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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. The Last three work events I attended at Easton were at Bar Louie, Abuelo's, and Adobe Gilas. Not as many people as you had but the one at Adobe gilas was close. Abuelo's was able to do a long table for 20 but it was starting to strech it. In terms of food: Abuelo's or Bar Louie, not a fan of Gilas. In terms of parking Abuelo's is the easiest to access because it has a lot and is across from one of the easton garages. no Idea about price, the evil corp overlords footed the bill.
  2. It doesn't look anything like youporn but with cars. Where is my Firebird money shot? Or Two girls one hyundai? I was so looking forward to the Subaru Casting Couch..... In all seriousness though, why does it use your FB login? is it really just a plug in for FB or is it stand alone?
  3. I had that same exact thought. I'm all for new stuff being tried but this seems like is has 0 value other than to completely mess with the financial markets.
  4. I must have missed it in the article - is it a 1/4 mile or 1/8th mile track? Looks great that they are completely renovating. I wonder if the new concrete/asphalt blend will work well with the no-prep racers?
  5. I heard a lot of the same stuff but also that the stroke was shorter which put a lot less stress on the crank. Looking at that kids setup, the only advantage I can figure out is that he's moving more air than a two turbo setup. I think they are all the same size turbo so one is not spooling the other sequentially.
  6. I'm ready to say to hell with it for the whole damn car. 20 minutes after putting it back together the damn lower radiator hose coupling starts leaking. Yeah I know I should have done the rad hoses and couplings when I was doing everything else so it's my own stupid fault but still. When I had the intercooler out of the car I drained everything out. Total oil amount from the pipes and intercooler was about 2oz. I don't want to do a catch can setup because that requires more maintenance and the oil-air separators are $400. If I was going to try and put more hp in the car maybe I would do it but $400 to keep 2oz of oil out? Imma say fuckit.
  7. It's not as cool as it sounds. Basically they get someone to stand in as a proxy and then just read the names out of the obituary. But they do it for every name they can get their hands on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baptism_for_the_dead On a completely unrelated note....I hear you rule (sorry couldn't resist).
  8. If you tripped and fell over a doorstop made in Afghanistan , "Radical Islam" (whomever that is...no seriously what group are you actually referencing) would claim it. It's like the Mormons baptizing all the people who died recently to convert them to their religion - they will claim anything.
  9. http://thegarage.jalopnik.com/some-mad-genius-built-a-quad-turbo-camaro-with-junkyard-1789474177
  10. It feels like that to you because, based on what you write, you tend to view things only in weakness and strength. Because of this very black and white approach you miss the subtleties that add context to things and make it a more complex situation. I am Richard Simmons to you because it is more important to be macho than to empathize the human condition. I am not looking for your hugs (I hear they really aren't all that warm and fuzzy anyway), if people are going to want to put their view point in the ring, and I disagree I will continue to put mine in as well. And we will have many discussions. It will be fun. I have no use for your respect Joe. It and a cup of coffee will get me a cup of coffee. You don't really know about me so your opinion isn't really credible just as you are telling me mine is not to you. Which is fine. I still think you are a decent human being, and I will still treat you accordingly because, well that isn't dependent on whether you like me or not. Stuff on here doesn't piss me off so...never? Seriously I don't get mad at people for their different opinions. It's their right. If they want to put it on the internet they have to be prepared to defend them against someone disagreeing with them. A large portion of this thread is a bunch of people literally whining about how I am disagreeing with them. The stuff I put on here I expect to get a negative reaction because I am almost always responding to someone else's opinion that i disagree with, and you know what it's not precious and I don't take it personally. If stuff on the internet really pisses you off....maybe you shouldn't be on the internet?
  11. I don't agree. I have seen some other people with similar opinions become slightly more vocal in the last year or so, a few of them regulars here. change is not quick and I don't expect change anyway. I expect this place to step up and be the representative of local car culture that it want's to be. But as you point out CR is apparently immune to Reason. There is a longer conversation that we could have about what is the eventual goal of this site since it has been working on cleaning up it's act, and doing a good job of it from what I understand, but the reality is if this place is really moving from the old ways into being a more local community focused site, members like me are going to be something you have to figure out in the future. But that is not really a conversation for this thread.
