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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Nice score, is it an interesting color? E34s had some great colors. Both of mine were Green metallic over Champagne interiors and I loved them. I had a Loaner car once that was Daytona violet metallic (dark metallic purple) over white that was sharp as a tack. Except for another M car or an E9 coupe, the only other BMW I want is a manual swapped E34 touring. they never brought the 540i touring here, but they did bring the 530i baby v8 touring here which would take a 540i swap (something about the 525iT makes it harder to swap to a v8 without changing subframes) if you had a parts car.
  2. Geeto67

    BMW 2002

    can't we all just get along...... :gabe: FWIW, I like this thread. Yeah it sucks that a mostly complete, mostly original car got partially parted out, but it is just a car and now the end product has to totally rock to live up to it. I'm in to see a m42 swapped 2002 because those are cool. Plus they made 1000s of these little beemers. I don't know what got in Clay's bonnet about this, but it genuinely feels weird to be on this side of the conversation where I am the one saying - chill out brah.
  3. Most of the English can't hack the English food, It's kind of why your Island doesn't have an obesity problem. Although it is hard to beat a Full English breakfast.
  4. Same could be said. I tend to value any opinion of NYC by people who haven't lived there with about as much regard as I value dogshit on my shoe. Yes but the comment was using it as a way to say NYC is outdated and technologically obsolete, except that steam heat is in it's 4th generation and new systems are being built. You call it NYC pizza or NYC style Pizza. There are no shortage of restaurants that actually use that in their name, case in point: Adriatico's New York Style Pizza Italy But, this city has so much good beer....why? :gabe:
  5. Ok just to clear it up... 1. I don't often say Cbus outright sucks, but I do make observations about ways in which Cbus and Ohio could be better (like writing less speeding tickets, lol). I live here, and I like it....mostly....but you all do have things that to an outsider seem really strange 2. I don't also say NYC is way better, but I do often defend it against a lot of misconceptions - like the comments about steam heat in this thread, It's called district heating and it is one of the most environmentally friendly and efficient ways to heat a lot of high rise buildings that are close together. It's not widely adopted in the US because most cities are sprawling and not the tight cluster that NYC is. It is widely used in europe, Japan, and northern China. There have been 12 steam explosions since 1987, I was there for the one in 2007 and saw it first hand, which was one of the worst ones. I dusted myself off and went back to work because it was no big deal. 3. Chicago style pizza is distinct from pizza commonly sold here and surrounding states which is referred to as "midwest pizza" (cut into squares, cornmeal in dough or cooked on cornmeal, basically donatos). It's its own thing, and I don't think CBus does it particularly well. But that's ok, you guys have great german food which left NYC decades ago. 4. Part of the taste of NYC pizza is in the water used to make the dough and some of the other ingredients. NYC water comes from an upstate Aquifer and has a specific taste that translates to the dough. the water is also ice cold when making the dough, something a lot of people outside NYC don't know or do. So yeah, you don't have the right water. Also most NYC pizza uses Polly-o Cheese, which wasn't sold in the Cbus market until very recently (I spotted some bricks of Polly-O at my local walmart for the first time last weekend). Even when NYC style brick oven comes to Cbus, the taste is off. So my point is - don't try to imitate NYC pizza, embrace midwestern style pizza and make it unique and it's own thing (and not just unique because you cut it into squares). /Rant Now, back to Amazon.... Serious question, If there was one specific company (besides Amazon) that you could see being a good fit for this city, What company would it be and why?
  6. There is a lot of positive things to be said for Cbus's growth and that alone is probably why we even made the short list as a city. I can see the positive in Amazon having selected this as their market because of central location and the idea of building out the industry on their terms (suppliers come to them, not the other way around), and of course standard of living and salaries would go up. There are enough banking satellite offices here that they could have even pulled some of the financial industry this way. In the end though I sometimes wonder if Amazon HQ offices would have been a good fit for this city, which def has room to grow but would need to grow quick, fast and in a hurry. If you think our housing prices now are wonky, it would have only gotten worse. plus standard of living costs, and other things that would impact the natives already stalking this land.
  7. HQ's aren't about logistics and delivery, they are about networking and management. NYC offers access to the upper mgmt of companies that cbus can't. VA offers access to government contracts, lobbyists, politicians, etc....that Cbus can't. Amazon built a fulfillment center here, because that is what the city did offer - a major hub for transportation and shipping (logistics). Amazon isn't a startup, and while Columbus has a lot to offer a lot of other companies, in the end NYC is still the center of the financial, fashion, advertising, and Art and has a large employment pool of digital media and high technology people to draw from. I read through the comments here and I hear are a bunch of jealous biddy's bitching about why Amazon took NYC and VA to the prom and how they look fat in that dress.
  8. If you have to settle, settle for a 1989-1992 E34 535i. The M30 is the last of the original bmw sixes that can trace it's lineage to the E3 and E9 cars of the 60's and 70's. It's a really torque heavy I6 and really makes the car engaging to drive. I love the M20/m50 2.5 engine in the 3 series, but in the 525i the car is too heavy to make it fun.
  9. you know they made a stick version of that generation x5, right? Personally I am right there with you. I had 2 E34s and an E30 and loved all of them. My buddy had a Z3 that I loved driving but with the roof up I couldn't get in or out of. Mid 1990's is when BMW transitioned from "German reliable" to bleeding edge tech, and the cars, esp the e36 and E38 7 series suffered for it.
  10. My 6 year old came home from school last week with the man from Nantucket limerick the other day. My wife hit the ceiling, even though I am pretty sure my daughter has no idea what any of it means. to prevent her from repeating it again in the house I taught her this one instead: There once was a girl from Antietam Who loved horse turds so much she would eat them she sat on their rumps and ate up the clumps just as fast as the horse could excrete them On the downside, she's probably said it like 20 times this week, on the upside her vocabulary now includes the word excrete. 1st graders, am I right?
  11. Geeto67

