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Posts posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. K.


    We can have a hot ass contest too, where I reveal my tanned and jacked glutes, and you are left to show your skinny, wrinkled and pock marked butt cheeks.



    Come at me Bro Namath.


    My ass is perfect. I am a little afraid of this contest though. I show you my ass, then you try and put your mouth on it. Then an uncomfortable situation arises.

  2. Howard is a pussy.





    It lies in wait where it will qualify for antique plates in a meer 7 years. Its aging not so gracefully, just like its owner.



    Let's have a cool hair contest. You can wear a toupee to make things competitive.

  3. 1. Hooded Plastic walmart brand box. 5$

    2. Littermaid Elite $50

    3. Broken Littermaid FREE.


    If interested I can do pictures. My cats have shit and pissed all up in these, but I hosed them out just for you, their new owner.




  4. 25.00 to get in, once I get you through tech you get your 25.00 back. Class winners get 25.00 credit from BPA and Haus of Powder for future services. And possibly a little something extra.


    So basically what you are saying is there is no prize and this is just for fun.


    That being said, Scotty did properly address a threat a couple years back like he mentioned. Some hoodrats were driving around the kroger lot in reynoldsburg and some people glanced over to see if they were friends. Well, they thought we were staring them down so the passenger hopped out and started waving a gun around. Scott walked over to his car, popped the trunk, pulled out his SKS, and said "mine's bigger". Threat gone.



    Properly? That shit was dumb as hell that night.


    To the OP, that guy just needed a hug. You failed him, and now you have to live with that for the rest of your life.

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