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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. no but it will have enough info to make an educated guess after the election. Still I think we can all agree it wasn't the "safe" or traditional thing to do. Because the "popular" ratings like the gallup poll are often so far off as to be largely ineffective as a barometer of who will win the electoral college vote. 4 times the president has lost the popular vote and won the electoral vote outright, and many more times has the Gallup pole or it's historical equivalent been wrong about the next president (ever see the Dewey beats Truman headline?). Even when it gets it right it's often off by a margin of 10% or more (e.g. Mitt Romney had 48% popular vote but actually a 38% electoral college vote). Nope, and I am pretty embarrassed for her that she took that path. It's unbecoming of what we expect of a world leader. I mean, I am not saying it isn't necessarily false as many, many, many left leaning news sources have pointed out (e.g. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/09/trump_s_basket_of_deplorables_hillary_clinton_was_right.html) or true, but it's the kind of dividing comment this election didn't need. It is the kind of shitty throw away joke her campaign didn't need because it does more harm than good and further polarizes the country. I mean, she has some traditional republican leaders pulling for her against trump now, why dis-enfranchise them. I think there is a portion of the population that is extolling hate against her purely because she is a woman and no other reason. I don't know how large but it is significant to be noticed. I don't believe that a man with her previous experience would have had nearly as difficult time or as polarizing a reaction. I think you are being generous when you say half. I think it's much larger than that, and I include myself in those numbers. I work very hard to be more informed than most and the reality is unless you are part of the political machine, you or I haven't the first idea how the machine really works. Our educational system is a real let down in this area, and the ugly race it has been hasn't helped one bit. Is she just as unpalatable? eh....maybe she doesn't say nearly as much racist or sexist, or wildly ugly things as trump and that gives her a slight edge, but no politician is really palatable. least of all presidential nominees. Remember the 2000 election? what a race to the bottom that was. or how about the 1988 election between Dukakis and Bush....yeesh (remember when being a "card carrying member of the ACLU" was an insult?). Being uninformed is not a "deplorable" thing here - the deck is stacked against and the politicians want us to be ill informed and vote with our emotionally manipulated hearts. What is deplorable is the nature in which regular folks seem to be treating each other on both sides of the aisle. I applaud Trump for "speaking his mind" in a very polished arena and exposing the true flaws in the political system, but I can't pretend his message isn't one of hate. I love that he single handily destroyed the republican party and brought the dissatisfaction of the American people with their political system to the forefront as a real issue. I just wish he hadn't done it at the cost of exposing how ugly and divided this country still is on key issues of civil rights and liberties.
  2. Minute MURDER!!!!!! just kidding. you as well. bummed nobody wanted to touch my twilight zone reference.
  3. clearly you have never been around 1970's cars. Car is the hotness, even the color combo. My mother has an X3 in the same colors. Too bad they never made these in manual. Good luck with sale.
  4. regular people as in people who are not talking head pundits on tv. you know: you, me, anybody. And I frequently reply how most on here are fairly misogynistic or racist because....surprise...they say misogynistic or racist shit often without realizing it. Get a grip Joe and wipe the rage sweat off the keyboard. Sheesh.
  5. pandering....effective campaigning via pop culture media....6 of one half a dozen of the other....comme si comme ca. honestly I find regular people's reaction to the politicians way more offensive than anything either of them have said...but then again the monsters are due on maple street.
  6. In ohio you can get it from a pharmacist but they can only dispense to the following individuals: http://pharmacy.ohio.gov/Documents/Pubs/Naloxone/Pharmacist/Guidance%20Document%20-%20Dispensing%20of%20Naloxone%20without%20a%20Prescription.pdf http://pharmacy.ohio.gov/Documents/Pubs/Naloxone/Pharmacist/Sample%20Naloxone%20Dispensing%20Protocol%20for%20Pharmacies.pdf http://pharmacy.ohio.gov/Pubs/NaloxoneResources.aspx Joe blow can't just walk into CVS and get a kit for his restaurant because he suspects all the busboys are high. There is also some paperwork that needs to be signed which believe it or not can be a deterrent to people trying to keep their addiction secret (such as divorced parents who have custody of children, or people out on parole).
