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Everything posted by MrMeanGreen

  1. I've changed my mind to 8:30am at the latest.
  2. At 0930, I'll make my decision. I'll find someone with internet and post here. I'd show up anyways just in case.
  3. I had one Husky, which the ex took with her. The wolf hybrid got adopted after the two got into a huge fight last year. I have no dogs now.
  4. I say wait, because not everyone has Wednesday off.
  5. I have two cats, I also severely impact your reputation when I vote on it. Consider yourself negative one-thousand. No soup for you.
  6. You can use my RX65 if you'd like. I don't need arrows. If it goes off, I slow down Yes, mine does have the concealed display as well
  7. Yes, but mine does that AND tells me three bands at once, each with it's own signal strength inidicator I also have auto-attenuate
  8. Fronts are ok. The rears need 1.25". My thread on LS1Tech: http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=574767
  9. I didn't know Hans had the shifter. Damn, did he sell that too?
  10. The lighter adapter has it's own set of indicators and a mute button. Smaller or not, the V1 underperforms the RX65. Google.
  11. Well, I drive 600-1200 miles a week and the RX65 hasn't let me down. I hate my dad's 8500 and the V1 is overpriced, under-performing, and about the size of a brick.
  12. Yep, and I paid $350 for it when it fist came out. It also has upgradable firmware and a direct-connect to Bel's anti-laser system. Also, that site is wrong. The unit has 360* detection, which is great because people like John like to sneak up from the rear with their radar on. He likes the rear too.
  13. We've completely taken this thread hostage.
  14. Bel RX Pro Series. I own the RX65 Pro, and spent three weeks doin g research between it, the V1, and the Passport 8500. The RX65 took top honors in all detection ranges and environmental factors except the K-Band over a hill. The V1 detected it 50' further. I love this thing, it goes everywhere with me.
  15. Hey Ben, remember that time? Yeah, it kicked ass. Chris, works for me. I'll call you later and keep typing right here in this space for text so that Ben can read it and suggest that I use PMs although he's a homo and you should see what he says behind closed doors because he's a closet homo that PMs me and says some really strange things but oh well that's what you get when you have a guy running around with the homie package on his wheels.
  16. If you're not meeting with us that early, then just swing by the house on your way out to NTR and grab the truck. I'll pre-load it. I'll call you later.
  17. Capital Towing will be there to tow CR vehicles for free, if needed
  18. 6:45am? Gives me time to load shit in it, and anything you may wanna take.
  19. I'm still hoping for tomorrow, although that 76* will own my boost. I'm looking for someone to drive my truck over, and I live like five minutes from Jegs. Anyone game?
  20. Well, I just confirmed with my supervisor that he gave me the 7th off. Score.
  21. Your firing order > my firing order
  22. John, what the fuck do you know about any of this? You Googled this shit. Speaking of, you must have a psychosis. You are Jesus, right?
  23. Your RX7 will be there, Erik. Even if I have to drag it with the Formula
  24. Brian, I don't see why not. If by noon people don't show up, we'll charge for a half day for "day of" entry, $25. Dave, it's part of the progress of posting. The most posts you have, the better the title and eventually you can do your own at 50.
  25. If it's obviously raining, it'll be called earlier in the morning. But if there's a 30% "chance" and it's clear out when we get there, we'll play it by ear. We did Norwalk the same way for years.
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