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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. unless you are a Zoo member the Zoo charges for parking, but it's not $150. I honestly don't know where they are going to park the cars. The "party" is in the Africa Event Center and has an open bar, food, some sort of fashion show, gift bag, and something called "exotic cars display". Is it just me or is this trying too hard?
  2. Just saw on facebook that that "other" CCC, the ones with all the exotics and stuff is having their "season opener" party at the Columbus Zoo. I clicked through the link and the tickets are $150 per ticket for a 6:30 to 10pm event at the Zoo. Not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand renting out the zoo for a party is expensive, but on the other $150 entry fee kinda defeats the purpose of cars and coffee events which are by their nature supposed to be free and open. Also not sure how this is a "season opener" since they have an even scheduled at Byers Imports this Saturday. Also they now have "Cars and Coffee Signature Events" which just makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little. So...thoughts?
  3. Remember, VW settled with the dealers in January of this year for $1.21 Billion to be paid out over 18 months. So there are a lot of dealers who still probably haven't received enough from VW to offset the damage done. I don't know if these $5K incentives are part of the settlement or if they are separate to help move units. I have to agree that $5K is too little for new units, but again remember these are dealer incentives not customer incentives so there are dealers adding their own discounts on top of the $5K just to get the cars out the door (hence why Jalopnik is reporting up to $8K worth of incentives for some cars seen in the wild). there are also dealers with things like $35K msrp manual trans diesel wagons who want $35K for them because apparently everyone who wants a TDI wants a manual wagon or at least they are betting that someone wants that so they can pocket the $5K VW incentive.
  4. I think he meant the dealers holding on to them since they are all 2015 and earlier models. There are some dealers that are holding to sticker or even a premium in the case of "desirable cars", till the dealers willing to sell at a $5K-8K discount have all left the market. Then they will fleece the TDI fanboys who want new ones but weren't able to buy the discounted ones. Since the $5K incentive from VW isn't well advertised, there are some dealers who are holding out of MSRP keeping the $5K incentive for themselves. As far as I know it is legal for them to do since it is a dealer incentive and not a rebate.
  5. But Kodacrhome - they give us those nice bright colors, they give us the greens of summers, makes you think all the world's a sunny day... Nice pics and beautiful country. Did you stay the whole time in Sedona and day trip out to the GC or switch hotels and stay out at the canyon?
  6. I guess VW is now stripping out the MSRP on 2015 Leftovers: http://jalopnik.com/you-can-now-buy-brand-new-tdi-volkswagens-with-crazy-di-1794431334
  7. What's the deal with the 1983 F100? Weird thing to be a repo
  8. Or...since they are repos, they were driven normally but nobody has cleaned them since they got taken away. Except that S5, someone beat the piss out f that.
  9. Because Racecar: http://www.kwyjibo.com/ispeed/limerock98/lr98122.jpg I look at the hella flush thing in imports like the straight axle gasser revival trend in musclecars. Once upon a time race cars looked like that but now people do it because it looks awesome at 5mph in a parking lot: It's like driving a cartoon when your only goals are to look cool and crap your pants in fear when it goes out of control.
  10. Clay, how could you hate this? It's like an updated version of the E30 M3 wide body: I don't care for the visible fastners or hellaflush wheels but a good fiberglass and filler job could hide the body seams. The other one for the vert looks like a gundam sex toy. new guy: Good luck with your project. The only advice I can give you is make a plan to tackle each project and stick to it. A plan isn't based on time, but work to be completed. This is an ambitious project so good luck. The one thing I can tell you from working on bikes and cars for a hobby is that the more likely they were to run and drive the more motivated I was to work on them. personally I like RB's vert drift car more than their full blown body kit: http://topclassiccarsforsale.com/uploads/photoalbum/240sx-rocket-bunny-convertible-s13-drift-car-2.JPG I was going to ask why you didn't opt for the RB kit that makes it look like an old Cuda but then I realized that's an S14 kit.
  11. Everybody likes to think of themselves as the good guys. The best movie/tv villains are the ones who think they are doing something bad for a noble or honor bound cause. But this is real life and heroes and villains aren't so clear cut from an outside objective standpoint. Yeah, certainly seems like it from one point of view. There is a noticeable portion of the automotive aftermarket that relied on the end uses breaking the law as a business model so the other way to look at it is the EPA said let's go after the companies that most flagrantly facilitate law breaking, the distribution networks, to send a message that using race equipment that disables or alters emissions equipment on street cars won't be tolerated. What the EPA is trying to do is get the distributors to take more accountability in who they sell race only products to. And maybe the EPA is being heavy handed about it but maybe the aftermarket should have been so flagrant about it. Everybody owes a responsibility to the current situation.
