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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. My friend was getting ready to buy some 3.73 gears for his 93 stang. What do you want to get out of your rear end? i will tlak to him in the mean time.
  2. i'm down. i'll only bring a 3I, 7I, PW and putter...because those are the only clubs i use graemlins/thumb.gif
  3. i'll be there just to chill wif' da boys...my car isnt finished yet either. i think it starts around 12ish
  4. no it doesn't have 700hp....hopefully someday, that would be nice....right now i have no clue what it's making, we really haven't tuned it. and yes, i am waiting for the cage and my insurance to clear before i run it.
  5. the car is still in the bodyshop getting a make-over...then it's back to the RX7 Store for some more goodies and tuning...then it's off to Jon Holt for the roll cage and interior panels. i have no idea when it will be finished.
  6. 9..5...plus 'fo pennies....add 'dat shit up. tongue.gif
  7. i feel my car is too nice to cruise through Circleville....i do attend the local car shows though.
  8. i have to say i don't agree with this at all. i don't even know what's going on, i just came to the site and it's gone. i feel robbed. i understand if Anthony and the Moderators got together and talked, but i think you should've tried to include Senior members and people who actually contribute to the site. it's a public site, what did you guys expect? you're always gonna have ass hats(love that, haha). but i think i speak for a lot of people when i say this is a regular site for me, i check my email or go here, ALWAYS. i just don't think you should let the minority of idiots fuck it up for the majority of good members.
  9. if you're looking for a 'short'...i'd check in your pants graemlins/nutkick.gif
  10. there arent too many choices at those sizes your best bet would be to go with some Dunlop SP 9's which are about $235 a tire in 285/30 and 255/30 they are decent tires, i have them on the Audi right now. if i were to get 19" tires though i would go for the Michellin Pilot Sports, they are quite a bit more $350+ and they come in 295/30 but the fronts would have to be another size than what you stated...but i had these on the Viper and they hooked pretty nicely. btw, i hope these arent for your car graemlins/gay.gifgraemlins/fruit.gifgraemlins/fruit.gifgraemlins/asshole.gif
  11. No problem. I already decided to leave him on the list in a previous post. If he asks to be removed then I'll do it, of course. Since it's not a racing list, I don't have a problem with leaving "old" dyno numbers up until he gets a new ride. On the next update, I'll go ahead and replace your old Cobra's listing with your new numbers, if that's what you want. Thanks Mark, you can go ahead and leave me on there for a little while, once i get my new ride put together(whatever that may be tongue.gif ) you can remove my old numbers if need be, but it is kinda nice to see where everyone fits in around a supercar like the Viper.
  12. Well, i didn't dyno it, i just acquired it a few weeks ago, but the old man who owned it before me had it dynoed, and he said that he always ran the cheapie 87 gas, and when he dynoed it on 94 octane it went up to about 421...but of course he lost that dyno sheet...the only one i have says 410 on it. oh well, soon i will dyno it with headers w/o cats and see what kinda gain i get. Mark, btw, it's a '99 GTS.
  13. The Viper put down 410rwhp/451rwtq, this was done with just K&N's and a Borla side exhaust...mind you this was also on 87 octane ....curb weight should be around 3175 lbs. [ 29 October 2002, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: More Cylinders Than You ]
  14. 1Quik7

    Test Pipe

    If you are running a stock exhaust manifold, you will have to have the stock piping cut and have the test pipe welded into place. A test pipe is pretty worthless IMO, unless you have forced induction, or are making jumbo horsepower. If you have a relatively stock system, you are more likely to lose power, rather than gain it. [ 02 September 2002, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: 1Quik7 no more ]
  15. You replaced the synchro by yourself? My 5th gear synchro just went out, I'm having to double clutch to keep it from grinding...need to get it fixed soon....how much did everything cost you?
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bottlefed Windsor: Depending upon if your old axle bearings and such are worn or not, you may need an install kit to go along with the price of installation. You can buy the installation kit at jegs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmm...really? How much does this kit cost? I don't think it should be a problem, my car only has 42k miles on it...and she's been babied smile.gif
  17. This was the only thing I had a shop do for me because the downpipe often has to be cut off, and also the studs are easily broken... I took mine to Passen to get it done(which was a mistake) they charged me $200 because they had to cut mine off....
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR. EARS: Rear gears do not require the tranny to come out I don't think. I'm not an RX7 expert but I know I did not need the tranny out when I had mine done. I got mine done and installed for $200 some guy did it on the side. I'm not sure if he knows how to do 7's or not. I could ask let me know smile.gif Also I have 410's and if you plan on driving your car on the street 4.77 is hella high and you'll get worse gas mileage and rev higher in the rpm range. Low end will be amazing though [ 21 February 2002: Message edited by: MR. EARS ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tommy, thanks for that reply, yeah I know that I'll be revving high...my stock gear is a 4.10 and while I do like it,I could use some more low end punch. With the 4.77 gear I would be limited to a 155 top speed...but I think that's a little faster than I usually drive
  19. Might get a 4.77 gear but just curious on how much people usually charge for an install...or if this is a DIY...I've never messed with a tranny before... Any shops you could recommend?
  20. Yeah, they're good pads, especially for the price...they're what most of the Rx7 guys use....
  21. 787b 4 rotor..... Massive port jobs Polished Lightened cryogenic frozen rotors 2mm racing seals T88 turbo@20+psi
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