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Wandering Soul

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    Morrow Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    1998 FXDL
    1956 Bastard Harley FL

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  1. At the very least good lace-up boots are important. At least 8 inch tall boots are my preference. Also, look at the soles. Material composition and tread design should be of the nature that they resist you losing your footing should you put your foot down at a stop where fluids, sand, gravel or other gook has accumulated at traffic signals, stop signs.
  2. As long as you didn't disturb the cam gears timing will be where it needs to be. At one time Kohler offered on line manuals you could down load in PDF for all their engines. Try calling 800.544.2444 and ask them if they still offer those. Has torque specs, illustrations, and assembly steps right down to the bare crankcase.
  3. The old loose cover bolt trick. How old is that motor? Kohler has all but admitted they had assembly problems. Just wasn't torqued right. That puller you brought is good for steering wheels and other stuff. As long as you got the cover off, get a new seal where the crank comes up through. As long as you've got the flywheel off...
  4. One set of laws for them, a different set for the people...TOSIAR!
  5. http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=index&zenid=Rd1J-cQ9sDpdf1QXNc5Un0
  6. Weight. Rotating mass. Pull the clutch lever and blip the throttle. You'll feel the resulting torque.
  7. I'm going to disagree with Tim; my experience with those motors has been good, I'm on my third one in 40 years. One of them still running for a lady I know. Is the crack all the way through? Getting oil out of it? In order to tig or brazed, it has to be cleaned and the crack stop-drilled at it's end 1/16" drill is good. Clean it with soap, water, and compressed air acetone doesn't seem to like tig/brazing. I would not use JBWeld as suggest in the video. If that stuff falls into the crankcase who knows what all it'll fuck up. Someone sells aluminum bars that a MAP gas torch will melt. Seen a Sportster primary cover fixed with one of them. Two years now and holding up good. There's videos on youtube about the aluminum stick and MAP gas. Also on Kohler engine repairs. Find Kohler's website and download the manual for that motor (free). Also order any gaskets and pieces you need. I love my local dealer, but Kohler's site is cheaper even with shipping.
  8. Those would be the "Enbloc" clip. And I'd be willing to help empty a few of those. You reloading brass for M1? B end R ight O ver
  9. Glad you're alright. I think with less that 300 miles on the tires you may not have "seasoned" them enough; especially on the edges. That release agent applied to the mold to facilitate removal of the tire can be a bitch.
  10. He ought to die in there, but he might get probation in 2 years or so. Any bets on the fuckstick getting right back behind the wheel?
  11. I predict there's going to be more self-driving car and motorcycle accidents. It's interesting that the motorcycle cop is kind of blowing this accident off as just a bump. Also that Arizona has allowed uber's self-guided missiles after the King Of Snowflakes state decided to limit them.
  12. So you're going to walk into his shop and demand his wrench burn one before he touches your bike? Other people do as they want to do, and that's great if they make it work and everybody's happy. And I'm glad about the friendships. But an individual who gets buzzed and works on customers' bikes is not who I would want turning wrenches on mine.
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