  12. And do what? she doesn't want to see people celebrate killing someone and want's to recognize where OSU failed in making someone in their community feel included. It's not sympathizing to not want celebrating where someone is killed - It's just avoiding being tacky. Not saying that at all, and have specifically stated that in earlier posts. But illiteracy is a motherfucker and right now it's fucking you. Those who don't know/understand history are doomed to repeat it. We are repeating the same lessons over and over again and not learning anything from it. But it isn't going to stop those from trying. I don't think either approached it correctly but I don't know the details and you clearly don't want my opinion anyway. I bet you would make fun of the handicapped too. Classy bunch. who is looking for sympathy? That say you can't put a price on internet butt-hurt - but that doesn't seem like its gonna stop you from trying. Lotta sandy vaginas in here :gabe:
  13. I am actually tired of typing for the moment...so I will leave you with this: Sun Tzu, the Art of War, Chapter 3.
  14. You do what you can with it. Information in a vacuum is useless. But even it you use it to look inside your self and maybe explore your own identity and role in society then it has value. If it causes a person to go out and volunteer for the better part of community even better. If you can't find a use for the information then you just aren't trying hard enough. There is no "currency" here, and everything is action - including internal change. Society will never be universally accepting, but it can be more tolerant, and tolerance grows from things like this and understanding the role we all play. His cause is what got people injured, and his cause is how his kind are disarmed/defeated before the violence starts. You feel what you want, but personally I'd rather take a preventative approach than triage. not passing judgement, but I won't be silent about it either. people grow from criticism not silence. Pontificating online is just fun. It's entertainment. It's not all I do. I prefer not to discuss what I put back into this world because some of it I professionally owe a confidentiality to the people I help, and really in other cases I don't want any credit for things I consider as "doing my part". I know you do a ton of charity work and honestly I don't ask you about any of it because it's your business and I assume (correctly) that like me it's not about the credit I get but the impact it has. It's your business, why would I want to be nosy about it. I also don't want the hassle of "why are you helping this group and not this other one" bullshit that comes from people sometimes. In the rare times I have mentioned stuff I have done in the past it has been in explaining a personal experience relevant to the conversation. I am not saving anyone. nobody has that delusion. If I am perceived as a troll so be it, it's not like I am the only troll this board has. A troll whose consistent message is that the heart of love is not fear or anger probably isn't the worst thing. How about just care at all? A lot of the stuff I find objectionable just shows a distinct lack of empathy for your fellow human. Nobody is "blaming" anyone other than the person that committed the act. Pointing out that some of the behavior here mirrors some of his complaints in society is not blame - it's an observation. If you feel blame that's on you man and I can't help you. As for the car forum...blah blah blah...well it is a community of sorts and a diverse one centered around a common interest. I didn't start this topic, if you don't want to have these types of discussions then moderate them out. Then we can sit back all day and discuss the merits of hellaflush.
  15. I didn't include a lot of radicalisim groups. If it helps I was thinking of those idiots who took over that national park in colorado, the bundy's, when I wrote it - not any particular members here. The point is that if it can be described as Radicalism, maybe we should be skeptics of it. All Radicalism. Clearly you missed that point. Christian justification for genocide has occurred for centuries. that's hundreds of years that a completely different religious group taught it's members to kill those different from them. Isn't the fact that what their religion teaches and continues to practice enough reason for us to not like them? Have you ever studied Islam? It's not really different from Judaism, most forms of Christianity, and honestly Buddhism and some themes in Shintoism. The problem isn't the religion - it's what a small group of people do misinterpreting them and manipulating weak willed people for much less spiritual reasons like power and wealth. The problem is the Klu Klux Klan, I mean Isis, I mean Hamas, I mean the Kach and Kahane Chai, I mean....you get my point?