  7. Bill Clinton played the saxophone on Arsenio Hall in 1992. His cameo was cut out of "the Hangover 2" (or maybe was never filmed) and he has been on The daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Letterman. Hillary has been on SNL and the tonight show. They both appear on more pop culture centric shows than any other president before or since and have been known to take risks with their image. So tell me again how they are too "high up" to "come down" and do something like this? It only looks like pandering to her opponents who are just going to look for any reason to hate her anyway. I think it was a pretty bold move to relate to people normally ignored by traditional campaign media penetration.
  8. because it is the absurd kind of rumor that gets made up surrounding things like this to add a bit of salaciousness to it. Do I believe that people around this at risk behavior are carrying naloxone more often? yes. Do I believe that people would be inclined to do this stuff in groups? kinda, but maybe only slightly more so than in the past. Do I believe that addicted people are that organized and flush with cash to host a party and all chip in and find a responsible person that they trust to revive them? maybe that happened once with a bunch of college kids but I highly doubt it's a regular occurrence. A Narcan kit costs between $20-$40 (some kits are as high at $60 depending on what's in them) and requires a prescription. It doesn't get "cheaper" in the black market and is way more expensive than the heroin it is being used to fight. No he's not serious. In high school, college, and law school I used to get my community service credit hours by working at various clinics including drug rehabilitation centers. I haven't volunteered for some time but I still have friends in these places, and to be honest the whole thing kind of fascinates me.
  9. The point of the show is cringe humor. They edit heavily to maximize this effect. This one was edited so heavily that you can see the cuts. There was an interview galifinakis did where he talked about the president's show (nerdist, maybe?) and the White House had to review and approve the final product, I imagine the same goes here - what aired is what was approved by clintons office. Still very funny.
  10. The way your statement was worded it was an attack on someone else's feelings concerning something they witnessed. You are entitled to feel anyway you like about it, but sometimes it's best to keep these things to yourself.
  11. how about....compassion for someone who has died due to some unfortunate circumstances is normal and we should feel empathy for our fellow man. It's a very sad situation caused by a lot of complex societal factors that cannot be distilled into a garbage oversimplifying set of "personal responsibility" statements. Belittling anybody for feeling that way doesn't make you idealistic or righteous, it just makes you an asshole. BStowers - I'm sorry you had to go through this. Its an emotionally difficult thing to see and process. The only advice I can give you is that this is going to probably weigh heavy on your mind in ways you didn't imagine before and it's ok to seek help if it starts to get to you (it may not, but it may and in ways you weren't expecting).
  12. I drove a 2009 one at carmax last year when I thought they would total the jeep. the car was a lot of fun and faster than I thought. I always feel like the head gasket thing with subarus is because of people modding them. I may be wrong but the guys who are always talking about it seem to also want to tell me about their perrin parts or their vape pen.
  13. Cloth seating wise I will agree to that. the cloth in mine blows compared to my brother's old same year GTI. The only time I ever noticed a difference was in the size of the doors and getting in. The 2 door GTI was just easier to get into because that door is huge. I'm long in body so I jack the seat down. It is possible for me to jack the seat up and have my head touch the headliner, but I like to sit in the car not on it. I agree. The only things I miss though are the steering wheel buttons for the radio. I didn't miss them before, but after driving my bmw for 7 months with them I am now slightly annoyed the A3 doesn't have them. I'm a pretty simple guy so the less stuff a german car has the less there is to break. I am convinced the only reason this car has been so reliable is because it was a base model with no options, my brother's GTI has all sorts of electrical problems when it hit 80K. the FWD manual car I have is fun to drive. I don't know what qualifies it as "decent" but it's fun. You can retrofit the awd to the A3 using audi TT parts (or S3 parts from europe). Wife and I may consider it next year once we figure out if we are keeping it or not. I do it all the time on cloverleaf exit ramps (the really tight one from roberts road on to 270 is my favorite). What's the point in having a lowered A3 if you don't pitch it hard when you have the chance. agreed.
  14. Yes, longer. Headroom is not an issue in either car - I'm 6'5" and I fit just fine. Could even put a helmet on without touching. The A3 looks cooler with a lower roofline. Agree on the 2006 cars, but you could get a manual wagon up to 2013. I still see a premium on 2009+ GTIs vs A3s (depending on powertrain and options). probably. Feels heavier than 100 lbs. Maybe it's the 106.7in wheelbase vs the 101.5in of the A3. Also the weight bias in the wagon is different. I can get the wife's A3 to swing the tail if I pitch it hard enough, something I can't get a CC to do. I thought 2008 to mid 2009 were tiptronic (torque converter auto).
