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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Doesn't Ohio have a large Irish Traveler's population?
  2. It's about right for a really clean convertible 69-70 driver price wise. People really want the fastbacks from that era more so than any other model. the 1970 nose is kind of polarizing, I happen to love it but there are some that prefer the 1969 nose more. here are a couple of other vert's for comparison: http://indianapolis.craigslist.org/cto/5697006772.html http://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/cto/5708867416.html http://dayton.craigslist.org/cto/5744424830.html It's a mustang so there is a decent aftermarket for it and it will make all the right noises. It won't be "fast" but that's secondary to the car's use. For pictures it can be real versatile too. Dress it up with hood stripes and magnum 500s with white letter tires and a boss 302 chin spoiler and it looks very muscle car. Put some steelies with poverty caps, a shelby padded roll bar, and some surfboards on top and it's a beach cruiser. Cragars, a stinkbug stance, and a tunnel ram and it's period 70's street machine. 18" rims, modern corbeau seats, and it looks like a pro-touring car. For not a lot of money you can probably get some photo-mileage (pun intended) out of it. I think you should do it.
  3. I don't think we are going down that road, at least not for a while. The EPA seems content to let the states handle that part of enforcement as part of their jurisdiction and while they sometimes do put pressure on the states, hardly anything comes from it. Legislation through congress will probably have the biggest impact on that and I don't see anything on the horizion...yet. I'm sure if something were to come through SEMA would make big deal about it. A lot of the modern stuff isn't looking for retrofit on older junk. In fact there have been some programs by the OEMs like GM's E-rod program that push that way, but for the most part the EPA isn't really wanting to mess with the old stuff. They certainly aren't shaking Holley's tree for making carbs. California and CARB tend to be the big drivers in that area. I do think cheaper higher flow cats, motorcycle exhaust that has a cat in it that doesn't look any different from a straight pipe, and other emissions device alternatives other than a Cat are an untapped market for people looking to modify their new vehicles. that's everyone's fear including the EPA's. The PR fiasco that was the competition vehicle language earlier this year created a huge backlash for them and a more antagonistic enemy in the automotive industry than they intended. Many in the industry see the recent harley thing as just more of that "going after" mentality but really they let harley off very light compared to some of the other OEMs. If you want to thank one asshole for ruining it for everyone it's Volkswagen - they proved that cheating is rampant and at the highest levels and the EPA is now spurned into action more than ever - but now they also have to tread lightly because of some sloppy bill writing. It's going to be an interesting next couple of years. The Bro-truck rolling coal thing needs to go away. Seriously. I love diesels and I am all for fast diesel trucks but blowing huge clouds of black smoke on the highway just to be a douche needs to stop. Also the construction industry had a long time to police themselves and keep the EPA off their back, and they didn't so now they are being treated like the misbehaving children they are. That started out as the EPA's focus but after that legislative wording fiasco the EPA seems to have collectively pulled back.
  4. Hardly, but shush, the grown ups are talking. The automotive aftermarket is not solely engine performance, there are also replacement part, restoration, suspension, brake, and body mfgs that the EPA is not "going after". So to say the EPA is trying to shut down the automotive aftermarket as a whole is problematic because it is not true. It is trying to force a change however in one segment. What that change is exactly is open to debate. I think a couple things need to change in the automotive hobby: 1) the EPA is not the evil villain and the enemy of fun. Because of it the water in Cleveland does not burn when you put a match to it. Our air is cleaner than it was in the 60's, and there is more and more natural wilderness being preserved. 2) emissions are not the enemy of performance. Today we have cleaner, more fuel efficient, higher hp small block chevrolets than any big block 454 could hope to be. We have more 4 and 6 cyl engines making the power a 327ci Chevy could only dream about. There needs to be more innovation in this area, not less, and some of that will come from the aftermarket. There is a real need here that nobody is filling because the money is focused on ways to disable emissions controls. Is the EPA going a little too far in Harley's case? Maybe may be not. They also settled with them for a really small amount and allowed them to escape admitting fault and calling it a "disagreement" so....in the end it seems like a wash. There are a lot of things in the hobby that are changing. The street/strip car is kinda going away because the cars are getting faster than the rules. The old mentality that you can't have a clean and powerful engine is going away because of advancements in technology. Being reactionary and alarmist about some of the motivations for this change is not helping, change is going to happen whether we want it to or not.