  16. I am not rationalizing anything. It's clearly irrational, but it didn't fall out of the blue and it isn't based on nothing. That "limp wristed excuse" was that same one used in the past when people used to just lynch those different from us. I am not saying any one part is to blame, but society and community certainly played a role here. And to answer your second question, sometimes yes "your" way of life is bullying. But this is not new. It actually used to be a lot worse and we are getting better on the whole but we have a long way to go. I've lived in the Deep South and I have to say I encounter more casual use of racial slurs here than I did in my years living in Louisiana, but that's just my personal experience. Look, nobody's perfect and if we don't hold the mirror to ourselves as well we can't improve. I am opinionated, Over-opinionated doesn't exist it is just a word people use when they want to say they don't like someone's opinions regularly. And your assumptions aren't really accurate. I am overweight due to a variety of medical issues that come from various accidents and some of the time I spent in the Fire Department years ago. I don't blame anyone for it and honestly it isn't relevant to this conversation other than you want to feel superior about something because you just want to take my comments as insults and this is your way of making the score even. So be it. As to my outlook of CR members perhaps I am too naive. I assume all are for the most part good people (because of how I feel about people in the car hobby in general) and they often say things they don't really mean. To me it's just a conversation and honestly a well needed one. The only path to open-mindedness is to be confronted with a different opinion, if you all just hide away from the big bad scary free thinking liberal opinions they you are going to just feel marginalized and further contribute to the polarization of this country. I am person, I share the same interest in the car hobby as all of you and I have a different opinion. I am not greater nor less than any other member and I am part of your community whether you like it or not. deal with it. Nobody is justifying his actions, but if there was some contribution we as a community made to it, don't you think we should try to understand that and examine it. I don't have control over his upbringing, or most other events in his life, but I do have control over not being a hate monger in my daily interactions in society. I don't want to add to his sadness by being the asshole telling a racist joke behind him in the line at Starbucks, because believe it or not that shit adds up.
  17. Come on Joe, you are better than this. Radical Christianity is also a problem, so is radical white supremacy, Radical Zionism, and radical conservatism. The driving force behind every single bad apple is the same: Radicalism. Not Islam. Unfortunately this is complex problem that has no simple or clear answers. Understanding is the path to resolution. If someone considers me their enemy I want to know why. It isn't sympathy so much as I really want to understand their motivation and point of view (and I am going to point out here that no official motive has been established yet - all we have is media speculation). I don't believe people are inherently evil, and things like this are often motivated by some complex things and maybe some mental illness too (again we don't know yet but we may). The whole situation makes me sad, not just this guy, and I def feel more for the victims than anybody else, but I don't think blind rage and condemning one particular group is going to get us anywhere. I would rather be asking "why" than just saying "he's one of those no good terrorist Muslims". I am the only one in control of my actions, but I am not ignorant to the impact that I have on society, same as everyone else here. It's not being a "cupcake" or "sensitive" to recognize this, and it's extremely ignorant to just say "he's just being a cupcake, toughen up" when he is publicly sharing his feelings about how his community was making him feel disenfranchised, esp when we are getting such a clear demonstration of what he was complaining about here with people wanting to condemn all Muslims.
