the only intelligent factor is if you want to stay 'rotary'. the 20B makes great power and torque using a lot less boost...which in a rotary = reliability.
i think it would probably cost more than $20k(well maybe for a stock 20B and turbos, but not a built set)...if it didn't cost that much i'd have one by now
i'm going with an LS1..LS7..LS2000 whatever it is in the near future. the rotary motor is just too much of a 'bitch'
you really can't say without making examples of instances.
but for the sake of the argument, i'd have to go with physical mostly...if you've had "extreme" physical pain(we're talking, splintered bones, severed limbs, burned beyond recognition...then yea, it hurts a shit load more than a bad break-up or something gay like that.
now when it comes to a loved one or friend dying, some kind of traumatic incident...then i don't know where physical and mental would be...i guess it would be more mental.
Priscilla's right there on Brice is like a stripper clothing store...9" stiletto's...neon pink spandex leotards...i'm sure you can find her something there
ps - post pics guys fucking kill me, i am seriously laughing as i read this shit graemlins/popcorn.gif
i have 2 things to say:
1. VW's are intended for girls, they are not meant to be driven by males graemlins/gay.gif
2. why are you guys getting in an argument over this ugly chick? although it is funny...i think someone has a crush and they are afraid to admit it redface.gif
a couple of them are new to me as well...especially the one with the paddle-like nose under the pic of the guy holding the creepy looking fish(which i cant remember what it is).
all those crazy creatures, and the ocean is pretty much 'unexplored'..kinda makes you wonder what else is down there.
i really don't like wine, most are too dry and bitter for my tastes...but there are a couple that are very swwet, almost like drinking fruit juice.
Columbia Winery Reisling - around $10, very sweet, citrus, floral
Moscato D'Asti - which is actually a 'type' of wine, it's very little known, yet all of the wines are very sweet, a good one is called "Bug Juice"
i haven't personally, but know people that have. while it does sound stupid at first, sometimes it just comes down to needing just a 'basic' person, someone they can 'mold'.
putting it simply, it's very easy to teach someone to golf...but you try and change their swing after they've been playing for years and it's very difficult.
it prbably is the oil sending unit...they are notorious for crapping out. it has happened to the 2 FD's i have owned...very rarely would it ever read correct, most of the time it said i had no pressure.
you wish you had one, bitch graemlins/finger.gif
i think 8 of 10 people come back from the Marines or Army and think they can kill you with their finger...they make the intelligent and respectable soilders look bad.
i'm not sure if they have gone public yet, probably not...they will definetely be one to watch once everything is finished. the one big 'idea' that we are doing is called "create-a-flight" so for instance if you are in Daytona and you want to fly to Wallahoochie, GA all you need is 4 other people who wanna go there too and you just created your own flight, i think it's a very innovative idea...and while i'm sure there will be a lot of snags, it could really set the industry on fire.
thanks for the kind words...i am actually attending a flight school for TAB Express, it's a regional airline that's about to take off, literally smile.gif
the cool thing is, they are training their own, i get hired on after my schooling is over, plus we do straight turbo-prop 'turbine' only...which is way advanced compared to any other flight school in the country.
i'll be back in Columbus every now and then, but the 7 is getting shipped here soon, there are so many ricers it's ridiculous....i'm gonna have a blast
i have been so busy lately, and it's kinda late to say this...but i live in Florida now, for those that care smile.gif
i am down here for flight school, and so far the weather alone is worth it. i live just 15min from Daytona, so if anyone ever comes this way, send me a PM!
and of course i will stay loyal to my roots.
CR 'till i die baby!
am i the only one that doesn't like it?
no offense Anthony, i do commend it as a good 'idea' but it just looks gaudy and annoying to me. this is the first site i log onto during my day, because it's simple and clean...if it must be there, then i will adjust....if you EVER bring pop-ups and ad-ware onto this site...i think i will have to kick your ass
not another car jumping on the AWD bandwagon. i know i is good in the winter and when wet, but IMO it's no where near as fun to drive as RWD, pretty soon all cars are gonna be AWD