Unk Greg
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Everything posted by Unk Greg
I'll try the strip, but probably won't be power shifting. Since I'm new to this biking, I sometimes get the clutch engaged before I click it into the next gear. Sometimes it revs alot until I engage the clutch, but that's usually at a stoplight. BUT, laying down on the tank is real comfortable!
Hey! I like the Honda, nice red...green kinda bright....so ride red! But: Then you could, Think red:
JRMMiii: Hello again. I've been thinking of dragstrip. Curious as to what I could do on/with bike. First, however, will be track day (Aug.12) at Mid-Ohio. Have been snooping around tracks near to me. Norwalk (oops, Summit Motorsports Park), 40 minutes away (and it's been years since I was there last). Dragway 42 had a rat road and nostagia drag weekend. It was okay, but the nicest thing about it was the flyer. Watching from the stands...looks bumpy and not much of a shut down area. Closest to me is Mt.Vernon's Pacemakers, 1/8 mile. So that'll most likely be my first try on a strip with a bike. I'm figuring that the first 60 feet wouldn't be great. I'm not interested in going straight up and flicking the bike away from my hands. So a roll out and then hit it. Also, just figure 1/8 mile track, would be a good work on the launch thing. Friday test and tune @ $15 (I think). Watched a Hayabusa (candy apple red-good color) on another weekend and it ran 118 mph in the eighth!! I was impressed. Wife says she ain't watching me if I do this. Malvern, Ohio has a strip (somewhere) and one think it's Steel Cities (by Stuebenville?), I'll have to check with kid on that info.
While shopping for bikes. Saw the B-King. Thought it ugly, also (the lil' outriggers thangs. Kid luvved it howver. So, vote for me? It'd be VMax by default.
I'm looking for a motorcycle friend. You guys are having a ride this weekend. Ken I go along? Fonzie, does Duane wanna swing south a bit and pick up this uh, friend?
Yeah, but eyes still new to this!
Hola. The brochure is still on my desk. My plan (or lack of one) is to just hit it on Sunday day of race, and pop the big bucks for the infield (yay). Then motor back home that night in time for werk.
Linky-do it here: Honda DN-01 - webBikeWorld
I like the DN-01. Released in Japan, soon to be released in UK, and not likely to be released anytime soon here in the states. I emailed Honda UK and got the bad news. Too bad, seating looks low and upright, so it has the potential for nice cruiser. Not sure re: auto trans, meaning it may give you the option of shifting. Looks like a paddle shift of a sorts on left grip area. Marked with a + on top button and a - on the bottom. Aprilia (that how ya spell it?) offers MANO #? (850). It gives you a choice auto or 8 speed. Saw a commercial on both. Honda DN-01, pics were dark in area of chain/sproket. Peering into darkness and thinking it looks like shaft drive. I still like it. Interested in it, and all that means is that it'll be expensive. Aprilia was priced around 8999.00. Has that BMW exo-skeleton look (the BMW being priced at 20 g's....jeez).
Okay still struggling with posting lore. So hello folks! Great to be here and looking forward to meeting y'all soon. Remember Fonzie's day ride. Get out and ride! Happy everything!
Gates open at 7AM we are planning on arriving at 7 to 7:30 AM. Scoop I got so far is; Mandatory driver's (er, that be rider's) mtg. I suspect rules will be set then. I.E. no passing on corners or no stuffing allowed, generic stuff. Guessing at a leader to pace folks and show the line. Talk in a class setting then another check out ride. A safety inspection of some sort on bikes. Think they have some sort of snack deal. BUT, really don't know fer sure. I just fall back into my old area re: cars & track work. Lite breakfast and bring lotsa water. Mid-Ohio at top of esses, I expect off the ground a bit, then just under and past the bridge another lighten the suspension. Just have to see. I'm not expecting to be MotoGP. Just looking for body position etc. on sport bike handling. We also, probably won't be able to slip away to Buck's in Lexington for lunch and beer. Jus' kidding on the beer (until later). As a Novice I don't expect we will be able to uncork the bikes. Just a no stress day motoring around and seeing what the bike can do. As I said-only fall back into car and race instruction from that venue. All is new to sport bike for me and not sure what transfers to bike world. Apologize for saying don't know, then blab on. Look for "red" bike fer me. Red Honda. Uh, and I always figure the worst, so will trailer in bike and if it does get balled up, it can get back home in the trailer.
The second largest metro area in Holmes County. I see yer Coshocton (17 minutes away-until I learn more better riding skills).