  5. Well aren't you just a warm ray of sunshine.
  6. Wags, I am trying really hard to figure out the message you are trying to deliver but it isn't coming across. The EPA is trying to prevent people from removing the emissions equipment on newer vehicles that are being driven on the street because it is illegal and has been for some time. Do they go overbroad with it? yes but that may have to do with how much abuse has been happening for a long time. So is your position that the aftermarket should be allowed to sell things whose primary purpose is to break emissions regulations? or is there something else? What's this thing that is "not being talked about" that you think should be? At the end of the day, I think where the government is trying to push the automotive aftermarket is to sell stuff that is still emissions compliant for street cars and bikes. I don't think they want to shut down the performance aftermarket at all, but rather have them sell performance parts that are still emissions compliant if they are going on a street car. Sure the harley thing on it's face looks pretty bad because they are requiring harley to recall "competition only" tuners but think about it - Harley sold 340,000 of these things. Do you really think there are 340,000 harley "competition only" race bikes in this country right now? I can tell you how many there are in motorcycle road racing because it is a number I can count on my fingers. so again I ask you - what's the problem here? do you think Harley as an organization should help it's customers with street bikes break federal laws? The EPA got a $127 Million budget increase approved for 2017 to support several new programs so...yeah...they might be hiring very soon. A lot of this is local community based and even more has to do with auto and manufacturing industries as well as clean water which traditionally have roots in this region. I don't know about the EPA office in Columbus specifically but they are getting more money which usually means more jobs.
  7. You are also now in the journalism business (as much as car magazines can be considered journalism) so you have to try to keep an impartial view. It isn't about what you know, but more about what you "report". It's perfectly acceptable to say " the sentiment of Industry people is that the EPA wants to kill the aftermarket" because you are reporting on other's perception, vs when you say "the EPA wants to kill the aftermarket" then you have adopted their bias and position on their own at the cost of your credibility. I get that you want to cater to your audience and what they want to hear, but remember you can do harm when you adopt the bias and present it as fact. I get that this is a forum and supposed to be a place to vent your opinions but when you write for a living your audience may not make the same separation. Can we be clear about something here? This isn't a new law or any new development. Harley was breaking an existing law that the EPA was not enforcing all that well, and they have started to enforce more strongly. Harley was doing something illegal the entire time and the EPA finally got around to catching them and is now making an example. The EPA cannot regulate an individuals behavior. If you want to buy a competition only part and use it on your street vehicle it has to defer to the state enforcement schemes to actually catch people, it simply does not have the resources nor the jurisdictional standing to catch every tom, dick, and harry who takes stock pipes off their sportster and puts on straight pipes. It can however regulate manufacturer's behavior and in this case that is what it has done: Harley and their dealer network can't facilitate their customers to break the law by selling a bike loaded down with "competition only" parts as conforming to street legal requirements. Harley can still sell competition only motorcycles that can't be registered, and it can still sell street motorcycles. It can also sell competition parts and street parts. It just can't sell competition only parts for bikes that aren't ever going to be used in competition and it certainly can have their dealers do the work when they know the part will be misused. If the aftermarket will be "crippled" by the EPA enforcing laws already in place, then the Aftermarket needs to find another way to do business. It shouldn't be anybody's business model to do something illegal and not getting caught for it.
  8. It's 27 grams per 8oz serving, which is the same as Coca Cola or a Normal Pepsi. Actually almost all sugar based soft drinks have just about the same amount. Up until recently the mfgs were listing only single serving nutritional information on the label, but now they are listing single serving and whole bottle for 20oz beverages. A 20oz coke always had like 67 or 69 grams of sugar in it, but the label said 27grams and 2.5 servings per bottle leaving the consumer to do the math. As my father used to say: it's all poison. It's good for a once in a while fix but don't drink this crap regularly. when Crystal pepsi was first released it had no caffeine and no preservatives, etc...it was billed as the healthy soda. I don't know how many of you remember but they didn't have to put nutritional values on soda till much later (oddly diet crystal pepsi used to carry a nutritional label in 1993, but regular just had a list of ingredients) so it's hard to say how bad the original was for you compared to now. It was probably about the same amount of sugar though.
