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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I know that thinking about me has become a past time for you, but you really should get over it. It does put a smile on my face when you take time out of your day to ping me insults and what not out of the blue because honestly, outside of just reading these comments and responding I don't think about you at all. Enjoy your day.
  2. $130K is just the price of the car, then you have to put a 5 point bar in it before any track would let you make a pass. One of the fastest electric "doorslammer" cars/trucks is an S-10 owned by Shawn Lawless out of Youngstown and that is in the 9 second range. It looks like a mostly stock S10 and I wonder if it can be used as a street car. http://www.nedra.com/photos/s11/s11_479.jpg that's kind of the appeal of the tesla, not that it's a rip snorting 10 second drag car, but that you can use it to go out for milk at the grocery without doing anything but pushing a few buttons. Is that worth $130K vs whatever it cost to convert a regular drag car to an electric drag car, I don't know.
  3. Dude, you internet stalked me for like a month and then made all sorts of personal attacks like a year ago. It was pretty creepy. I don't feel like mining through a year of posts, that shit is here for anybody who wants to go back and find it which is literally no one.
  4. Eh....I don't think I would go that far. The club was basically just so he could create a revenue stream and maybe mine for clients for his private equity company. It's too many niche interests and would limit membership. We can't even get a consensus of those three things on this site and it's free. Clubs in general are a good idea but they need to happen organically.
  5. That's a mighty big rock you be tossing from that glass house.
  6. I would say taking "life advice" from this forum, specifically this thread is probably unwise, but then again given your current situation I don't really see what you have to lose.
  7. do you have a link for this? all I can find is where it is $329.
  8. you know how to use google don't you? Or do you feel like you are entitled to something and don't want to work for it? LOL http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2015/jul/29/marco-rubio/rubio-says-40-percent-illegal-immigrants-are-overs/ http://www.pewhispanic.org/2006/05/22/modes-of-entry-for-the-unauthorized-migrant-population/ http://www.nationalreview.com/article/424879/visa-overstays-todays-immigration-crisis-mark-krikorian
  9. When I used to work in bars in NY, there were a large portion of Irish/Scottish illegal aliens who worked as bartenders. Some of them had been in the country for years and had not filed extensions for as long. Nobody is talking about illegal Europeans, Africans, and Asians when they are talking about illegal immigration. Next to mexico, India, China, Canada, and the Philippines top the list of country of origin for new immigrants to this country - and most of them are coming in through the northern border. Trump could stop the ACA dead in it's tracks any time he wants to. All he has to do is stop the federal Government's appeal of a lower court decision from when the Republican party sued the federal government for funding the program. It would be wildly unpopular for him to do so....so he has to play nice. Keep in mind, the majority republican congress blocked all efforts to make changes thus far that might have made a difference in how it works and eased some of the burdens simply because it isn't their program and they don't like "socialized" medicine. So Trump is in the unenviable position of having to either kill it entirely, or get the obstructionist republicans to be less obstructionist and allow some changes to the program. he's fucked either way, and what's worse - he's fucked by his own party.
  10. The other problem nobody is talking about is who owns this land? A good portion of the land that exists on the border isn't owned by the Federal Government, it's owned by private citizens. So it would take federal easements and/or taking of the land by eminent domain in order to build a secure wall. All those people that voted because they didn't want the federal government taking away money/property from it's citizens (i.e. against wealth redistribution) - how well do you think it is going to sit with them that in order to build a border wall/fence they are going to have to take property away from American citizens? The other thing to point out is that, 40% (or more) of our illegal alien problem comes from people overstaying legitimate visas, and is not limited to Mexicans (16% are actually Mexicans and 27% are central Americans in that group). A border wall is not going to fix that. There is this perception that our southern border is "porous" but really mexicans only make up 52% of all undocumented immigrants and only 46% of those who entered without inspection (i.e. crossing a border). Really "securing the southern US border" is nothing more than the war on drugs repackaged to play on American's fear of Mexicans. If we really wanted to stop Mexican immigration maybe we should pick our own damn strawberries at the same wage and therefore stop the labor market incentive for them to cross in the first place.
  11. I think this actually came up during the GOP run off last year but it really isn't much of a story. Is it interesting? yes. could it have helped him? if it could have he would have used it more. Jeez Tim, can you just knock off the hitler-hillary comparisons? it's starting to border on antisemitism.
  12. in case someone wants to read about his "ponzi scheme" http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-6th-circuit/1061997.html
  13. He showed up to Lenox C&C a bunch of times, once with a suicide door Lincoln continental and a bunch more with a ragged out E28 M5. Wes even chased him out once for soliciting for his club in a fairly obnoxious manner (randomly walking up to random people as asking if They were republican or something like that IIRC). The guy was a huge douche every time he showed up.
