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Everything posted by MrMeanGreen

  1. I would sport one of these: http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:GB26inDLLoP93M:http://www.drawingbusiness.com/portfolio/d/238-2/Fjord-Rooster.jpg
  2. Well, at least she got a ride in my car on the way to the hospital. TORQUE!
  3. No, you need to find a brick for sale, buy it, and drive it home
  4. Man, I'm happy. I don't think I've even run that fast in my life, I was scared to death for the worse. I heart you
  5. http://www.except.nl/overig/uploads/kittens/fail.jpg
  6. I'll get a hold of the place and see how much the group rate is.
  7. Precision Autosports? That pretty much sums it up. No one has anything to worry about if the car had work done there.
  8. Fucker hurt like hell until a few days ago. My AR15 battle wound. I lost
  9. I have a whole directory
  10. I failed on that one...
  11. Not to But he needed shot in the nuts.
  12. I so have some rounds aimed for below the tape
  13. New iconic smilie for us: :bangbang: :grin2:
  14. MrMeanGreen

    Name Rape

    Now where'd that yellow '03 Cobra owner run off to? I'm bored
  15. I'm scared to death of heights, but this would be so exhilarating. I'd probably have to be pushed, but WTH. First-timers get a tandem jump anyways.
  16. I think there was a thread about this in early winter, and there was a decent amount of interest. I'd like to see how big of a group we can get, and see about pricing. There's a place in Xenia that does it. So?
  17. These were reported during a survey taken earlier this year of what things will fail an interview for a new job: • Candidate answered cell phone and asked the interviewer to leave her own office because it was a "private" conversation. • Applicant told the interviewer he wouldn't be able to stay with the job long because he thought he might get an inheritance if his uncle died - and his uncle wasn't "looking too good." • The job seeker asked the interviewer for a ride home after the interview. • The applicant smelled his armpits on the way to the interview room. • Candidate said she could not provide a writing sample because all of her writing had been for the CIA and it was "classified." • Candidate told the interviewer he was fired for beating up his last boss. • When the applicant was offered food before the interview, he declined saying he didn't want to line his stomach with grease before going out drinking. • An applicant said she was a "people person" not a "numbers person" -- in her interview for an accounting position. • During a phone interview the candidate flushed the toilet while talking to hiring manager. • The applicant took out a hair brush and brushed her hair.
  18. Nice color. If you decide to hit a track, I'll be glad to drag you down it with the bretheren vehicle to yours
  19. I"m sitting on my ass at a customer's site surfing the internet while they run their machine. It's not too bad of a work day
  20. Fuck off Text me, I got a question for ya.
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