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Everything posted by MrMeanGreen

  1. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44064 Right at the top of this section.
  2. http://www.joneca.com/wm.358.jpg Get back in step, you assholes. Post # = pic #
  3. Fuck 10TV, after all the proper info I gave them and they still labeled us street racers. Fuck them, but at least my interview with NBC4 was civil and nicely put together.
  4. http://www.bosalperformance.com/images/Bro_prod/248-315.jpg
  5. MrMeanGreen

    Kevin (360Iroc)

    Better than Kevin R., in +1
  6. http://www.ifb.uni-stuttgart.de/~doerner/A310.jpg
  7. http://www.npl.lib.va.us/images/CG/1998/psu309.gif
  8. *note to self* Do not let Bill write a statement for the press
  9. http://www.club-306.com/assets/galleries/14/dscf2889.JPG
  10. I just had a long conversation with the reporter, her name is Lindsay Seever (something like that). They will be out tonight at 9pm pending no "bigger" stories happen, and I've explained to her the apprehension we have as a group and how we're portrayed. She's agreed to interview only those that volunteer, to keep people's license plates out of the picture, and to honestly listen to us. She was actually afraid of coming out at first due to how she would be treated due to the previous stories aired on the news. I've told her we're a good group of automotive enthusiasts only trying to celebrate what George brought to us during his life, and not to reflect on his final moments, which only he knew what happened. Please be professional, as I've asked the same from them. After speaking with her, I think this is an excellent opportunity to show the public that we're not the bad people some others made us out to be, so this is our chance to shine. Thanks.
  11. A female reporter working tonight just called and left a VM while I was in the shower, so I called her back and left a message to play phone tag. They're interested in talking to me a bit about tonight before they dedicate themselves to a story, so I'll feel it out first before I let too much info out.
  12. http://www.steve-riner.com/nmimages/oldnm-294.gif ...http://bp0.blogger.com/_k6pSGnUL6G4/RxYnTNFEbuI/AAAAAAAAAQY/yq3ccLX-pDg/s1600-h/SS-294+%28USS+Escolar%29-2007.04.09.38.jpg
  13. http://www.audio-bei-der-oper.com/images/high-end/jj283.jpg
  14. Blue jeans and a leather jacket for me. I need an answer by 6pm.
  15. After the threats and negative publicity I got for "supporting George killing someone and trying to cover it up" since I run CR, I've politely declined. There were numerous posts in the cruise topic from different people saying how great it was if the news saw how supportive we are as a community, so here's the opportunity.
  16. http://www.turtles.org/tutu278.jpg I had to post this one, it's very strange.
  17. http://homedir-b.libsyn.com/podcasts/e29cad7c710a3ac96fd9a50a65ee6261/47a4b0ac/fanboyradio/images/FbR277.jpg
  18. The reporter that was covering the story on the accident would like to come out tonight and talk with people from CR. Would anyone be interested? He's looking for information on why were doing the cruise and about George as a person versus what the CPD fed them. If there's people willing, I'll give him the info for tonight.
  19. Try to keep the picture # with the post #, so if you have two pics in a row, make two separate posts. I'm posting Scott's again. http://www.amarlen.com/Hot%20Cars%20Pictures/Ferrari%20275%20GTB%202.jpg
  20. http://www.rockymountainroads.com/colorado025/i-025_nb_exit_268_05.jpg
  21. Wife, two kids, four cars, and the usual bills. It adds up
  22. Haha, Reynoldsburg is fine :grin2:
  23. I was meaning what we did at Norwalk. Whatever the rules call for, just no cutting corners.
  24. I know things, that company is not in faliure I didn't buy their stock for my health...
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