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Everything posted by dorset

  1. took the carbs apart on the commando to see what the mains were. i was reminded of an old norton mechanic i once knew who explained that when commandos were built, the factory hung the airbox up in the air and then assembled the rest of the motorcycle around it with zero clearance. i think he was right.
  2. took the norton out, first time since the kickstand self-destructed. no fun riding it when i have to look for a tree to lean it against whenever i stop. super slow. carburetors are lean on the main jet, good everywhere else. i need to look inside and see what's in there. nothing fell off!
  3. https://www.google.com/search?q=tiger+cub+motorcycle&client=ms-android-verizon&hl=en-US&source=android-browser-type&prmd=svin&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5t__whfXVAhWGPiYKHeaSBg0Q_AUICygD&biw=640&bih=335#imgrc=f8L0Gzh1vLMOHM:&spf=1503755675098 lol that's not what i thought it was
  4. ^^^this is intelligent. i first fell down six hours after getting on my first motorcycle, because i was trying to learn too many skill sets at once. my 107-pound daughter just finished her ohio MC class, and we'll start her out on something that will let her concentrate on traffic skills without also having to deal with hard acceleration/braking/weight.
  5. dorset

    hey folks

    i ain't out of machines quite yet
  6. there are other solutions to BMW issues that occasionally come up:
  7. it only has something like 14,000 miles on it, but these things are famous for an inadequate oil system that gets worse over time if you don't sacrifice enough goats. only took about five miles at 90 mph to heat the crank enough to seize the rod.
  8. dorset

    hey folks

    you're everywhere, rich. yes. it was the infamous trident. i replaced the sidecover (that fell off), replaced the ignition switch (that fell off), replaced the oil cooler reflector assembly (that fell off). then the rod fell off, of the crank. until then it was looking really good. now not so good. if we meet someplace i'm going to ride the buell.
  9. not today but the day before yesterday. threw a rod on the 750 triumph triple. the right side rod is famous for hanging out of the cases if you push it too hard. i had about five miles at 6000 rpm on I-70 and that did it in. time to start pricing new cranks.
  10. dorset

    hey folks

    hey folks i'm curious. what kind of place is this? i'm ancient, i guess, been on bikes 45 years. first bike was a 1962 triumph trophy that i rode through the monsoons back when when tungku abdul rahman was a new name in kuala lumpur. still mostly old british stuff, though my newest machine is a 1997 buell. never seems to break anything, unlike my 74 trident that threw a rod day before yesterday on I-70. never done any road racing, but i am currently developing a 1965 triumph bonneville LSR at the east coast timing association mile when i can, and at the loring timing association when i can't. took it to loring last month. did very well there, but not good enough to be first. back to the dyno in a month or two. i don't always have a lot to say, but i'll be lurking. ciao
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