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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Traveling for work so internet connection was spotty. Just got back in to town today. Didn't realize you missed me that much.
  2. You really think he "disrupted" anything? Dude is thinking about giving Newt Gingrich a job (secretary of state). It really doesn't get any more old boys club than that. That dude is literally a cancer on our political system that we had excised back in 2012, and now we are about to get him back? Ugh. Forget, that he was found guilty of an ethics violation and tax fraud while speaker of the house, or that he is openly discriminate toward non-Christians and wants to abolish separation of church and state, that he shut down the government for several days because of a personal grudge with Clinton, that the Republican Party wanted to throw him out in 1997 because of his tantrums, or that his marital infidelity is equally as prolific as Bill clintons and twice as despicable (who dumps his wife because she has cancer?). Forget all of that....since this is a car forum I'll mention the one thing important to us - this dude wants to put more Ethanol in our gasoline.
  3. With an automatic transmission, often staying in gear or shifting is dependent on fluid. If you transmission is leaking badly it may be losing enough fluid to not function properly. The first step is to identify if that is the issue. Top off the tranny with the correct amount of fluid and see if it is still slipping. If not the next step is to figure out where it is leaking from. Often repairing a leak is a gasket or an o-ring and sometimes it can be done in car.
  4. I don't think "everyone" is mad at the people that voted for trump, everyone is a lot of people. However, trump said a lot of really inflammatory things that were directly offensive to certain groups. And he picked a VP who is openly discriminate to the LGBT community. When people vote for people with those messages it makes the members of those groups feel marginalized, as if they are 2nd class citizens and it makes them feel unwanted by the mass population. It sends the message that the country as a whole doesn't believe in equal rights and protections under the laws. It makes members of those groups feel unsafe as citizens, that they are now a target. Make sense? to the marganilzed groups if you voted for trump either you activity hate Mexican Hispanics, women, or the LGBT community or you care so little about their basic rights and protections that you are willing to overlook it and vote for him for another reason. And that's why they are mad - because they are frightened. And at least in the LGBT community they should be rightly so because Pence is actually a discriminate asshole in this regard. TL,DR: because of trumps statements, if you voted for trump you are either perceived as a bigot or are tolerant of bigotry to the groups most affected by the discrimination.
  5. Actually, personally I am probably affected very little since I am white, a man, a professional just entering middle age, and upper middle class. Socially I don't agree with a lot of what's going to happen but I'll be just fine from a personal standpoint. As a returning student however, there is a lot you stand to lose in federally funded financial aid (since a lot of lenders are gun shy on private loans) and scholarships. But it's good to know you'd take the hit just so I am "salty"....that sounds like president of my fan club material!!!!
  6. You have to be a pretty large physicians group in a large practice area to leverage the insurance companies. That's the minority of the physicians out there. even the big hospitals break against the sea wall of the bigger companies. There are areas of medicine that had almost gone extinct....ahem...cough...mammography....cough...because the price the insurance wanted to pay was less than the cost of the film. Technological breakthroughs allowed some of those areas to come back but there was a period in the last 90's to the mid 2000s where if you needed a mammogram it was thin on the ground.
  7. No my mother is a college professor. Or was, they are both retired now.
  8. Insurance companies, drug companies, and the GOP owe the lions share to that. don't whitewash 40 years of of them fucking over the practice of medicine because you are unhappy with 6 years of a reform plan that tried to make medicine more accessible. How is this different than BCBS telling you they are only going to pay you X amount on some tests where it may not cover your costs? Or Cigna telling you that some of your longstanding patients you can no longer see because you are now out of network? I fully agree that in the practice of medicine Drs are the ones that get fucked the most, the only question is whether it is by a private organization given carte blanch over the industry or the government directly.
  9. It's the only one where the majority is decided. Can't be disappointed for something that is still ongoing.
  10. Who are you kidding you can't read. Entitled much? The House so far was the most disappointing part, waiting to see how it all shakes out in the end.
  11. I mentioned the TT for parts bin robbing and other tips, as Aaron pointed out people swap the rear sub frames because aluminum, can be found in junkyard and are lighter. I think places like ECS have swap kits for the control arms as well and other geometry parts.
  12. There was a guy that used to have a great blog detailing his a3 ownership. Covered everything from common mk5 problems to upgrades. I'll have to find it. My brother had a GTI and a lot of the things we did to that car we did to my a3 when I bought it, it's basically the same platform. The dogbone sleeve was more for a manual trans car. I could have replaced it with a poly bushing too but I rode in a friend's R32 with poly bushings and didn't like the ride at all (he once cracked a windshield in a pothole). I think the closest platform to your drivetrain layout would be an Audi TT with the same drivetrain. I think the sub frames are different and I see where people swap for the TT subframe on the mk5 and mk6 platforms.
  13. Electoral college is the only one that matters. I don't even think he is going to win the popular vote, but it's still way to early to say for sure.