  12. No you are just really biased. Which isn't a good look for someone in a quasi journalism job. Yup that's their opinion. And I'm sure the EPA has a different take on it. They way you are saying it means you believe their opinion is fact and I just don't think that's a pragmatic approach to this. Some of the Aftermarket has enjoyed the lax enforcement of federal law and now that the EPA is starting enforcement they are running around like the sky is falling or Obama is gonna take their guns. I agree but the solution isn't let's ignore this small section while other sections get fixed. Everything needs to change. If SEMA or the collective automotive hobby's stance is "let's not change anything" they they are going to lose. You can't fight entropy or progress. A better approach would be to work with the EPA to guide rule making and enforcement but instead they are digging in for a fight. This isn't a clear case of good guys and bad guys. There is common ground here, but if you bought the company line you won't see it.
  13. Does anybody have a link to the enforcement action? So far the only places "reporting" this are car forums with no link to the source. I don't see this as any different than their action against HD last year (which was settled), the EPA is trying to stop mfgs, dealers, and shops from selling non emissions compliant racing equipment for people to use on their street vehicle. Are they going about it the right way? Eh who knows, they got Harley to roll over on it and settle. I thinks it's a bit heavy handed but the abuse and illegal activity has been so pervasive they have to do something. They can't enforce against individuals so they attack the choke points in the supply chain - businesses whom they can regulate.
  14. 925,000 unit surplus? wow. The motorcycle market has been soft since the tail end of 2015. Being a smaller market and motorcycles being a "luxury" good in the states it acts as a sort of bellweather for upcoming trends in the much larger and slower to move auto industry. A think a lot of this is politically motivated, Trump's policies have been positive for some areas of the economy and bad for others. His us "Protectionist" approach to industry (like rejecting NAFTA) is actually mostly bad for the auto industry as well as farmers and other areas of heavy mfg. (http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/trumps-policies-economy-wharton-experts-weigh/) In general people are scared and when they are scared they try to be as liquid as possible. That means they don't buy expensive assets that lose half their value over the course of 5 years. I'm still skeptical about how this will affect the used market. On the one hand, fear will keep demand low as people avoid vehicle purchases unless necessary so prices should go down, but on the other new car buyers may shift to the used market which may offset the decrease in demand. At this point I am guessing it will go down as well but I easily could be wrong about it. Either way it's a good time to buy collector vehicles as they seem hardest hit by the trend at the moment. The economic uncertainty seems to have even stalled the air cooled Porsche bubble for the moment and a lot of cars that were $30K+ a year ago are $20K now.
  15. The boyer ignitions tend to break the solder joints inside the box over time. I think they were cold soldiered. In my old commando the boyer I had wouldn't even fire unless I had a fully charged battery so I switched to a joe hunt magneto. It is entirely possible the problem isn't your ignition at all. If your charging system took a dump then the boyer would run until the battery would not sustain it. Then switching to a Pazon wouldn't fix it because the bike isn't charging enough to run it. The boyer is an analog system, I think the pazon is digital. Everything I am seeing says the boyer could work with 12v coils in series as long as draw did not exceed 3amps (Lucas, PVL), but the pazons need 6v coils in series. Triumphs come stock with 12v coils, Nortons come with 6v's and a ballast resistor.
  16. Gentle cycle, warm water. Air dry. DO NOT put them in the dryer if they are real sheepskin. I hand washed mine for the first couple of times. My mother, as a Christmas gift, bought be a set of nice, fitted, sheep skin covers for the '67 GTO in 1997 (not cheap universal autozone ones - ones actually made for my car). I think at the time I was a really ungrateful prick because I said "what do I look like? a degenerate old man hanging out at the OTB at noon on a Tuesday?". That summer however, when I was driving the car every day from Long Island to Queens, Brooklyn, and sometimes Manhattan for work, (with the heat on because it tended to overheat if it was hotter than 75 degrees outside) it was so nice to get out of that car and not look like I fell backwards into a 3" deep swiming pool because my back and ass were so soaked in sweat. Now I don't care how they look, they are still on the car and I love them.