AND, Unk Greg came from the Columbus boys (sportie car club). Problee with all the intended perverted slants too. The rat bas...ds! Outa here...time for work, yuck!
Okay, try this again...I'm even more inept at computer than scooter puttin'. TO: Magley (uh), forgetfull too. The bike when I bought it, didn't know nuthin', but little carbs is from another world (former sportie car), but it seemed to work for me. The sportie car sported a much bigger motor. It ran a 1275 cc. Whoa! A big block. It got massaged a bit. Motor builder from Toledo and the tiny little car would knock off a IROC 'Camareo', and a coupla Hondas (bikes), from standing starts, but then I'm older and wiser now. So went with the old antique mc. You folks can get the whole background on all sprts. cars to bikey on Fonzie's day trip. Yrs. ago I even did videos, in a vehicle when ya miss a corner ya just slide and bounce back up to the pavement. A pre-runner to the Ghost Rider? Then of course there were the car rally's and hillclimbs. You think scooter trash causes panic?
Shhh! I know that, and a guy on a Kaw, thought it was a NightHawk, or Blackhawk. I just said, "Yeah, It is". Nickname for past adventures (sports cars). You can catch the whole story on the day run, Fonzie has set up!
Howdy people. Just joined and after peering around the site see that you folks are doing runs in my neighborhood. I have picked up a bike and have been running around the area in little loops getting the feel of motorcycle. Signed up for training course (if that's correct term) at Mid-Ohio Track. They promise six-twenty minute sessions. I am in the Novice group, well duh, since it is all new. Talking with guy in town and told him about the deal. So he'll be there also. Also will be in Novice, in spite of his experience. Track says, "Everyone starts in Novice." Not sure what to expect, just don't wanna ball the bike up! Met a group of sports riders at Millersburg McD's (on yer Kaw's) a week or two ago. They had maps in hand and trying to figure route. Just involved myself and they ended up following me on my favorite road(s). Sorry, lost yer business card, so if any of that Columbus group are here, chime in and let me know where I can find ya. I'd be the guy that was on the red bike, that Sunday...taking the break from mowing the yard. This area is great for the twisty turneys. So there ya are. Invite of a sort. If ya want a route planner for a day lap in and around area, maybe I can help. So secret code for us paranoid would be; Tunnel Hill loop is nice. You other locals would know. Looks my first get together will be this Sat. for a short cross-country. I am looking forward to actually meeting face-to-face. bye fer now
Directions printing as we speak, er, write. I'll shred them so no unauthorized can read them. Just learned today that air patrol in area. Ticketing for following too close (how do you determine that from an aircraft?). How bad is the tax situation? Citations, a random tax. Jeez. Guess may invest in a scanner. Or, at least some white paint and a nite or two to add white lines on the shoulder at various intervals to mess up their stopwatch timing. Hah! Ain't never really figured mileage. Just had 659 miles on odo and five or six tankfuls, just ain't remembering. Ran to Mansfield and back and two bars showing on gauge after leaving with full tank. I do tend to run a lower gear...especially on the backroads we have here. Our main highway is the one your last trip was on! What twenty feet wide? Have been trying the different roads available locally. Decided that the ones with the tar strips for patching are going to be avoided for any leaning. I've been wide eyed twice now. Cornering confidence builds and I lean a bit and the bike moves over two feet (well feels like it). Four wheel drifts I know about, two wheel drifts are a bit much right now! Okay scanned directions/instructions. No mention of time to meet at Mansfield junction. I'll look for the background sign (for the automall) and sit there. Or should I just stalk the highway? Lay in wait at an exit in between points. Nah, I'll just hook up at prearranged spot(s). Send me a time, please.
Fonzie; Since I missed yer crew's outing the last time and learning that it breezed by my haunts; I'm up for a cross country on my collector's item. I really hate putting all them miles on the museum piece, but it'd be nice to actually try it out on a road. If ya got room for a newbie, I can hook up in Mansfield. Just PM me with details re: So far no word on Saturday, Aug. 2nd fer work at my end. They wait until the last possible moment to spring it on you. I am planning on the outing. I'll follow along at back and be slower than most I'm sure. Just clue me in as to where yer stops are and I tortoise on in. Gas stops? I only seem to get around a hunnert miles to a tank full. Maybe it's running rich? From-out-of-the-woods, greg PS Last time I ate at Warehouse, it was basement time too. The basement is way better than upstairs with the linen table cloths.