  15. speaking of unicorns by the way.... https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/680023607/overview/ seriously though, have you thought about a subaru legacy GT? It's like a wrx but for adults. https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/665767886/overview/
  16. You could always look at an Audi A3. Slightly bigger but still the GTI platform. Available in all the same drivetrain options as the GTI/MK5 R32 (the 3.2 dsg a3 is basically a 4 door Mk5 R32). Unlike the GTI, most were bought by young upwardly mobile couples and aren't ragged out like a GTI would. In my experience the Audi is often cheaper used than a comparable GTI. We bought the wife's 2006 in 2011 with 30K miles for just under $14K out the door. I managed to find a cloth interior car (never again, audi cloth is not scotchguarded - it stains if you look at it funny), and my brother, who had an 06 GTI, used to joke that it was a poor mans GTI since it didn't have the fancy headlights or the plaid seats that his package 0 car had. His car also cost more. We had all the MK5 problems on ours except the coil packs, and to be honest it wasn't much: stuck thermostat, radiator weep, steering rack, diverter valve. The hard part was working on the car since the engine is in there so tight, the bumper/under shielding needs to come off for almost everything. here is a nicely optioned stick one: http://detroit.craigslist.org/mcb/cto/5783788044.html and a low mileage one close to your price range (but not local): https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/673772496/overview/ the CC was on my radar for a while. I have two friends that own them. What they tell me is that if you want to mod one get a dsg, the manual trans cars are too heavy for the trans to live behind a 2.0T above 300hp. Also the manual cars are FWD only and it's a large heavy car so it pushes and plows in hard cornering. Be careful at looking at auto ones, some are conventional slushboxes and some are dsg. DSG isn't bad, but the slushbox is garbage. If it were me I would buy a manual one. Otherwise it's a neat car and the interior is fantastic but if you have to have a german sedan, you can get an e90 3 series for the same money.
  17. I always wondered about how it works in NC. Is it a small amount of tax? What is the the thing the tax was paying for or the behavior it is trying to discourage?
  18. http://indianapolis.craigslist.org/cto/5784920864.html
  19. Tell him to sell one of his bikes. The sale of a Harley astroglide would easily finance a drag car roller or a decent start to a proper LS turbo long block. here are a couple of GM options, I'm sure he could go cheaper if he were willing to play with fox body fords: http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5723139318.html http://annarbor.craigslist.org/cto/5760480556.html http://muncie.craigslist.org/cto/5789215943.html http://toledo.craigslist.org/cto/5781442362.html
  20. It's a great platform for it if you think about it. I did a quick google search and found this: http://www.ez.org/t/Longez-jet There is also Frank Dasmacci's cozy jet conversion. and you are right xcor did the rocket conversion for the racing series that never happened and used velocity airframes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XCOR_EZ-Rocket
  21. many times. Tom knows to call me should he get one it. At least I hope he remembers. It's such a unique item I have to put out all sorts of feelers. Since I can't seem to figure out how to embed pics from my photobucket account here is a link to what it looks like: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/1975 CB750F Garage Find/C1FBD986-7F06-46BD-BFDF-7A900EB3B3AD_zpsjiutsygc.jpg
  22. The shelby-dowd wheel on my 1975 cb750F has a cosmetic bend in it that can't be repaired. Looking to replace with the same wheel. Would consider something similar like henry abe if the price is right but much prefer a shelby wheel. It's a 6 point star pattern below is a pic: I am located in NW Columbus Ohio but wife and I frequently travel the state for work and can pick up locally.
  23. assuming we are comparing two identical engines. I don't have to, all you have to do is read this link...but to save you time I have excerpted the relevant passage: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/propulsion/q0195.shtml I want to say someone was working on a kit to convert a Long-EZ to jet power. I think there is at least one out there flying. There was talk about racing them a while back as well. If you are starting now....gonna be a long time before you move up to jets.
  24. Hp doesn't make thrust. Thrust is the amount of force the engine generates in a static environment, hp is the amount of work being done over time (p=F*d/t). They use HP for the ratings because it's easy and universally understood, but when you think about it many variables like pitch of prop and number of blades can have an affect on efficiency (although no longer popular people used to fly Cubs with a one bladed prop for this reason).
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