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Everything posted by SupraGlue
This is why military funding is such a good idea
SupraGlue replied to copperhead's topic in Dumpster
I see someone who isn't aware that there is a difference between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The article Mr. Westen quoted doesn't say which type is being used in the research. Given the nature of the research and the fact that it clearly has been ongoing, it is unlikely that they are using foetal harvested cells, since such practices by government-funded research were banned under Bush. For more information on stem cell differences: http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics5.asp -
I'm at a total loss for words, and I've shed a few tears reading this thread, I'm not afraid to admit. Kenny was one of the funniest guys I ever met, and was a huge part of making the early CR years so much fun. I know that nearly everyone on here who knew Kenny in person liked him a lot, and that there are some guys who were really close with him...this is a tragic loss for all of us. Buick > * That's all. Rest in piece, Kenny.
Here's Jack's review of that car and our trip down to Old Man's Cave, from Speed:Sport:Life's "Mustang Madness Month": http://www.speedsportlife.com/2009/03/05/mustang-red-running-the-backroads-of-ohio-in-a-search-for-the-ponycars-modern-soul/ With some luck, we may get our hands on a 2010 Camaro soon.
I had the opportunity to drive that car (It's a pre-production car from Ford used for media previews, btw) in the Hocking Hills around Old Man's Cave today on some enjoyable, if not well-paved, roads, and loved it. Positives: - Great sounding engine - Sufficient power, wide power band - Smooth, quiet ride even on lousy roads - Excellent interior, materials and switches - Mike fit in the back seat Negatives: - Needed more gear. Get the 3.73 axle. - Needed LSD. Get the track pack. - Ugly wheels - Questionable styling update; I like the sequential turn lights, though - Insufficient brakes for a car this fast - Wide pedal spacing - Long shifter throw This is the first Mustang GT I've ever driven that I'd gladly own.
Yes, you did something wrong. When a woman is in a crazy hormonal mood, you don't go all Dr. Phil on her. You treat it like the weather and run for shelter until it blows over. Don't go outside asking Katrina why she's in bad mood and flooding New Orleans...you get the hell out and fix the damage later. When she said, "I want to go now, bye" that means don't keep running your emo yap to her. Let her go and talk to her in another day when she's not insane. There is a huge difference between a chick who is nuts 24/7 and a chick who is normal 3.5 weeks out of every four. You'll learn from experience, and it will be painful. There's also a huge difference between a chick who's moody once a month and one who is sleeping with your best friend and you'll learn that from experience, too. For now, your girl is fine. Just expect a replay of this around March 24th.
It's not surprising that the use of embryonic stem cells has proven to be problematic; they are not specialized like adult stem cells, which, by the way, have shown much more promise in a wide variety of treatments. As a result, they can grow into all kinds of things, including tumors, which the adult cells do not, making them far more sexy. Of course, few people even grasp the difference between the two types, since it's all been politicized as "stem cells, which will be a miracle cure that knuckle-dragging Christians don't want you to have because they want to see you DIE DIE DIE".* *=Which is at least partially true in my case. Anyway, back in the world of real science, embryonic stem cells, or "dead baby stem cells" (DBSC) as I'll call them, have done exactly jack squat, so why not inject them into some kid's brain to see if great lulz will occur? There's more evidence that the glaciers will melt tomorrow and cause 100 Katrinas to head straight for NYC than there is to demonstrate that DBSC is going to do a thing to enhance human life. However, we live in the era of hope, change and yes we can, so I applaud the positive thinking in this thread. Recycling dead babies into some kind of fountain of youth is the perfect next stage on our cultural march towards utopiahellunism, and we shouldn't let ancient and outdated ideas like "ethics" or "science" get in our way. Anyone have any good recipes for Soylent Green?
Congratulations. You understand Mike's point. The anti-Bush crowd DID give Bush a hard time for a less-lavish inauguration than this one primarily because they were butt-hurt when Kerry lost. I have no problems with the Obamoids partying it up, I'd just like to hear someone say "Oops, I guess it is a little different when the kegs are for your guy. Sorry, dudes." Try to keep your opinion in mind when we're throwing the inauguration party for President Palin, by the way.
Sarah Palin would gut and dress Eric and hang him in her office like a hunting trophy if he showed her that in person. And that's the problem. His feelings are hurt that she's a better man than he'll ever aspire to be.
It gets better. He later put on a driving suit and drove their car. We got teched by our opponents. At least I was a smartass with him. If I see that guy next year, I'm going to ask Jay to inspect our car himself. Be glad you missed that final half an hour before race start. We stayed calm, but it was stressful. Thankfully, there weren't any major problems after that. The car was fast and bulletproof, proving once again that Supra > *. For those of you guys who know Rich, he was a late addition to our team, and put a lot of work into the car the final couple of weeks and did a great job. Tinman's cage was beautiful, and fortunately we didn't use it. Several cars found themselves upside down during the race, so it's definitely important to have. I think the drivers used those Nascar door bars, however. The driver's door got pretty beat up. All of our drivers did what they needed to do, including the the famous Jack B., who drove a brilliant stint, pushing a Car and Driver senior editor into breaking their first place RX-7 21 hours into the race, giving us a comfortable lead. We still need to explain to Eric that trading paint with a 1980's cop car running a bull bar on the front is something to file under "really bad ideas". Otherwise, Eric's driving was some of the most spectacular and entertaining of the race. He found every passing groove around the oval portion, and invented a few new ones when he needed them. He'll hate me for saying this, but he should give oval racing a shot. Copperhead did a bang up job getting paint on the car at the last minute, and as a result, we had one of the best looking cars there. It held up well, too. The prep work must have been pretty good. David E. Davis, founder and editor of Automobile magazine was one of the officials and was very complimentary about how nice our car looked. Really, just about everyone who came by had nice things to say about how good it looked before the race, so nice work Mike. Whoever observed that a number of our guys autocross here in OVR, that's correct. Jack runs A Stock, Neil runs FSP, Miles runs C Stock, I've run in G Stock and C Stock, and Kevin is currently in C Prepared. I'm not sure if cone chasing is good preparation for this -- it's more like turning laps on an autocross course laid out at an oval track with other cars hitting you for 24 hours. Running Crazy Compacts at Columbus Motor Speedway is more like it. Anyway, it was fun and I'm glad it's over.