    BMW 2002

    been to barber yet? if not go...it's worth it.
  12. or 4) those other cities could deliver on something that Amazon needed that Columbus couldn't deliver. I mean, is it so hard to believe that another city would just be a better fit because of of the local industry?
  13. Geeto67

    BMW 2002

    mmmmm...NARDI wheel....:masturboy: Agreed!, that should make the little pocket rocket fly and keep decent balance.
  14. have you tried resetting them? http://www.thetpmsforum.com/showthread.php?1665-Cadillac-CTS-(2004-2007)-TPMS-Reset-Procedure
  15. no it's overpriced, it's appropriately rated.
  16. And yet still not as bad as San Francisco and people are still adding to that too. From a Headquarters standpoint NYC makes 100% sense. It gives amazon access to the many other large corporation headquarters, both international and domestic, plus it gives them access to a major port. An HQ doesn't need to make, fulfill, or ship anything - it needs to give a place for executives to park their butts and network with others. In NYC amazon executives and technology specialists get access to finance, media, fashion, advertising and art that they don't get anywhere else. Same thing with Arlington VA - Amazon is going to park their political operations, lobbyists, some legal professionals, import and customs people, etc... in that one office so they are close to the government action and can hire from a well networked pool and maintain those close connections.
  17. I genuinely feel someone missed a great opportunity by not having it come with the option of a small stuffed cat sewn to the hand. In other news..... This is a really great article and gives great context as to why the Russian threat is relevant in American politics: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/11/bill-browder-war-against-putin
  18. I just wanted to say - great job with the car and the write-ups. It's very inspiring. I did want to ask....no gloves on the track day?
  19. You cried that I was calling you a racist faster than a soccer player takes an "injury dive". And honestly I this isn't really about me having a wrong interpretation because all someone has to do is go back a few pages and it's there in writing (unless you decide to go back and edit or erase it - I'm not going to). Also, bullshit on the "I didn't threaten you" crap. I saw it, one of the other moderators saw it, and a bunch of us had a good laugh about I have a penchant for getting these extreme conservative types on the board to threaten me. If you didn't intend for it to be a threat, then maybe choose...I dunno, less threatening words. But let's be honest, you got hot and you did the high school "say it to my face" thing that so many kids use to start fights. That part is ok, it happens to us all. You know what's not ok? trying to walk it back like it didn't happen instead of manning up and owning that shit and admitting it probably was a moment of less clear thinking. Two things I want to point out: 1) do you really believe that people weren't going to see through the "say it to my face" enough that you could deny it was a threat later, and 2) how is it that you don't want to take personal responsibility for your own actions when you are so bent on others doing the same? Again, I went out of my way to not call you a racist and try to understand your point of view by asking you questions but all you did was whine like a bitch about being called a racist and act like a 16 year old. I'm done with you. I don't think you are a racist, but I genuinely believe you are thinned skinned and belligerent and you have nothing to offer in this conversation.
  20. Oh you mean that county where no voter fraud was found to exist after the REPUBLICAN governor had the elections board check and re-check and had state law enforcement independently investigate and they drew that same conclusion? https://www.politico.com/states/florida/story/2018/11/10/scotts-own-monitors-agree-with-law-enforcement-no-signs-of-florida-voter-fraud-691112 I'm sorry to say, that the numbers just don't bear out that "voter fraud" is rampant. I will tell you what is rampant - people claiming voter fraud or exaggerating voter fraud where there is non or very little - often to use later as support for voter suppression, or in this very specific case for a candidate to use as propaganda to energize their base in the event of a run off.
