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Posts posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. I am. Cats are actually a bonus.




    No. Don't care what it's like either. Only care that it ends in death.






    50-100ft. Again, think Dublin area and suburban yards. Not far. Like I said, it wasn't an instant kill, he walked around but not very far. The Skunk was shot through the neck. He made it to the road and died. Bled out from what I could see.


    Here's the ammo I'm shooting:








    After meeting you and seeing what you look like, and then reading many of your posts on here, I am convinced you are a serial killer.

  2. Soak fresh fruit in antifreeze and place it in a location a bowl preferably in a location 1-2 yards away from you house to insure your dogs do not get it. My dogs won't touch fruit really thus why i use that not meat. It will cause rapid kidney failure and death. Downsideis they may die in their dent that you're saying may be on your property. Did this couple years ago with effectiveness. Diedunder my neighbors porch.


    ever watch an animal die of renal failure?

  3. In CA it is my understanding that it is legal to open carry as long as the firearm is unloaded. I was also under the impression you were required to provided a police officer with your name and address if asked, but were not required to provide ID if you were not operating a motor vehicle.


    Jeremy looks like he was trying to start shit IMO.

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