  17. I pinged Tom and he asked: Are the coils 12v or 6? There is a chance you might be running the stock 12v coils in series (24 volts!) instead of running 6volt coils in series (12v) with the 12v electrical system. If your 12v coils are running in series then you aren't charging them enough per cycle and you get a weak spark and hard starting.
  18. How does that work? is it an unsecured line of credit like a credit card?
  19. The only place I can think of is in Xenia, Williams vintage cycle. All my friends who ride Trumpets here in CBus do their own maint because there isn't a shop. Columbus is kind of a wasteland if you own a vintage Brit or Italian bike. With Nortons, the Pazon magnetic pickups don't always sit in the right position to trigger because the end of the cams was not always finished to spec (since it is not critical to the stock setup). If you can't get a strong spark that is the first thing I would check - is it getting the right overlap to fire? Have you tested your ignition switch? Take the white wire of the pazon directly to the negative side of the battery and the red to the positive and see if it will start. I assume you have walked through this: http://www.pazon.com/news/9/SUREFIRE-FAULT-FINDING.html If it will help I can reach out to Tom Graham and some of the other triumph riders on Co-Oh Vinmoto and see if they want to do a wrenching session. They did a few last year.
  20. how do you look up "in stock" on jeg's website? This is a huge bummer...the Centerline Auto Drag is one of the most iconic wheels ever made.
  21. Didn't they base the GT2 or GT3 on the Carerra 4 awd bodyshell? Something about it being stiffer? https://rennlist.com/forums/996-forum/762585-how-to-convert-your-awd-996-to-rwd.html Apparently the AWD system is completely mechanical, similar to the haldex sytem on Audis. pull the parts and you are off to the races.
  22. Good catch, I'll check it out. 100k miles is a little high for what I was looking for though.
  23. you have. on several different occasions you align yourself with a particular ideology. You also don't really research anything and you seem to buy into a lot of the conservative party lines that are not based in actual facts so... yes war is in the social category too. It's primary justification is protecting the interests and well being of American citizens from foreign military action. entering into military action purely for the fiscal or geopolitical gain of the country is pretty unpopular (ahem...Vietnam war...cough) even though we do it all the time. An economic approach is one based in numbers and the value of money as an incentive to influence behavior. A social approach is policy and rule making as a disincentive to behavior to enforce some moral standard. For example: let's take a hypothetical social program cut. Say there is a social program that benefits left handed albino lesbian midgets. An economic approach would be to evaluate whether there is an actual harm, whether the economic benefit offsets that harm in a meaningful positive way, and whether it is effective in curing that harm. If analysis finds out that the harm is minimal, or there is already a similar benefit being paid out from a different program then you can cut it and have the fiscal numbers to support it. If you analyze the Left handed lesbian midget budget and you cut it because you don't think people have "earned" money jut because they were born left handed, or lesbian, or a midget, then you are making a moral decision on an economic incentive. It's not dictated by statistics and it is pretty partisan. feel me? Truth is the government makes decisions on things for a lot of reasons (even on the same decision) but remember: they always are trying to find a solution for a problem and their justification for it is usually in the public records under the legislative notes.
  24. yeah...not a millennial dude. Gen X. Good try though.
  25. just yours....and only because it usually causes you to rant and get butt hurt and insulting. See below, although I am really disappointed this time around - the last time you were much angrier. See you don't know shit about me. I'm well past my mid-30s and I don't drive the wrangler except on the weekends. But way to shit on people's project cars "mr. my supra hasn't run since Obama's first term". And you work as a mechanic, what's your excuse? I guess all that carmax money keeps you too busy counting to work on any project car. I'm more than halfway to retirement, and I have a kid to put through college. Remember college? it's that thing you make fun of people for because you didn't go. But I'm so glad that new truck was more important than school you were planning to go to so you wouldn't have to do oil changes on used toyotas the rest of your life. Last I checked doctorate degrees aren't considered "Liberal Arts." You'd know this if you did literally anything else. And nope, not cheap. At the end of the day, you think it's funny to troll me and I think it's funny to troll you on here and it's mostly fun. Except that your co-workers tell me that you think about it when you are not on here and that's pretty concerning man. you need a hobby, maybe a girlfriend (boyfriend?), you really shouldn't be thinking about me that much...and the touching yourself while doing it...man that is just workplace inappropriate.
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