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Posts posted by Staubig

  1. V65 sabre is a good suggestion. It's so sexy, and incredibly fast. I'd just love to have a toy to blow some of the kids away on. Not to mention a sabre would have the ultimate slow disguise--Vtwin lol

  2. Anybody know much about this bike? I have this dream of making a mean AF classic bike and this sounds like a hell of a start. Anybody know of any faster classic bikes? I more or less want a classic bike that can compete with (some) street bikes. I really like the KZ1 and my old man had one I used to sit on, so it has my heart. Plus mad max. Need I say more?

  3. Nice! That a snapper? Or a soft-shell map turtle?

    N'mind. Just googled and it looks like a snapper. I've just usually seen 'em with bigger ridges on their shell.

    I think a snapper, I'm no Steve Irwin. You should have seen me try to navigate this turtle. I looked like a 12 year old girl
  4. I saved this ungrateful bastard on the way to work today. Would have been a hell of a bump at 65mph. Anybody else save any animals on a bike? I put a calf back through an electric fence a couple weeks ago too. That put a "jolt" into my ride.


    • Upvote 1
  5. What band?

    I love mushroomhead. They are playing at oddbody's in Dayton this Friday.

    Hellmutt plays for The Reefer Hut.

    I'm just playing. All bands I seem to meet have opened up for mushroom head, our last bassist did though lol I am in in a band though, The Windstars

    Our shitty website has music:


    Facebook is much more current with photos and stuff. If you like what you hear I'd appreciate the "like "

    • Upvote 1
  6. I was in a daze one morning parking at work and forgot to put the kickstand down :crazy: . I leaned the bike over and it kept going. I was parked text to a curb that locked my foot in as the bike pushed my leg and the rest of me over... Into the hedges. They were too soft to push off of and too hard to let me reach the ground. The entire front of our building was 2 stories of glass windows. Everyone must have been at the watercooler making coffee because I wriggled out before anyone saw.

    I mount and dismount both from the left even when riding in left drive countries.

    A man of the world! Where are you driving left lane?
  7. I see it now.

    FOX8 headline.

    A male only known by the username "2talltim" has been alluding law enforcement for weeks. He's being pursued for what the younger generation calls "Bumpy Burnouts". Last seen in the city square bouncing away in a cloud of smoke at 75mph.

  8. You forgetting your login had me confused for a bit.

    Haha oops, sorry. When I joined Tapatalk a week or two ago I clicked "login with Facebook". That forever made my username my email, which I made when I was 11... XBLA stood for X Box Live Addict. I couldn't stand to look at it anymore lol. Staubig, on the other hand, is German for the adjective "Dusty". My grandpa has called me it for years and I much prefer it to my decade old email lol
  9. grocery stores are good at about 18% errors in labeling. Unless you're catching your own fish, that's where you go.

    Some of this data is old, from before the FDA DNA checking. So it's getting better.

    Good! You guys ever get seafood from Beuhlers? I got some Shark meat from them years ago. It was like... A meat marshmallow. I'll have to go over soon and see what they've got. All I need is some fresh fish and a howler of local brew and I'll be good ????
  10. Jeez, I didn't know ANY of that. Since I clearly don't know much about fish, I always just assumed I was getting what I was sold. I thought it was odd, if not a bit selfish, that when we took the sushi rolling classes we had one big question. Where the f*** do you get raw seafood that you can trust for sushi? His answer was "just put in an order here". Maybe he's saving us from bad fish, maybe he wants more money, maybe both? Either way I can't warrant a 1.2 hr drive (both ways) to get sushi supplies at top dollar.

    I'd love to see some testing of local sushi joints. " other fish" doesn't answer the question enough for me. Being land locked I always wondered what I was being fed from the sea.

  11. Not a worry, just curious. I would have never even thought about mounting on the right side unless somebody brought it up. At this point I'm just looking for somebody to argue some good points for their preference.

    And I'm with you Bubba, I'm about as "average" as it gets and I have no problems reaching, but it would depend on build + bike

  12. left side so i can make sure the kick stand is down and planted and catch the bike if something goes wrong with the stand / soft ground / whatever else.

    not really worried about a trapped leg as my bike only weighs like 380lbs and i'm not old and crippled until i turn 30 in september.

    Word. I don't think I'd ever be worried about being "trapped" under my ole' CB. If I ever owned a Harley fat boy (haha) or the likes then that might be a concern
  13. I don't know if I'd ever park my bike in public on its center stand. For some reason I don't have much faith in the center stand. Probably because it raises the height, without giving it a crutch to lean on. I rarely leave my bike in gear, unless on an incline that warrants it. I'm always afraid I'll be an idiot and drop the clutch after starting it. I suppose the best way to manage that would be to either always do it or never do it lol

    I'll be sure to call him a caca-poopoo-BM'er lol

  14. High side, so you can hold the front brakes. MSF teaches it that way and they are right. Are there exceptions? Of course there are.

    See I just did the MSF Course in March for my endorsement and everybody mounted left and low and nobody was corrected. We all had to hold the brake, though.
  15. Either way, I don't care. But try high side on a light weight bike and it may want to tip over. Mostly if you put weight on the high peg. Or if you goof and hit a tail rack with your foot on a bigger bike. Low side is probably safest. Getting on is the same to me, don't care. Besides, why would I not want to know how to do this both ways? I'm not superstitious, not throwing salt over my shoulder every time I ride a bike.

    Parking, heh... I usually head in instead of Harley back in. But I'll back to a curb on an open street. But overriding all is, I will point uphill, not downhill. Seen too many bikes go over on their side in my days.

    I have to back in at work to face uphill, but on flat ground I don't know if I'd rather do the footwork when arriving or leaving. I'll back it in and nose it in. It all depends, like you said.

    Tell him that anyone can right side a woman's bike all day long. When he's ready for a real motorcycle, he'll have to hike that skirt a bit to get his leg over the saddle.

    He only ever rides mom and dad's bikes, so what does that have him wearing? Denim overalls? Lol
  16. H-D's with their low seats are easy to get off to either side. Try that on a tall 34-36" seat height ADV bike with a trunk or tail bag attached, 'specially when you get to be 65 yo! Low side for me.

    BTW, what's for breakfast tomorrow? When should I plan on eating?

    I'm a grill cheese master. If it tastes good warm and covered in cheese I'll concoct it. I'm off tomorrow, so we'll consider my business hours between 10-10 lol

    I'm not too short for my bike, but dismounting to the right is definitely a chore. Never really thought about how low Harley seats are in comparison.

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