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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. That color haunts GM like a ghost. they have been using it and renaming it since the 1950's when it was called Venetian Red and used on '56 vettes and passenger cars. Buick Called it Firecracker Orange, Pontiac called it Carousel Red, Oldsmobile called it Red Orange, GMC called it Medium Orange, and I think it was also called Ontario Orange on the vettes in 1970 (Monaco orange is a 1969 color). Same freaking paint code. Last offered in 2000 for Chevrolet, GMC, and Pontiac. I wonder why the museum wanted that particular color?
  2. I have to agree, everything else about it is flat awesome. I've been twice, and It's one of my favorite places, the food is great, the beer is great, and they are one of the few bars in town when I order a "French 75" they actually know what I am talking about and how to make it. But Ambiance is kind of a thing for me. The bar area with that magnificent 100+ year old bar and the beautiful tile pattern in the floor is great, the entrance way with all that leaded glass is wonderful. The Pool table is a shinning beacon....But this: It just feels so 1980's. I get that 1980's and early 90's is chic right now but I haven't see a lot of that "Memphis" style pattern (like the booths have) really come back, and it clashes with the carpet which is 1980's take on a 1940's pattern. The pop art hand painted photographs don't help either. Now I haven't been there in a while, and I'm probably due for a fresh visit post renovation. Last year we did our anniversary at Wolfs Ridge Brewery and I liked it. It isn't a place I would say "feels" like an event inside but it still has a great interior ambiance and vibe. The food was awesome as was the beer.
  3. Geeto67


    Not Just anybody, but Michael Crichton, as in Jurassic Park Michael Crichton. He Also wrote "The Terminal Man" at the same time (a novel about the dangers of artificial intelligence being used as a form of mind control - it's weird). Actually if you are really interested, some of the best science fiction comes out of the 1930's-1970's. Some of the pulp writers of the 40's and 50's are way out there (Heinlein wrote "Starship Troopers" in 1959 and it is very different from the movie). Also a lot of the twilight zone concepts are pretty great and there are more than a few episodes that mix the western genre with technology, and also a few about androids. Love the new one, but my friend moved and I no longer have her HBO Go login to access. Will have to figure out how to bootleg.
  4. I say do it....(but only if it is manual). they are pretty cars and super cush inside. but keep in mind: It's an intensely complex car made by GM. Personally the purpose of buying a GM made "V car" is to have the hammer to the forebrain simple LS series v-8 engine. And to that end I would almost rather have a Chevrolet SS for $10K cheaper (which is as close as you can get to buying a brand new 04-07 CTS-V). If you don't plan on owning it past the warranty, and don't mind taking the $20K hit the car is still expected to take over the next 3-5 years, it's totally worth it. Also I assume you aren't going to mod it at all so....
  5. Some of the 1980's cars had manuals, which is the last time I think I paid attention to the AMG cars. So...does it feel like 500hp? Is it DD useable?
  6. now that's a beautiful blue color. How rare is it? Question for the AMG experts: did they ever make a stick AMG wagon?
  7. this is a pretty good analysis of the deal: http://nrn.com/blog/why-did-ruths-sell-mitchells-so-little My wife used to work for Ruth's Chris Corporate when we lived in New Orleans. It was an ok company to work for but she hated her manager. Still got to eat a ton of free steak though. In terms of the national chain steakhouses I would rank it higher than Smith and Wollensky and The Capital Grille in most locations (but not Cbus since they closed), but not higher than other chains. A lot of solid suggestions in here food wise so I don't have much to add. Can I ask though - is anybody else bothered by Elevator's Decor? The awful two tone green carpet and that leftover 1980's booth fabric kinda bothers me for how "high end" the menu seems to be. The bar area, private booths, and pool table area all are great - it's just that general dining room that reminds me of a dentists waiting room circa 1987.
