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Everything posted by Mike_Shepard

  1. If I had the cash id be there now to pick them up.
  2. Mike_Shepard

    Saturday 7/1

    WoW cant people just play nice
  3. Mike_Shepard

    Saturday 7/1

    Details please LOL
  4. I resent that comment lol they didnt skimp on anything, They hold up good just like everyother car was built too, Its when people mod them and run them hard that they start to break just like every car will.......... Sure thats your opinion which is fine, But when your car is in 100 peices from the stock internals on a GT35 turbo and it goes boom we'll make a post about how VW's suck just gotta give you a hard time Shanton
  5. Man I tell you what if he was interested in a trade + cash I would jump all over it, I had an 92 GT with a 3.1 V6 and loved that car wish I still had it
  6. Not to over run you greg but they came stock with the H.O motor
  7. Very kool video 2 thumbs up
  8. Congrats man good to hear your ok
  9. Anyone have one laying around by chance? paint not an issue but it has to be aluminum not fiberglass and not more than 2" high
  10. I used to work At the Jiffy way back in 90 and the whole time I worked there it was a selling game, BUT If I sold you say a trans Job then thats what you got. But that was 16 years ago so times may have changed
  11. I remember that vid.. Sorry about your loss \
  12. nice pics where did you find them Oh and this is in no way 56K friendly heck my cable modem is taking forever
  13. I too seen it last night with my son and though I didnt expect much I thought it was beter laid out than 1 & 2. I also can tell you this aint no 10 second race...................
  14. Mike_Shepard


    sorry I missed your call last night I heared it ring but was tired and in bed sleeping
  15. I downloaded the vid of that a long while ago. Under ......... faces of death. ANd if im not mistaken he did commit adultry
  16. Did'nt he have a older M3 with a cage? he is into Auto crossing
  17. I truely have no idea I think it would be better to come today but tomorrow might not be bad
  18. dammit it aint work'n for me, Says some videos will be offline till 3am for site maintnence
  19. +1 huuuuh now my tummy aiches
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