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Everything posted by 1Quik7

  1. maybe the message board was equipped with radar, kinda like the ones you see that post your speed, they have a lot of those, and sometimes they use it to 'survey' potential speed zones.
  2. 1Quik7

    New to the site

    welcome. and bring a sense of humor, most of the turds on here have rotor envy and are in denial, i.e. the apex seal cracks....-insert dead horse here- graemlins/finger.gif
  3. why is it always "my crew" or "my boyz yo" gay GAY GAY graemlins/gay.gif
  4. it just makes you stop and think. they NEVER mention the Pentagon or the plane that crashed in Pa.... why? they were all victims weren't they, it's always WTC....so why do they seem to leave them out, that's what i don't get. also, the hole isn't big enough for an airliner, it just doesn't make sense. i have been to the Pentagon and i have worked at airports on 757's...and while the Pentagon is an enormous building, an airliner would cause much more damage. they are able to take down the WTC (which is enormous as well and built to withstand a driect hit from a 707) but can only muster up enough damage to make a hole smaller then the plane in the Pentagon? i think the cruise missle is a stretch, where would it come from? a jet makes more sense, and they cover it up because if people are able to steal 'military aircraft' that is a serious blow to national security. it's the government, they can do whatever they want...if they want to cover it up and invent some 'Flight 77' to do so...that is cake for them. i don't trust the government and i have no problem being reluctant to believe some of their stories...although i know it is usually for the good of our country.
  5. i agree...aren't people sick of those stupid tailights yet? they are starting to come from the factory like that. keep it simple, don't put some huge bodykit and wing on it, with lights flashing everywhere, anyone can do that. do something tasteful and subtle...maybe some ghost flames under the paint...a bodykit that doesn't look like the car will eat you. btw, the Hooters girl in the middle is my g/f...i don't remember seeing your car there.
  6. if i get my car out...i am wondering if there will be some courteous strapping young lads to give me a push start
  7. yea...Anderson's and World Market are good...there is also a place on Indianola just above N. Broadway...they carry lots of good stuff too, most isn't refrigerated so plan on drinking it later smile.gif my friends and i usually go to places you can buy single bottles, and just throw together a 6 pack...you would be surprised at some of the beers you might find. one beer that is a must, and even my friends who are devout Bud, Miller, and Coors drinkers love....is Purple Haze.
  8. might try and make it out...although the car still won't start after it's hot...but at least i have the fenders cut out
  9. i have been down this raod before and i agree it takes 2 to tango. hopefully she won't fall for this guy and she just flirts, sending the wrong message, either way he isn't a friend. as for what to do, confront them both in person...it is very hard to lie to someone's face. just be prepared to be the bigger man and walk away, most likely he will do anything to win her over, it becomes a challenge. he will make up lies, tell her things about you, etc. anything that will make her look at you different. it's happened to me before, just be ready to walk...no one is ever worth it, there are just too many fish in the sea.
  10. i have been seeing a white FD in my complex "Bennington Pond" i'm not sure if he lives here or if his girlfriend does, looks like an Asian kid, darker complexion, the car has exhaust, wheels, and what looks like an Ab-Flug body kit.... you on here, or anyone know who i might be talking about?
  11. going to visit my girlfriend and i'm sitting at the light..some kids pull next to me in some 4cyl, been so long can't rememebr what it was.. ricer: "hey man, that is a sweet car, RX7 right?" me: "yea" ricer: "does that have one of those rotary motors?" me: "yep" ricer: "is that thing twin turbo?" me: "it used to be, now it has a big single." ricer: "you idiot, why would you just want 1 turbo?! my buddies twin turbo would smoke you." me: *smiling* as i drive away "get bent."
  12. he has the stock ones sitting in the garage, and he just re-ordered the decals...wants to get it back to original so he can sell it. might be soon, i'll be sure to let you know if he wants to get rid of them.
  13. so is this really going down? are they ever gonna respond, because truthfully this could be a fun little cruise up north.
  14. eww..ewww...i wanna go. it will give me motivation to finally cut my fender wells graemlins/finger.gif
  15. that's all they could get on trade-in for their horses and buggies.
  16. if i remember right they were the FM-5's....or whatever the 5-spoke design is called.
  17. i have always wondered what the differences are between all the current V8's out there....in stock form and aftermarket potential. LS1/LS6 LT1/LT4/LT5 4.6 Hemi i'm sur ethere are some i am not metnioning, these are just the ones you hear about.
  18. had them but erased, i got 'em off Kazaa a couple months ago, should still be able to get them.
  19. 1993 Dodge Shadow 1989 Toyota Celica Conv. 1993 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX 1997 Honda Prelude 1993 Mazda RX7 1998 Chevy S-10 (beater) 1998 Corvette Conv. 1999 Viper GTS 2000 Audi S4 (beater) 1993 Mazda RX7
  20. there were a couple Vipers in the 9's and 10's...and the SVSi TT Viper was there, but i don't think it ran. i went a new best 14.04....man i love this car nothing but problems....it made me really miss my Viper
  21. could you explain the Faygo craze, i don't get that? as for girls, i really don't like them shorter than me, only a coule girl i have dated were shorter. i like the 'model' build, about 5'10" with a nice little waist, long legs, flat belly and perky boobs...mmm mmmm mmmmm. oh, and blondes need not apply, never been attracted to the blondes, give me a dark haired beauty any day of the week.
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