  8. A couple of things from doing this with motorcycles and helping friends do this as well: - Insurance: Ask the museum who covers damage to the car? Do they provide insurance? Do you have to? does your existing policy cover it? For shows I used to have to get a "show and event" rider through hagerty for some of the more rare bikes I used to display, but it wasn't a lot of money and actually provided great piece of mind. For film work I had to get a completely different policy but production companies usually paid it (even if I built it into the price of the rental). Last thing you want to hear is that another sinkhole has opened up in the museum and by the way you are responsible for paying for the damage. - Storage: ask them what they recommend but storing a car for a year is usually not a big deal. I would drain coolant and all gasoline. All fuel. Last year my GTO sat for almost a full year without starting, when I went to start some residual fuel in the mechanical fuel pump had gummed it up so I had to flush it out, but otherwise having drained the Q-jet, all the lines, and the tank, meant it started right up. I stored it with coolant in it but it wasn't the smartest thing as the stuff that came out looked pretty awful. leave oil in it if it isn't leaking, same with brake fluid. remove battery Make sure that you and the museum are in clear agreement as to how the car is moved. You want it hand moved, if they want it able to be started up and moved then be clear about them starting the car regularly to circulate fluids. - display: Ask them how it will be displayed? if it is close enough for people to touch it, you are going to want to consider a heavy wax application or maybe a clear bra, if it is roped off, make sure it is far enough back and not in anybody's way.
  9. Thanks. I cleared them last night and then went on a nice long drive. P0036 came back, P0456 did not. When I was working on the car I seem to remember a wire hanging down that I tucked up into the body. I think this was the downstream O2 wire and I may have damaged something. I'll have to wait till the weekend to jack the car up and crawl under it again. I'm going to look into it, The problem I am running into is nobody wants to sell just the plate to replace the PCV, it's all a kit and a couple hundred dollars. I can make my own lines, but so far the only adapter plate I found is from Spulen. It's a project for next year, right now I still have to do the timing belt, maybe an O2 sensor, Brakes, maybe tires, Clear a phantom steering rack idiot light (anybody have a vagcom?) reattach the wing that MAG ripped off in their car wash, reattach the wiper that moo moo ripped off in their car wash, and a few other things before I get to doing more tuning stuff...if I decide to keep the car at all.
  10. There are some tribes that have articles posted but I can't tell if they are reposts from other places in the web or posted in the tribe feed directly.
  11. took me a while but I found it. They guy sold the car so it hasn't been updated in a while. It's for an 8P model so 2006-2012 in the US. Covers basic maint and upgrades. http://oooo-a3.blogspot.com/search/label/Upgrades
  12. I have been playing with it this past weekend in what little free time I have. It's interesting to say the least. I signed up with a bunch of feeds with known content (e.g. petrolicious) and some with unknown content that I have never heard of before. Good: - easy to use. It is just a stupid simple content aggregator. If you know how FB works, then you know how this looks - no ads or sponsors. Not sure how anybody is going to monetize things yet but it's nice to look at pictures without annoying popups and such. - It's good looking, sorta. Rather it is simple and clean looking which makes it much easier to just see what you want. So far I haven't run into anything that isn't intuitive but I haven't started any Tribes yet, just subscribed and commented. Bad: - content is hit or miss. Actually it is a lot more miss than hit. There are tribes where all the content is just a repost of something found on the net. Even where there are original pictures most places don't really give you good write-ups. Since it is new, there really isn't a ranking system that you can accurately use separate the wheat from the chaff. - There is no real way to monetize your content here unless you are already selling something. No revenue from ads, no "unboxing" events (because it doesn't have the following yet). Some of this will get worked out in time, but for now it's going to be a few really good tribes and a lot of bad ones because there is no incentive to try. - hard to find some of the more interesting things because some of it is waiting to be approved by getting the 10 friends necessary to become a tribe. Austin, your tribe has more content than some of the approved ones and yet yours is not yet a thing. - Members of your tribe seemingly can post content to your tribe. I don't mean comments, I mean articles. There is one tribe where the leader was basically putting up a daily post to stop his members from posting things about Miatas since he didn't consider them "vintage" for the purposes of his Tribe (vintage modders), and then he had to remove the articles. That's a lot of moderation work for someone to keep their channel on point and the potential for things to get out of control. Overall it is a fun little platform, that requires little time investment to get some pretty decent entertainment. Some places seem to do it really right, like Petrolicious which uses their channel to post outtakes and different content from their website and youtube, channels, some do it ok where they post individual photos but lack articles to go with it, and a lot just churn the mill of Google for the sake of popularity, and some of your favorites (like Motor Trend) aren't even setup yet. Once you get it setup (which doesn't take long) it's a nice little time waster in 10-15 minute increments. We will see how much better it gets.
