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wolfeman28 last won the day on June 23 2018

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    Olmsted Township
  • Vehicles(s)
    Hybrid RZ/RS
    84 RZ350
    85 RZ350
    87 YSR50

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  1. wolfeman28

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Cleveland area. So can pretty much swing by any place in Ohio on the way down.
  2. wolfeman28

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I'd like to bring the old two-smoke back down again. Only way I can go this year is if someone wants to trailer down with me and split the gas/lodging. Just too expensive for me to go alone.
  3. Only supposed to rain early morning Friday now, so Thursday night setting up camp should be dry. Race bike motor still at the builder (since March!) so just bike show and parade lap for me. And drinking. Ill be doing a lot of that.
  4. Problem you'll run into even with 600, is that on any type of bump, even small, all the force from the weight of the bike and carrier (which is now magnitudes higher, physics and shit) will all be put on the few bolts that hold that hitch together. It will surpass the tongue weight no doubt. A properly weighted trailer takes all that stress and distributes it, mostly to the wheels 👍 Cars and bikes are big investments, ain't worth breaking both!
  5. Something you could do. Get the hitch on the car. Rent a uhaul motorcycle trailer just for the track days. Not too expensive and nothing to store. And your hitch will handle that no problem.
  6. You won't find a trailer hitch for an Impreza with a tongue weight that can support the carrier loaded with a bike. Most car hitches are only good to about 250lbs on the tongue. And those carrier styles are all tongue weight. Go over 200lbs and the whole hitch will rip off on the first bump.
  7. Anybody else going? I got myself a camping spot and will be there from Thursday night til Sunday evening. I'm going solo, and can have up to 3 tents in my spot, so there's room for more if you get yourself a weekend pass. Rainy on Friday, but looks to be good the rest of the time.
  8. Wanted to say thanks for setting up the trip Casper Sorry I wasn't more social, but first time to the gap so I had to get the Dragon in as much as I could during the dry. Was going to come hang out Saturday night by the fire but since I had to leave at 6am, I figured it best I stay away. If booze is around, I tend to drink it Will be back next year wherever it may be on a different 2 stroke machine.
  9. Don't go to lemon party dot com
  10. She likes it like that. Just be gentle
  11. You guys could have moved my bike if it was in the way!
  12. Plan still for Devil's Triangle tomorrow? I wanna go. My alarm didn't get me up this morning so I missed the ride
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