  18. That makes 0 sense. Also most of the time I am just pointing out that people are saying racist things - if they or anyone else wants to label them that way I have no control over it. I don't think Tim is a "racist" but he does say a lot of racist things. Also racist is not a race so....discriminating against them is not racism. Am I being generalizing? Yeah a little, I'll own that. But it's not based on something someone can't change about themselves - racism is a learned behavior. I point out sexist statements all the time on here. This type of race based generalizations and stereotyping is a learned behavior. Disagreeing with it is pointing it out. I'd like to think a lot of you don't really intend to say some of the things you end up saying and pointing them out is part of the recognition process. But here is the thing: if you make a racist comment understand that that is a racist comment. Don't say "all somalis are ...x, but im not a racist" because that's just stupid. If you make racist comments accept that you have said something racist- don't blame the PC police for coming down on your socially unacceptable behavior because that's just avoiding responsibility for your own actions. Just to bring this around: part of what this kid was complaining about on facebook is the nature ins which Ohioans in his community treated him for being different. That's us, all of us, we are his community (at least the ones still living in Columbus). I read some of the comments here and no wonder he felt disenfranchised. 18-20 year olds aren't known for making good decisions. And unless you have forgotten ever one of us has gone through that phase where we got angry and wanted to see the world burn for what ever reason - a girl breaking up with us, not making enough money or having a good job, or sometimes being treated differently. I don't think this is an act of terrorism, kids like this snap on college campuses from time to time (UT Austin, Virginia Tec...etc). I feel sorry for him because he was a mixed up kid for who life was hard and he gave in to his poor decision making and hurt a lot of people. And I feel sad that innocent people got really hurt. And I imagine a lot of you who are angry about this feel the same way, but rather than lash out at a nameless group in rage and condemn all muslims or Somalis, try to see there were individual people at the heart of all this, and how blind rage at a particular group adds to the problem and solves nothing.
  19. I'm sure it's no different than other low income neighborhoods. Besides this kid was supposedly living in Dublin anyway. That is the most nonsensical analogy I have ever seen. You are just justifying your stereotyping and racism before all the facts have come out. And don't give me that bullshit that you don't care - if you didn't care then you wouldn't bitch about it so much or get defensive when people pointed out you are being racist. Do t get me wrong, it's your right to be a racist and say offensive things - just own that crap when it happens man, don't dodge responsibility by saying someone is just being overly sensitive and PC.
  20. it sounds like there were only 5 victims (if the dispatch is to be believed). Two stabbed, two hit with a car, and one unspecified. Glad it was fewer than the 9 reported earlier: http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2016/11/28/active-shooter.html It's funny how in our "instant media" age we are so eager for information we can't get the details right. It started out as a shooting with three suspects and 9 injured this morning and is now a single deceased suspect with 5 confirmed injuries. Glad this turned out to be less of an incident than reported.
  21. bent out of shape how? you are just one comment in a string of many here saying the same thing - you just used the most words and two of your concepts are just not intelligent: 1 incident does not make a "vast majority" and saying I'm not racist but...loses all credibility when the next thing you say is racist. All I am saying is rather than rush to prove how much of not a racist you are, why not show some compassion for the victims? Pro Tip: "PC" is really just code for making an effort to not insult people for no reason. Those who oppose it are really just looking to say really offensive things with no societal repercussions.
  22. yeah we should totally condemn the tens of thousands of similar race/religion/culture because of a few fuck ups. Tell you what, you can deport all those people if you agree to deport all the protestants too since the Klan is a Protestant organization. good deal? Pro tip: if you start a sentence with "i'm not racist or anything but..." you are going to say something racist. I suppose it's asking too much to just wait till details surface before y'all just jump to the racist/nationalist conclusions you are going to jump to anyway? There are real injured people here - show some concern for them instead...mmmkay? do what you can to support those people before you grab your pitchforks and torches.
  23. You could just have the wrong bike. The right bike will inspire confidence, the wrong one will feel like it's constantly putting you in peril. It sounds strange and somewhat patronizing but really it's not - the wrong bike can just mean a lot more work for you to stay safe. What bike do you have currently?
  24. Time is what renders these things "simple", or rather familiarity breeds contempt. I remember first hearing about v-tec in the mid-1990's (on the B16 engines) and thinking "my god, how are we ever going to service something this complicated", and yet you refer to Hondas now as simple, and by comparison to the modern stuff they are. Time is the avenger.
  25. This, but it doesn't necessarily mean "sport bike". $15K can net you a new thruxton R or the ducati monster 1200, both are great bikes and much easier to ride than a full racer tuck, 9 second 1/4 mile, zx-10r. Heck you could buy a used bike and still have some left over for a crap can DD that you can use when it's raining/snowing. Or, instead of DD'ing a 12 second car, what about buying a miata and just going full on auto-X? didn't see the 04-06 GTO on your list - maybe one of those? they can be found for below $15K.
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