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  • Name
  • Location
    Bowling Green, OH
  • Vehicles(s)
    2007 Buell Firebolt

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  1. Buells are so ugly. Nice view though.
  2. Well this turned interesting. I like wheelies and stuff but I'm the first to say those idiots doing it on populated roads are fucking idiots. I only ever even think of it in empty areas. I don't even like to speed when there's traffic on the road.
  3. Thanks guys. Don't really plan on stunting but I was just curious. Professional stunting is something I find quite interesting. Does anyone know of any closed course stunting places in Ohio where you can do it legally?
  4. So has anyone ever got hassled by the police for stunting on the streets or on private property? Ive done a little research online and it seems in some states you can get in trouble even on private property if it isn't yours or if you don't have consent from the owner. Anyone with input? Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the welcome guys. If anyone is close to BG feel free to join the Facebook group I made called BG Riders. Now we just need some warmer weather.
  6. Lookin for other riders near Bowling Green. I ride an 07 Buell Firebolt. I see a lot of riders out but I've yet to make contact with any off the road.
  7. Thanks guys. Regarding the epic ride I'll probably pass. I'm more into small groups than large group rides for now.
  8. That bike sure looks tiny, probably just deceiving from the picture though.
  9. Hi guys. I'm in northwest ohio, more specifically bowling green. Just got a Buell Firebolt a couple of months ago as my first bike and have been having a blast. Hopefully theres some other guys from northwest ohio on here.
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