  14. Because of all the other things the FBI has that Reddit doesn't like training, experience, and a unified understanding as to the actual crimes being alleged and how to prove them in the court system. Oh and also restraint to not fall down a conspiracy rabbit hole and read everything in that light. What do you think the FBI is like local law enforcement? 2 years of college and that's it? They recruited hard at my law school for agents and a significant number of agents hold a juris doctorate degree. The FBI is overwhelmingly stacked politically conservative at the moment due to a republican chief, and is leaking like the titanic because at the end of the day there isn't a strong enough case to do anything in an actual court but they can still affect the election by "leaking" possibly inflammatory information which has been happening. I am actually fascinated how nobody seems to be talking about all the security breeches that are occurring in connection with a security breech investigation. Comey is either going to have to witchhunt post election or step down. And hardly anybody is talking about that.
  15. If I am getting under anybody's skin, then maybe they are taking their internet opinions too seriously...which is actually some how more disappointing considering some of the things I read here.
  16. no, just the ones that are actually dragging knuckles. There are plenty on here I think are intelligent as well, I tend not to argue with them. As long as people want to say funny crazy stuff I kinda want to have some fun poking at it. I am pretty open minded when it comes to rational well thought out points of view supported by something resembling credible evidence, but that doesn't really exist around here. So i'll just have my fun poking.
  17. you are right, we should all leave all conversations alone. Shut down the site, nothing to talk about here, nobody should have any discourse. I mean what's the point of a discussion platform anyway if everyone has to agree? You and I both know that I am not the only one saying stupid things on here, and yet I only see you make these kinds of rants toward me because you don't agree with my point of view. This is a discussion platform for entertainment. When it ceases to entertain, or I am busy doing something else I don't reply. I found the above highly entertaining, so I replied.
  18. This is what we have done to the wife's car. H&R Coilovers, neuspeed intake, full stainless exhaust from turbo to tail pipe, hawk pads. it's a 2wd 2.0T manual 2006. I think it also has 2000cc injectors in it also, and it had a tune on it when we bought it but it kept throwing a CEL so we flashed it back to stock. Brakes are due soon and honestly the hawk pads have been fantastic so we are trying to figure out whether to just upgrade the rotors or go to larger calipers. There are tons of little things like the dogbone sleeve that improve the driveability of the car without adding HP and I think those add more to the car than just more HP. A good suspension setup and alignment is the most important in my opinion. The car is absolutely a ton of fun.
  19. Lolwut? Seriously this statement alone is so hilarious I don't really know what to do with it. This is like saying "you know, Mrs Johnson's kindergarten class solved the Kennedy assassination so we should disregard every single part of the warren commission including all evidence submitted" Actually, as the child of a president Chelsea Clinton would have some security clearance, mostly for matters that are not related to military operations. You wouldn't think that mundane things like her movements so security details can track her would be classified but they are. Basically if it isn't about troops or state secrets that carry a high classified rank, it's not that big a deal. Also, some documents can become classified after the fact, not at the time of creation so....there is that too. You can't claim she's broken a law if the document didn't become classified until after it was sent out. Every time I get some hope that Americans aren't really as stupid as the rest of the world thinks we are, someone comes along to shit directly on that hope.
  20. It's actually not sketchy if you have knowledge as to how a document review is performed. The hardest part of these investigations is usually the setup for the technology and the discussions around what type of evidence they are looking for, how to code the automatic searches, etc... In the case of the "new emails" all that hard stuff had been figured out during the previous investigation, so any new review was a matter of firing up the machine and just processing the documents through it. A seasoned reviewer can chew through between 1000 and 2000 documents a day depending on the platform used and the specific criteria being searched for, and they wouldn't be performing a manual review on all 650,000 because the filtering software would have eliminated the majority of the emails automatically. All of these have their own QC sampling processes too and have very small error rates. In the case of Trump, a lot more of his investigations are not strictly document based, some of the require other evidence gathering like depositions, etc... Not that the investigation against Clinton didn't have those, they just occurred many months ago. The Clinton email investigation had a head start on a lot of the things trump is currently being accused for and in some cases was a much less complex issue.
  21. It's irrelevant whether he actually uses them or not. I'm sure he is using them in some way, maybe not McDonald's but at the grocery store probably. Doesn't matter - his argument was using an analogy that contained a falsehood: that everyone pays the same price at McDonald's. I was just pointing out how that is false, that price discrimination exists and is actually an ideal that a lot of companies strive for, esp in a competitive marketplace to maximize profits.
  22. It's not philosophy, it's basic economics and called "price discrimination". It is literally economics 101 (as in they teach it to entry level freshman for those who didn't go to college). You actively participate in this and you don't know how it works?
  23. Actually you already do, this is the economic motivation behind how coupons work. Are you clipping a lot of McDonald's coupons? No? Then you are paying more than people who take the time to clip coupons. The perceived value of the dollar is what motivates.
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