  14. excellent reading comprehension there. This. Alt right isn't "alternative" like listening to pearl jam in your parents basement in 1993 kind of alternative. It's the name for the group of people most conservatives don't want to associate with because they are too out there. In the past we just called them openly racist anti-Semitic women hating assholes and didn't pay any attention to them, but now since everything is public and clamoring for attention they are harder to ignore. Under the original founder, brietbart wasn't nearly as inflammatory, but under Bannon's leadership it became more click-baity with a focus on the "alternative right". Whether he was empowering them or just taking advantage of a rising tide is harder to say, but either way I don't know that he can be disassociated with it.
  15. Nah, he knows I'm just busting his chops. No, it's kind of condescending. You shouldn't need a symbol like that to indicate you stand on the side of equality, just be a decent person and it's enough. Unless you want to troll a conservative you know in real life, who would freak out if he saw you wearing one....then by all means wear a dozen of them.
  16. What are you mad a me for, you are the one who wrote it. Besides according to Kirk I'm adorable...:gabe:
  17. So what you are saying is...only African Americans can protest for civil rights for African Americans? or are the only ones that should be taken seriously? I know this is probably not what you meant clay, but come on, it's sounds....well...you know how it sounds. Don't undermine the legitimacy of the message, because of who the messenger is. protesting in public isn't talking about it through social media, it's a form of "actually doing something" and part of what john oliver was talking about (yes I watch Last Week Tonight too). Keep in mind here we are not talking about rioting, just peaceful protest.
  18. I visited LA a couple years back because my brother was doing pilot season. I completely geek-ed out on having seen Rodney Bingenheimer actually driving his GTO twice around LA. For those who don't know Rodney was given the car as a gift for being Davey Jones's stunt double in the Monkees and has been his daily driver since 1967. Think about that, he has been driving the same Tyrol Blue, Black Vinyl top GTO up and down the sunset strip for nearly 50 years and it hasn't turned to red oxide powder. It's not a "show car" by any means but it isn't ugly and dented to hell either. (not my picture)
  19. I'm not saying it doesn't still happen, but something I noticed when I used to do probate work is that when you start researching people's family trees, once you start to get into the 1970's and earlier it gets really common. I would actually love to see a historical study as to how common then vs now but not sure how that would be accomplished since you'd have to have permission to look at thousands of people's family history.
  20. Renegade trim packages got the flat hood for '05 and up. You can tell a flat hood from a regular Liberty because the grill is different too. A regular Liberty grill dips down between the headlights, a renegade grill goes straight across. I don't think this one has the flat hood. I think all CRDs were automatics.
  21. My industry recommends 50 hours a year, I exceed easily by none of your goddam business.
  22. You are talking about two states which both have the largest populated cities within their state borders. They aren't trying to keep people from their second amendment rights so much as they are trying to curb irresponsible ownership since irresponsible ownership has larger repercussions in those densely populated areas. They are more the exception than the rule. At one point those cities didn't have gun control laws (in our lifetimes) and let's be honest there was a lot of irresponsible behavior that happened, so they can no longer rely on "self policing" of gun owners. One thing that almost never gets talked about in these situations is the number of deaths and injuries caused by legal gun owners that have decreased as a result of gun laws. Getting shot in a bar brawl used to be so prolific they wrote many many many folk, rock, and blues songs about it. Don't hear about it nearly as much now. The nice part of federal gun control standards is the states are still free to go more narrowly focused if they want so it is possible to not write a federal standard to the level of New York or Los Angles. The supreme court already ruled (even the liberal justices) that outright restriction of access is not allowed, so they aren't going anywhere. the only question left is then how do they solve some of the ills of society without taking them away. Personally I would rather see technology solve this problem than the legislature, but again the gun lobby and the NRA are the public's own worst enemy in this regard. The technology exists, as far back as the 1990's, to have a firearm that was restricted in use to a particular person or few people. That technology would cut down on the number of accidental children shooting and the number of people killed by their own fire arm in a self defense situation (which is actually greater than the number of people who are able to successfully defend themselves) without affecting access. But no, your lobbying organization would rather not even let people who want this choice to be available because they don't want progress in this area.
  23. I know a member here that rents a 3 car garage in a residential neighborhood. As long as he isn't running an impact wrench at 3 am with all the doors open they are pretty cool with it. It all depends on the arrangement you make with people. Unfortunately CL seems to be the place for these kinds of rentals.
  24. That's pretty out there Joe. I think there would have been a "gun grab" by people who normally buy guns and who fear a plan to disarm the US, but that an actual "disarmament" is highly unlikely. We have talked about this many times here, the 2nd amendment isn't going anywhere and we already have gun control in this country. The only serious conversation that was really going on prior to the election was whether the gun control standards should be national or remain at the state level. Everything about Obama taking your guns was nonsense fear mongering and gun sales. I was having a conversation recently with a friend of mine who is former army intelligence. He had a really interesting take: whether we think it or not, Russia thinks they are in a second Cold War with us and they view politics as a form of warfare. In terms of nation building and prosperity they would have to weaken the western alliance and the US to continue to grow so they had a very specific stake in our election turn out. The incoming administration is probably the best outcome for them. I honestly haven't been following the Russian connection to trump, but it's an interesting theory.
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