  21. Can we clear something up here? Just because you say racist things doesn’t automatically mean someone is a racist. Being a racist means you have hate in your heart for people based on their race, creed, or national origin. There is an intentional malicious component that needs to be there to confer status. Actual racists are people like white supremacists, black nationalists, etc... and are few in number. People say lots of things that have racist impact all the time, and often times it is the result of them not seeing the other side of it or being ignorant as to the full scope of the issue. I’m guilty of this as much as anybody. Just because someone says “that’s a pretty racist thing to say” doesn’t mean they have automatically labeled you as having hate in your heart, it just means you have said something uninformed. I don’t know what to do with absolutists like mace who are quick to self label and get Antagonistic when you point out their statements have racist overtones other than to say “knock that shit off, and if you are too precious to have someone disagree with you opinion maybe don’t share them with other people” The point of having these tough conversations is to gain insight into others viewpoints, and sometimes that means saying and hearing tough things and being open to the possibility they are right.
  22. Data security measures and IT. Foreign powers are going to try to hack our voting machines whether they are working with a candidate or not. With respect to collusion with trump, that is more about a candidate using the intelligence branch of a foreign power to influence living breathing people in order to advance that foreign power’s agenda. In this case that was reducing sanctions and repealing the magninsky act, whic they got - the only question left was how high up did the plan go? Voter fraud isn’t really a big problem in the US. It is there but the ROI and overall impact on it is usually very small so that alone is incentive for candidates and political parties not to do it. Voter suppression on the other hand affects 100’s of thousands of people and does have a distinct effect, and doesn’t cost a lot to put in place.
  23. I'm glad you asked and the answer is it does and it doesn't. On its own gerrymandering can't effect the outcome of the popular vote. However, when you couple it with voter suppression tactics and malappropriation it can make a bigger difference, esp when each district is responsible for overseeing the registration. Think of it like the military campaign of divide and conquer. If you can gerrymander the districts so that the republicans are in control and oversee the polling places, they are going to be more strict about enforcing something like exact match registration. I saw this first hand because when I went to vote, my registration didn't match my hyphenate last name and they turned me away, I had to come back with several bills in my name showing my current address. Even though by law they have to accept only one proof, they refused to let me vote without seeing one with each spelling of my name. Fortunately I came prepared for this, but I watched others get turned away for similar things, some which I felt were illegal and some which were correct. I bring up republicans and voter suppression because that is an exclusive tactic of the Republican Party right now. Low voter turn out has favored the Republican Party since the 1960's, and they have been aggressive about voter suppression for that long. Democrats usually benefit from a high voter turn out, so there is no incentive to suppress votes, although they do gerrymander districts as well. It's funny to think but a gerrymandered democratic district by its nature is likely the most fair voting district because that is what the democrats are incentivized to do, give everyone a vote and get as many people to legally vote as they can (illegal votes would undermine this and allow the GOP the moral superiority to push fir suppression legislation). In 2010, the Republican Party launched a grass roots campaign to gerrymander as many local voting districts as they possibly could, knowing they would be safe from redistricting until 2020. And it has had a tremendous effect. In past elections, even with pre 2010 gerrymandering, a popular vote margin like this midterm election had would have completely turned the house and senate blue by a wide margin. But in this case it pushed a thin majority in the house and actually caused a loss of ground in the senate. Coupled with a majority republican controlled polling districts it allowed voter suppression measures like roll purging and exact name matching to have real teeth. In this case, it's tough to say how much was voter manipulation and how much was Corddray just running a shit campaign because the margin of loss in the popular vote was significant, but in smaller races like O'Connor vs Balderson voter manipulation made a huge difference.
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