built by Chevrolet to pull Military and civilian aircraft. the straight 6 Chevy C10s replaced 4 banger Jeep CJ based tugs. You aren't pulling C130s or 747's with them but something the size of a falcon jet or an F16 wouldn't be a problem. For the bigger aircraft they had C-20 tugs: http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/attachment.php?attachmentid=855564&stc=1&d=1326474571 From 1984-1986 the military replaced their Chevys with the Jeep CJ-10A to tow aircraft: http://jeepmeister.com/CJ-10A/CJ-10A-misc/cj10-1.JPG It used a 3.3L inline 6 diesel Nissan engine.
  3. Is that a zombie on the trunk or ed the head from Iron Maiden?
  4. Doesn't nitrous blue have pearl or small flake in it? 1960's ford grabber blue is a solid color. Is the new grabber blue?
  5. Lucore is a friend to CR, just sayin' Pm Austin and see what he wants to do it. He did the timing belt on the wife's Audi, did a stellar job and it was almost half what the dealer wanted.
  6. That is a surprisingly sleepy looking car to run 9's. Wow.
  7. I dunno....is there $2K worth of fun in this package? https://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/cto/6100159475.html I'm kind of digging it, although the string holding the doors closed has me wondering.
  8. how deep is it? Did it go to the metal? primer? or is there still red paint and the clear coat is unaffected? if it isn't too deep he could try some of this stuff: http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=71145126&KPID=22175568&cid=CAPLA:G:Shopping_-_Catch_All_-_New&pla=pla_22175568&k_clickid=f93bcbe6-275b-4331-b067-8fac047e8415 It fills and smooths pretty well. I used it on my mother's x3 bumper in february and it took out the majority of the scratches, it just wouldn't do much for the ones through to the primer or metal.
  9. If you have felt similar urges then you certainly have felt sympathy. And I struggle to think that you don't feel sad for other people's misfortune's in general. I think you are trying to say you don't feel enough pity to excuse or overlook the lengths he went to or the crimes he committed which is completely fair - he doesn't think so either. These were all signs of mental illness, one that if it were drugs or alcohol or hookers would have identifiable treatment paths, but it manifested itself in a hobby that is very tolerant of obsessive behavior. You have to be pretty subconsciously miserable to want to burn your life down in general, to do it in this way was just a miserable person chasing his metaphorical opium.
  10. All this and superficial, shallow, and materialistic too...you are quite the catch!!!!
  11. No you needed it. It's what makes car people different from non car people. Anybody who says otherwise is lying. I know you wanted something limited and exclusive but the "cement" color is just so damn plain. Since it already has black accents, I think some small orange accents to go along with it would make it pop. Maybe the old yellow/orange/red TRD racing stripes. Or cover the wheel arches in matte black vinyl and then outline the color separation with an orange pinstripe. I know there is a modern lower door TRD decal but it comes only in black and looks kind of ricer. It's a super nice truck....just needs a little more "pop".
  12. It does put in perspective some of the obsessiveness of the automotive hobby and how a lot of it is given a pass. I'm not saying everyone who has a large collection has something wrong with them, I had almost 30 vintage motorcycles myself at one point, just that when it does get out of hand it can get ugly fast and go largely unchecked.
  13. kinda reminds me of a CR member who is a dick on the internet and then cries to people in real life that he is going nowhere....oh wait...you remind me of that...because that is something you actually did.
  14. This is fascinating: http://jalopnik.com/the-bmw-addiction-that-completely-destroyed-this-man-s-1794882542 some highlights:
  15. I'm not suggesting you use the company truck any more than you are allowed to....still most of your driving is going to be in that company truck so you really aren't racking up miles on your other car, which just means you tough it out with the vette for another year or two and then buy a $35K plus car instead of a $25K car. or you could just do this: https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/699325736/overview/ it's not even a remotely fun car to drive for a car guy but it's useful. Plus you could dress it up like a rally car and go find some dirt roads, or go camping: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3715/10334303916_60162df2fa_o.jpg
  16. Also there are a lot of disgruntled people out there were Hyundai denied their warranty repairs. Apparently the trade off for having the longest warranty is to be stingy and look for a loophole to get out of it. So, kind of a stupid question, if you have a company truck why rush out to buy another car? Why not just live with the vette while you save up money and then when you have a different job with no company truck go out and buy something really great.
