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Everything posted by MrMeanGreen

  1. Standard dozen. Mike, I'll call you shortly.
  2. Chris, call me whenever. I'm sitting at a customer's site in Dayton bored off my ass. We play the waiting game on parts and production support from the site on a consistent basis. I'm just trying to play the field. I may ultimately decide to stay where I'm at for sure, but I at least wanna see if another opportunity arises should I decide to leave my current career. A few things in the recent months have pissed me off, so maybe I'm just being rash.
  3. Chris, call me tonight so we can discuss things. I know Christine works in that sector, so I'd like to really hear more. I honestly hate politics and bureaucracy, but it's rampant everywhere. No one will get away from it, unfortunately, me included. It's a big decision, so I'm not sure. I can still apply and the worst they can tell me is no and the worst I can tell them is thanks for the offer.
  4. I'll race Casey for it. Oh wait, been there, done that. I'd get the 30th
  5. I've done my shopping, and I agree that Verizon had more advatanges than the other carriers. Well, you have a POS phone. PM Brian and see what he can help you with.
  6. Tim, I can pretty much fix anything. I've got over a dozen years in the PC/IT field along with several certifications. I've got another ten years in electro-mechanics which ran parallel at times with my other experience. I'll send you a PM. Chris, the State Auditor's office. Ben, I pay $460/yr for full coverage medical insurance on me and my family. This is due to my retired status with the Navy after my broken neck, so private health care is not a concern. I'm just looking to possible transition to something long-term with good benefits and pay, that doesn't require me to travel as much or wait for a decade before getting into management, thanks to recent changes with my current organization.
  7. Get with V8 BEAST, Brandon. Jessica went through four of the damned things (RAZR) in a year because they kept having software issues or something breaking that was not normal wear and tear. Brian resolved it and was able to warranty her phone against the LG VX9900 EnV, which she's not had any issues with.
  8. There's a position with the state I'm seriously debating on, I easily meet or surpass the qualifications and feel I have a good shot at it. This would mean a small pay cut of about $2400/yr, not nearly the OT I get now, and losing my company car (with the free gas). On the other side, I'd have a 9-5 M-F job, I hear the state's benefits are ridiculous, and once you're in, that's it until you retire. I think within a year I could probably catch up or beat the salary I make now, but that's just a possibility. Plus, I'd be local instead of being gone all week on the road. Trust me, I love my job now but also worry about the kids and me not being around. So I'm basically trying to get a feeler for what I should do, and if anyone works for the state government, how do you feel about it? Thanks
  9. It's two lanes and a private event. Once we get detailed pricing and see how much the sponsors contribute, we'll set the pricing.
  10. I will tell you, I have a MIMO wireless adapter for my laptop (beats the hell outta the integrated one). If you can pick up a MIMO router for a good price, do it.
  11. http://www.bluejacket.com/usn/insignia/sp/ss/ss391_pomtrey_insig.jpg
  12. Have you called Brian Turner and asked him to look around?
  13. I'm using a D-Link, which I don't recommend. I had a Linksys which crapped out after two years, and needed something around $50 and that night. The D-Link was the only thing Best Buy had in that range at that time, and it's decent but I wouldn't buy another one. It randomly drops the wireless signal, which is weak to begin with. It has a single antenna which does not allow it's removal for a larger unit. Every couple of months I'll lose connectivity to the internet, which requires a power cycle of the unit. Finally, the interface isn't the best and their firmware "upgrades" are usually worse than the predecessor.
  14. I've driven his car on a few occasions, and I'm very impressed. That's a helluva buy if you make it work
  15. http://www.abiz4me.com/lstpic/lst%20388.jpg
  16. I want that 30th TA. Jason, would you grab it for me if you pick these up?
  17. You guys suck. Keep the post # equal to the number displayed in the pic. http://www.reedercustomguns.com/tc/contender_images/338-350-378-375.gif
  18. Adding her bank account is out of the question. I'm sure she doesn't want 3rd party access, and I don't want that responsibility. Yes, we'll do donations and donate some extra funds at the spring rental.
  19. I have no problem having it deposited to the bank, it's getting there that's the issue. I don't have "CR checks" that I can write and send. I can request a check, but would prefer to do it all at once versus doing it in pieces as people donate. If she had a Paypal account, it'd be that much easier.
  20. About $800. I spoke with Michelle and need to figure out a way to get it to her.
  21. I had to LOL at yours, you were just waiting http://www.rahoi.com/images/blog/361desgrees.jpg
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