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Posts posted by MSerfozo

  1. 6 minutes ago, CJ74U2NV said:

    I respect your point of view on this, I really do.  The only thing I'd say is that I see masks/helmet comparison as I should wear a helmet at all times since they prevent brain injuries...period.  That's a true statement but not practical.  Thanks for keeping it civil.  If we meet, I'd wear a mask near you and buy the first round.  

    And to add to Pauly's reply:  if you hit your head hard enough to sustain an injury even with a helmet, the ABATE folks say they would rather be dead than brain injured.  They also claim hitting the chin bar could snap your neck under just the right scenario so they only wear "pudding bowls" when required.

    It's still a probability game and a matter of where you fall on the risk/reward spectrum.

  2. 56 minutes ago, CJ74U2NV said:

    I numbered things to keep it straight, not trying to make anything else out of it.

    1.  This is the question/answer I don't understand the most.  You wear a mask for me, but it's my responsibility to wear the mask.  If I'm wearing a mask and masks work, you have no need to wear one since I'm already protected.  
    2.  As in number one, if they're wearing masks, they're protected if masks work.
    3.  I respect your opinion on that and have no qualms about it.  I just don't think it works as well as some people want to believe.  Just today the CDC reversed it's stance on how covid is spread.  They say now that what they said before was a complete mistake (6 month long mistake) that should have never been used as a guideline.  Some things are even more clear cut for me like helmet laws.  Helmets are obviously the smart way to go and I wear mine.  But there's been a few times when I'm taking a quick run to the bank or just a quick jaunt and want the air in my face.  I should have the right to do that (and I do in Ohio).  

    1 & 2 - There are no absolutes in virus transmission.  You have to think of it as a probability problem.  If you wear a mask, you reduce the probability that you will inhale infected droplets.  If I'm unknowingly infected and I'm wearing a mask, I reduce the probability that I'll transmit infected droplets.  Neither are 100% but the reduction due to the mask is much greater for the transmitter than for the receiver.  Since EVERYBODY is potentially a transmitter (and receiver), the transmission will be reduced most effectively if EVERYBODY wears a mask.

    3 - The latest CDC statements are referring to aerosolized particles which are much smaller than droplets.  There is some evidence that coronavirus can be transmitted by these but it's a much smaller probability than by droplet transmission.  The CDC's apparent conflict is the difference between scientists who want to be as safe as possible and government policy to inform the public about what we can reasonably do.  It's not reasonable to expect everybody to wear a respirator capable of stopping 2micron particles to make us just a little bit safer.  Any time you have a cost/benefit discussion, there will always be a difference of opinion - in this case, the scientists disagree with government policy.  Last Friday the CDC released the scientists statements and yesterday the government told them to stop saying it.


    If you decide to not wear your helmet and are killed is a crash because of it, that doesn't affect me (much).  If you wear your helmet, your chance of surviving is greater.

    If you're shedding coronavirus and you don't wear a mask, you could unknowingly kill my Mom and Dad.  If you wear a mask, my parents have a better chance of surviving a chance encounter with you.

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  3. 34 minutes ago, CJ74U2NV said:

    Serious questions:
    -If masks work so well, why do I have to wear one if the other person is wearing one?  They're protected from my masklessness if they're wearing one.
    -If masks work so well, why do we have social distancing mandates or any other mandates?  Wear a mask and you're protected.zzzz

    No mention of any "free thinking", civil rights, legality, heard immunity, mortality rates or anything else.  Just two simple common sense questions about masks.  I'm not even asking for evidence to back up your claims because what I really want is a logical and rational explanation for why I should be forced to do something that is otherwise legal to not do and makes no sense to me.  Because I really believe that 99% of the masks (really more face coverings than masks) are worthless.  I would also appreciate civility and leaving out name calling.  

    I feel like if you want to wear a mask that is fine and dandy.  But I should not be forced or shamed into wearing one either, especially if you're wearing one and protected.

    I've stayed out of this shitshow so far but you ask a reasonable question and sound like you would like a real answer so here goes.

    The mask I wear is not for me, it's for you.  I'm not able to work from home and isolate myself from the world so that puts me at a higher risk for contracting COVID.  If I'm asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic, my sneeze, cough, or even speaking could spray droplets carrying coronavirus.

    If you're not wearing a mask in public, you could, unknowingly, be spreading it to me or some other "higher risk" person that you love.

    At my workplace, I often can work distantly from others but I often have to be closer.  We wear the damn masks when we're close, but mine is sitting on the desk in front of me right now.

    And, like Pauly, I'm about as politically conservative as you can get.  But I believe the science that says that masks DO work.

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  4. On 9/18/2020 at 1:11 PM, motocat12 said:

    This doesn't look right.

    What year is it? Actually when I'm requesting vacation after this week it may be correct.


    I take credit for that.  I overseeded $100 worth of grass that now needs watered every day!  😲 

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  5. 10 hours ago, Howabusa said:

     The new overflow tank should be here tomorrow and the wrangler should be done.

    Don't think I've ever known anybody who had a Wrangler that was "done".

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