  17. Geeto67


    eh...they do and they don't, which is probably the least satisfactory answer. The Federal and State governments don't physically hand over sweaty fistfuls of taxpayer dollars directly to Elon Musk and Tesla just because they are Tesla. Musk's Business model for Tesla, Space X, etc...has been to go where the government(s) is already offering something in exchange for innovation and qualifying for the program. Grants: I believe that while Space X and other ventures have received grants (or as I called it above, sweaty fistfuls of money) Tesla has not received any. This is likely because there were no government grants looking to develop an electric car. Tax Breaks: this is probably the most interesting one because Tesla can (and has) received tax breaks directly from the government in exchange for revitalizing an area or building a factory, but the government can give a tax break to consumers who purchase the type of product Tesla makes, thus incentivizing the market to spend more with them. Discounted Loans: Tesla has received at least one from the DOE for the Advanced Tech vehicle mfg program, for which other auto mfgs have qualified for and received as well. This was a low interest loan available to any mfg making an advanced tech vehicle that met the programs specs, and not there for tesla's benefit. Environmental Credits: Because Tesla makes a product that reduces automotive emissions he qualifies for ZEV credits. Evey automaker gets these, but since Tesla doesn't make a gasoline powered car it has no use for them, so it sells them to other companies that need them to...ahem...cough...pump out more F250 diesels or something like that. Selling these credits makes extra money for the company. So does Tesla get direct government support? very little. Is Tesla really good at understanding government programs available to everyone and how to qualify for them? yes they are. Depending on what side of the political isle you sit on, the government is either bankrolling Tesla through shady programs and Tesla is gaming the system or Tesla is just creating a product that the government wants to encourage and if it were not Tesla it would be another company doing the exact same thing (since other Companies like GM, Honda, and Toyota do exactly the same thing). https://www.fool.com/investing/2016/06/04/this-is-how-little-government-support-tesla-motors.aspx or because this is CR:
  18. I think the T-tops might be Hurst Hatches for a 1975-77 GM A-body. That might explain that small rear roof pillar. http://www.pontiacsonline.com/TTOP%20Hurst%20%2831%29.jpg That's the stock el camino door glass. The el camino doors have a unique shape to them different from the coupes and sedans. Even the nomad wagons have a more squared upper door frame. also I think that driver's side window is off it's track since the opening is smaller at the front than the rear. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNTk5/z/ZwMAAOSwKfVXI7By/$_1.JPG
  19. I'm kind of torn about this...on the one hand it is literally how many trashy cliche's can you put in one car...but on the other hand it's kind of hot rod cool: https://louisville.craigslist.org/cto/6104300772.html chopped top, t-tops, stomberg 97s, I'm pretty sure I see a fuzzy dash in one of those pics on top of the "corvette dash"....and the seller isn't even sure of the year (the nose is a 1966 by the way).
  20. That's kind of what this thread is...except not limited to CL.
  21. This reminds me of an old joke harley guys used to tell me.... A little 10-year-old girl was walking home, alone, from school one day, when a big man on a motorcycle pulls up beside her. After following along for a while, he turns to her and asks, “Hey there little girl, do you want to go for a ride?” “NO!” says the little girl as she keeps on walking. The motorcyclist again pulls up beside her and asks, “Hey little girl, I will give you $10 if you hop on the back.” “NO!” says the little girl again as she hurries down the street. The motorcyclist pulls up beside the little girl again and says, “Okay kid, my last offer! I’ll give you 20 Bucks “and” a Big Bag of Candy if you will just hop on the back of my bike and we will go for a ride.” Finally, the little girl stops and turns towards him and Screams Out, “Look Dad… you’re the one who bought the Honda …YOU RIDE IT!!” except replace Honda with Hyundai.
  22. I'm 6'5" so I know the feeling. I had an older diesel rabbit (1984) and I remember it not being all that roomy, and I drove plenty of friend's MK4 GTIs and didn't like them at all. However when my brother bought his MK5 GTI i thought it was pretty great. In fact wife and I bought a MK5 Audi A3 based on how much we each liked the GTI. I think the newer ones are even better. It's worth a look.
  23. nobody suggested a GTI? A little out of your price range, but.....$26K gets you a brand new GTI (or if you prefer $350 at 36 month lease). you want a warranty? 3 yr/36,000 mi basic, 5 yr/60,000 mi powertrain and you can buy extra coverage from VW at the time of sale. And it is a new car, not used, not CPO, brandy spanking new. Is it less powerful than a focus ST? sure. Personally I have always found the German cars to just be nicer places to be inside of. The doors close better, the sound level is quieter, the interiors just feel better. If you are complaining about the vette being uncomfortable, just go drive a VW and see how much nicer it feels to be inside it. It's also a practical car so driving it everyday around town won't feel like a compromise.
  24. Bonus freak of the day: https://cleveland.craigslist.org/cto/6092972339.html
  25. Since I am often searching CL and more often than not opening up a link that has me saying "what the fuck", I thought it might be fun to have a thread for people to share their weirdo CL "WTF" finds. I'll start: https://huntington.craigslist.org/cto/6109311585.html Stare at it....this is what watching too much toyko drift and drinking the bong water hath wrought.
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