Been there, done that and recommend it highly. A few things to keep in mind: - Doctors at O'Bleness are highly proficient at stiching up injured drunks. Just make sure that someone is almost sober enough to drive you there. - Latex is your friend. You don't want to be visiting Hudson Health Center to get a Q-tip shoved someplace it should never go. - Never let your friends hook up with fat chicks. Unless it's Jon, then be sure to get pictures of her and post on CR. - The Athens City jail is conveniently located uptown, and they won't let you bail your friends out until morning anyway, so party on. - AA is for quitters.
Anthony, you scare me. :zoom: Yes -- we are going through the paperwork for an official Ohio State merchandising license...and it's actually 8% now. Now, back to the shirts. It sounds like some people around here have been dieting this summer, so maybe we don't need any XXXL?
People say all kinds of stupid things in the hopes that it will get them laid. Your sister is no different. graemlins/grin2.gif
I made one post in one thread about why COLUMBUS RACING doesn't organize street races anymore, yet more than six months later what I said is STILL being twisted out of context. Hua even chose to make an issue out of it on Supraforums. If that's Sam and Hua's only issue with me, then here's my resolution: Sam and Hua, I apologize for anything bad I said about street racing, or any inference that a reader may have made about my feelings towards those who street race. Anyone who wants to street race or loves street racing will hear no ill-will from me, and may do so to their heart's content without my criticism. Everyone here are big kids who can be responsible for their own behavior, and I have no desire to tell any of you what decisions you should make in your lives. Hopefully, I will now be permitted to engage in the occasional acceleration contest against whatever random Cobras, Vipers, Corvettes or other worhy vehicles cross my path without it becoming another Internet drama. Please let me know if there are any other issues we need to resolve.
Cross-drilled rotors make the Firebird go zooom! (Just like the teal wire loom covers, the clear corner lights and the "Supercharged!" sticker) graemlins/gay.gif graemlins/grin2.gif
I'm pretty sure that no one I know who seriously tracks their street car at road courses uses anything but blanks. The thermal stresses from an entire day of brake abuse aren't too kind to holed rotors. Slots are pretty useful on rally cars to clear mud, water and whatever other debris they go charging though -- so if Clay plans to rally the 'vette, he'll be good to go. Otherwise, the stuff is cosmetic and looks pretty good behind a set of 18"s, which is a perfectly fine reason to run them on a street car, IMO. graemlins/thumb.gif
The problem here both with Jane Fonda and with this thread is lack of civil discourse. Rather than simply debate and argue against our involvment in Vietnam, Fonda and her fellow travelers chose to use shocking, dishonest and frankly illegal tactics, all thinking that it was for "the greater good". Unfortunately, what she and others didn't accept is the fact that their definition of what constitued that "greater good" was highly subjective. They are not the first people to make that mistake, nor will they be the last. We see the same thing here in this thread and in the personal level of attacks in all of our politics, and the rush to immediately jump to the most incindiary rhetoric and distortion of fact. It's not enough to disagree with people -- they must be a liberal "fuckstick", or a conservative "hillbilly moron". It's not enough to disagree with Bush -- he must be personally attacked at ever level possible, until he is portrayed as nothing more than a caricature of faults. Once fully demonized and dehumanized, any argument from the opposing side can then be disregarded without reason. After all, why should the ideas of an evil sub-human even be considered? These are the tactics of the intellectually lazy, for it is far easier to devise creative insults and aspersions against a person than it is to painstakingly accumulate facts, refine lines of argument, and persuade others of the virtue of your position. Simply pass the mud and sling another handful, please. Welcome to the America of Michael Moore and Rush Limbaugh, where we distort and distort until the other person has "said" what we wanted to argue against, where no attack or tactic is out of bounds, and where truth is always the first casualty, murdered by bias and emotionalism. Fonda did more than simply betray people. She and those like her betrayed our democratic process, and introduced a crass, angry, terroristic approach to politics that we're all stuck with today, whether any of us are old enough to remember her activities or not. This thread has turned into a perfect "tribute" to her work.
Not on Ohio trails it won't. That's not a bad dune buggy, though. Gravel roads != off roading.
lol Where's "Mr. Natural Talent"? I really can't believe this guy is bragging about finishing 12th IN CLASS at an auto-x. Hilarious! "Yeah, this one time in band camp I was like the 12th best trombone player, but I'm a musical genius, man! The other kids had better trombones than me!"
You just don't appreciate Old School. graemlins/nonono.gif Listen to my gear shift I'm blastin, outlastin Kinda like Shaft, so u could say I'm shaftin Old English filled my mind And I came up with a funky rhyme
Autocrossing a Cavalier and thinking that means you know something about racing is like jerking off a couple of times and thinking that you know what it's like to bang a porn star. graemlins/nonono.gif
Don't call it a comeback I've been here for years I'm rocking my peers Puttin' suckers in fear Makin' the tears rain down like a monsoon
Sweet. I am all tuned in and ready to watch some entertainment. Let the games begin! graemlins/popcorn.gif