  9. I remember those commercials, for some reason I remember something about string lights too.... That stuff came out when I was a senior in high school/freshman in college and I owe a lot to that drink for the bad decision making it inspired in the girls that I hung out with (since I was mostly the bad decision). It was basically all 18 year old females who hated beer would drink (which was all of them by my count). Eventually that would be replaced with other liquid candy alcohol like boones farm. Their Wikipedia page says it is still sold in japan. Things like zima always make me question as to whether I really do miss the 1990's or just miss being the level of wildly stupid and optimistic that comes with being 18.
  10. Bought some at Walmart last saturday and have seen it in the UDF since then. It's just as bad as I remember it the first time around...except no van-Hagar theme song. It's around. I have no idea why they brought this back. What's next? Zima?
  11. Not to sound like a broken record on this...but....assuming you have 35" tires and a 3.73 gear it is like you have a 2.90 gear ratio on stock tires. If someone swapped in 4.11s from one of the 4cyl models then it's like you have a 3.08 ratio on stick tires. Ideally for a 35" tire on a wrangler you want a 4.56 or 4.88 gear ratio. You won't get great gas mileage but the jeep won't feel like everybody is running up behind you wile you have the pedal mashed. A quick way to figure out ratio is to drive the car at 60mph in 4th and record the rpms. Use a gps speedometer app as I have never seen a lifter wrangler with an accurate speedo. You should be ideally somewhere between 2600 and 3k if your gear ratio was changed to a 4.11-4.88. Anything under and you know where your first mods should be.
  12. The EPA is "cracking down" on people who are taking advantage of lax enforcement of something that was otherwise already illegal. I think it is a little alarmist to look at the Harley situation and say the EPA wants to stop all aftermarket everywhere when the problem isn't that the aftermarket parts exist, just that they were coming installed from the mfg and some dealers directly.
  13. Nice score. The TJ is the last of the inline powered jeeps and probably the most refined while still being able to interchange parts with earlier models. With tires that big did the PO swap gear ratios? Often people don't do it due to the expense and it's the single best improvement you can do to a lifted jeep.
  14. If you read the news reports and the analysis of the tape and such....what apparently happened is they broke a door at a gas station restroom, so the manager and a security guard cornered them and demanded they pay. There is no footage of the actual exchange, just before and after and it is apparent they they are bombed out of their gourds drunk. If I were very drunk, in a men's room bathroom, and a guy (probably angry from having to deal with drunk guy shenanigans) with a badge and a gun (albeit a security badge) was demanding money from me I could easily see how that could be interpreted as a shakedown by a cop, regardless as to whatever was happening. One thing is not in dispute at this point: The swimmers gave a person with a "badge" money under duress. Whether it was restitution for a bathroom door they broke or a shakedown by a cop - either way it doesn't matter at this point, they are holding two swimmers and it could get diplomatically ugly fast. I don't think Brazil as a country knew what a media shitstorm it was inviting in with hosting the Olympics but it's becoming clear they were not ready for any of it and are reacting badly. Whatever happened if they charge the swimmers with a crime, it could get really ugly. I don't care how much butt hurt there is over how much of a crap hole their country looks like - now is not the time to find out the "don't fuck with our people" threshold of the US foreign relations.