  13. So I banged out the second Rad swap this weekend and it went a lot smoother than before. Was actually able to get it done in a day start to finish. I did break a small plastic nipple off one of the many (and I mean many - I think there are 5 of them) plastic couplings in the cooling system, but got lucky and was able to find a NAPA that had one in stock (Audi quoted me 2 days for the part). Special thanks to AJ for lending me his garage space and getting roped into driving all over Cbus looking for a coupling. In case you are wondering how far apart a MK V vw chassis has to come to replace a radiator and thermostat...this is how far: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/A6E681EF-C8BF-4547-A489-19CB20782160_zpseprzbwwa.jpg Anyway. so I get it buttoned up and spend all Sunday driving around testing it, and other than the charge pipe popping of the intercooler because I didn't have it properly seated All looked well. Until I got to this morning when the car threw codes P0036 and P0456. 0036 is an O2 sensor heating element and 0456 is Evap slow leak. I think the 0456 is related to the gas cap since I also got a gas cap warning light over the weekend at one point as well and just took it off and re-tightened it and it went away. The P0036 code is a little more concerning given the number of sensors this thing has. So far the car has exhibited no running issues - should I just clear the code and see if it comes back? or begin testing sensors? what's the best way to approach diagnostics on this?
  14. Grant is your next door neighbor? Small world. I know him pretty well. Rice Paddy doesn't do machine work they send it out and add a markup. If it were for me I would just send it to them, but my friend is looking for a machine shop that he can work closely with. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  15. A buddy of mine is building a bored out yamaha xs650, he's looking for a machine shop that can do valve guides and a three angle valve job. He lives out in Newark and works at OSU so any where in between would be great. Thanks.
  16. my father had a silver with a red interior MK1 Diesel Rabbit with GTI suspension, a hand crank sun roof, and a cocaine white car phone in the 1980's. I remember it being slow. My mother and the girls in his office used to tease him they had to schedule his pulling out of the driveway. And since we are discussing weirdo VW Pickups in this thread here is another one but way more palatable: http://dayton.craigslist.org/cto/5895283335.html
  17. Hey, I could still drive the miata. YOu should have seen me in my friend Tim's old racing MG midget. We used to have to pull the seat out completely and I would sit on a cushion on the floor.
  18. exaggeration for comedic effect. I betcha to that 1.6L NON-Turbo diesel making a whopping 68hp and 75 ft/lbs it feels like it's pulling an aircraft carrier.
  19. Nobody ever said 99.9% were, you are reading too much into that. Besides all it takes is to be the person that wins the .1% jackass lottery to have a very bad day. Besides, Ryan said it was unsafe - I was just agreeing with him, why you biting my head off?
  20. It's funny, I have thousands upon thousands of motorcycle riding miles on a highway around the big trucks, but tiny tin can cars make me a little nervous. I guess it is that at least with a motorcycle you have a lot more room to move if someone is being stupid and enough power to throttle out of situations. In a tiny car you usually don't have either. when I ride I'm always looking for an exit to a potential bad situation, when I am in the car, if I think about it at all it is just about which side of my face I want the airbag to hit. Also the thought of being trapped in something reall small that just got smaller is unappealing. Anyway, Let's get back to talking about how awesome a honda beat in Cbus is. Are you going to bring it to CCC?
  21. Agree with you there, I just meant safe as in "safe from prosecution by a government agency" for doing something you shouldn't. Idiots in tree blinds that have drunk more beers in an afternoon than fired rounds in their lifetimes are the reason I don't take hikes though the woods during hunting season anymore. Two weeks back there was an 8pt buck walking through the parking lot of my apartment complex at 2am. More than anything I thought how great it would be to have bagged it, even if I had to do it with a baseball bat or hit it with my car (or as my friend used to say hunting with a 6600 caliber projectile fired at 80 feet per second). Sometimes, it's best to just to wait for the good areas.
  22. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5857979751.html I'm not gonna lie, this actually looks pretty well done (except for the offense to good taste that is that color scheme). I'm a little skeptical about a FWD diesel pickup the size of a small aircraft carrier being able to accelerate safely onto a freeway in rush hour but...otherwise this is kind of cool.
  23. Last I checked there is also a specific season for bow hunting for certain animals (like white tail deer). I think it's Sept or Oct to Feb. I think there is a bag limit too. I hate to be that asshole (ok maybe I don't) but use a little common sense here. Hunting on public land is limited to those areas controlled or administered by the Department of Wildlife. You shouldn't be down in the Topiary park off E-town street hiding behind a shrub shaped like a fat lady waiting for a white tail. here is a neat interactive map where you can hunt: http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/wildlifeareas If you are in the areas marked by red pins - you are pretty safe.
  24. A defective part is a defective part, not much I can do about it except start this mess all over again.
  25. So...how do you make a tribe? I signed up but it just looks like my FB profile. Also I joined your tribe Austin. Looked kind of sad with 1 member.
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