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Posts posted by Staubig

  1. If the end result is you off the bike and the bike on its wheels and kick stand, you did it right. Tell this guy to go eat a bag of dicks.

    Thank you lol I did, but in a more polite fashion. I had him talked out of it by the end of our conversation. His Harley riding gramps told him it was the 'Murican way to dismount and he apparently never though twice about it. Like I said, I don't think it matters but left side seems so much easier. But now he's got me curious as to how and why people dismount the way they do.
  2. My boss, who's a V-Twin type, pretty much gave me noob status for dismounting my bike Left and Low as I pulled into work. This is how I was taught and makes the most sense to me. It's easiest and I disturb the bike the least this way. I'm really thinking that dismounting high side is a HD thing, but i have an undeniable prejudice. We had a 30 minute debate about this, but I don't think either is "wrong" I just think left is easier and makes more sense. Then again not all you Geezers have youthful legs like I do [emoji6] so maybe mounting High/Right side feels more agreeable with your legs.

    The only exceptions that come to mind are:

    1. dismounting to the right if on the side of the road to avoid traffic.

    2. If on soft ground or gravel to avoid forcing the kickstand out from under the bike, or into the ground. I feel like I jostle the bike more when dismounting high side though..

    3. To prevent the bike from trapping your leg under it if it falls when mounting.

    #1 is my thoughts, #2-3 are his and seem to me like ways to prevent yourself from getting hurt while making idiot decisions on parking and dis/mounting.

    I guess I think this is a situational thing, but, hey, I'm new to this whole thing.

    Which way do you do it, and why?


    What types of riders have you seen do this, and can you gather why they do?

    Below is an unrelated picture of my delicious breakfast. Enjoy, and thanks.


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