  15. I felt the same way. Finnegan is the Straight man in the Martin and Lewis act that is Roadkill....without Friedburger's crazy energy he doesn't really stand on his own. there are a couple of interesting "tricks" I picked up watching an episode but after that loooong ass tour of his man cave I tuned out and never looked back. Its a shame he has an AMC for a project car now because I love AMCs but I just can't sit through his dry delivery. Fred being a goof ball is why Dirt every day is interesting. I don't know what it is you have against goofballs. Dumuro was a nerdy goofball too and you hated him. It's like you have something against characters that aren't trying to be cool. I honestly think you take your carfotainment too seriously. there have been some DED episodes where literally nut job fred and his nut job friends carried the whole thing on their backs. Case in point the dune buggy vs the Roadkill buick century: Both episodes are pretty much the same: "set them up for failure and then fail miserably". Roadkill fizzled and not even F&F could pull it out of it's hole, but for some reason Fred and his buddy kept that episode chugging all the way till they admitted defeat. I have been on a Petrolicious bender lately. It's surprisingly good for what it is and what it looks like before you click on it (hipster bait). I don't know how many of you guys have seen it or even know about it but back when speedvision was a thing (yes before speed channel) there was a show called "victory by design". There are some episodes on youtube and the DVDs are still available but this is literally the gold standard for car entertainment. It is basically Alan deCadenet telling you the esoteric history of some amazing racing car, and then he beats the crap out of it on Sir Anthony Banford's Private Estate track. It has everything, amazing race cars, detailed history, great stories, and "blocks away, chaps!" English accents.
  16. Maybe, maybe not. It's not like I give Brazilian authorities any credibility either. It's an our word against theirs situation. However, you don't usually detain victims of an alleged crime by taking their passports. Esp when they had ample time to collect statements. Best thing Brazil could do right now is drop the whole thing saying there isn't enough evidence to do anything about it, instead they have suspended the right to travel of American citizens which is only going to get US diplomatic relations involved. A Brazilian police investigation is unlikely to hold up to any US scrutiny so....lets just see how this plays out.
  17. all valid points...and I am not really all that thrilled about how Brazil is handling reported crimes against Olympians by taking away the Olympians passports. however there have been a lot of really positive female role models this time around, esp in swimming and gymnastics and I have been watching with my 4 year old daughter because I want her to see positive role models. Simone Biles is just killing it: When you crush by such a wide margin....Fucking Rock On!!!!
  18. the shame of it is that it's a 1965 fairlane, which is like the most boring fairlane made. more interesting wagons: https://cincinnati.craigslist.org/cto/5732085376.html https://cincinnati.craigslist.org/cto/5723905425.html https://cincinnati.craigslist.org/cto/5723743825.html https://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/cto/5733649013.html https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5723590682.html https://indianapolis.craigslist.org/cto/5704520060.html this however is my favorite: https://cleveland.craigslist.org/cto/5699488150.html
  19. I forgot to add but a couple of cars that rarely gets the same love as a GM A-body but has all the same shapes and noises is the 1966-67 Ford Fairlane GTA and the 1968-69 torino GT: https://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/cto/5662975718.html https://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/5696932590.html https://dayton.craigslist.org/cto/5701686516.html Personally I would rather have a GM a-body because it's a better chassis (coil spring vs leaf spring), but these are real deal muscle cars with 390 ci engines. the movie Grand Torino and FF5 made the 1972 body style popular: https://detroit.craigslist.org/mcb/cto/5660424730.html There is also the "Off brand" cars like Mercury as well: https://lexington.craigslist.org/cto/5732469755.html I don't really like mopar because they are unibody cars and rust compromises them, but so are F body camaros and mustangs.
  20. this would be the one I would buy....but I am a little biased: https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5726938169.html I am more partial to metallic blue however...nothing says 60's muscle car like a metallic medium blue: https://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/5688006461.html If you want an earlier body style: https://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/cto/5722365734.html I owned a sprint 6 - its as fast as any small bore pontiac v8 (326,350, etc). Its a real dare to be different kinda rod and you can make all sorts of "six shooter" jokes and puns too. I used to know a guy who was able to pull 500hp out of one with a turbo. I'm sure the other more experienced photo people here will chime in but if you primary business use for the car is photographs, you may want to look for light or medium colors. No dark grays, blacks, or midnight blues as they are much harder to photograph. if you still want to try though these are nice: https://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/ctd/5716846635.html https://akroncanton.craigslist.org/cto/5732306824.html https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5733763390.html The problem with "real" muscle cars, vs clones, as usually they are $20K to start. However if you are willing to consider early 442s and Buick GS's you cna get closer to your budget: https://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/cto/5727412429.html https://eastky.craigslist.org/cto/5715812607.html
  21. touristy gnarly? Falls (cave of the winds, maid of the mist), go to the Seneca casino, walk Old Falls street. There are a couple neat easy hiking trails around there too. If you are hiking in Niagara Gorge drive by the prophet Issiah's house. If you are in that region try to find a Garbage Plate. It's awful sober but the most amazing thing in the world to eat when drunk. Nick Tahou's is too far away in Rochester but I think university hots in buffalo (if it is still there) would do the job. Anchor Bar in buffalo is where the buffalo wing was invented if you want to say you ate the originals. burn the town down and avoid the Fuzz gnarly? Go to canada. My memory is really fuzzy but I remember there being like a club row in canada that I used to get into a lot of trouble in. Beer is stronger there too.
  22. To go 8 seconds in the 1/4 in a time when there were fewer people with fast FWD sport compacts than had walked on the moon. If you break it down that's $20,000 a year in cost of car to go racing, which is cheap when compared to some more serious pro or amateur classes running similar numbers. here is a pic of the car right before it ran 9.39 @ 162.53mph in 2011 at Raceway park. http://www.grs-motorsports.net/fotos/jeandsm/etown/111002/ht/67.jpg he sold the car in 2014 and bought a 10.5 tire fox body stang. He's running about the same numbers with that car but at approx half the cost, but he's not anywhere near the top of his class like he was with the honda. At the time he was an A&P for several different airlines, he's now a manager at Jet Blue. From his "spending" with the civic he learned a lot about turbo plumbing and now he has a decent side business tig welding turbo setups for cars that don't have kits available. I always kid him that he spend probably about as much on that car as I have on my undergraduate education and the experience makes him more money than my English degree ever did. So why would someone spend $120K on a honda? right time right place and because racing.
  23. I hate to be "that guy" but it's really easy to spend that, esp over time. I had a buddy that used to race an 8 second honda. I once asked him how much he thought he had in the car and at the time and off the cuff he said about $120K. Of course that was over 6 years and included extensive work to the chassis as well and repairs after breakages (it ate 2 liberty transmissions a season), but it didn't take into account his labor rate. Speed costs.
  24. Does anybody else feel like there is some great story associated with this car that we are not getting? Think about it, someone takes what's is basically a $1200 car in 1999 and pours buckets of money into it with a notable Ferrari, Porsche, turbo guru, makes 1000hp with it in a time when that was almost completely unheard of for a 6 cyl asian car. And leaves the rest of the car mostly stock. No slicks, no racing class mods, not even one of those fast and furious 5" auto meter tachs. I bet that car has some interesting late night stories to tell if it could talk.
  25. A couple of thoughts: 1) If you are looking at "Kits", make sure they are car specific kits. There is an old story about the original GT350s having stripes that actually taper because when they went over the body panel it is the only way they looked straight. A stripe that is the same width front to rear will look like it is getting wider toward the front of the car when you look at the car head on. A quick look on google shows most modern mustang quality stripe kits taper as well. 2) your options are vinyl kit (which is eventually removable) or paint (which is permanent). Even if Kevin can't do vinyl, he can still paint a stripe for you. Then you get the exact matching color you want. Hell, you could probably even get heavy metal flake and candy colors. The cost is probably comparable so it comes down to whether you want to take them off at some point or not. 3) if you can find the right material, but the company you are looking doesn't offer that material - try calling or emailing directly. I worked with motorcycle decal guys for years and if I wanted custom color decals in a stock style they offered it was often something they could do, and fairly inexpensively. Sometimes these things can surprise you. 4) If you work start to finish with a place like Lizard Skinz (who I understand aren't a sponsor) start to finish, they may know whose kits are best, or even be able to get the measurements themselves and make up a custom color for you. Personally I like the gray with red pinstripe. But that is because I don't like just two solid stripes (even though they are a heritage thing). I happen to like this style better: http://www.allfordmustangs.com/forums/attachments/2011-2014-mustang-talk/322073d1393950364-stripe-color-combo-looks-better-2013-gt-blk-red-dual-pin-lrg.jpg mostly because it looks more complex and not like a kid painted it in their garage with a rattle can. But I am biased because I like pinstripes.
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