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Everything posted by SupraGlue

  1. Time to electrify the next one. graemlins/thumb.gif
  2. It's nice to see someone get the correct coating for the job. graemlins/thumb.gif Where did you get that done, btw?
  3. There's a billion people living in the third world who would look at you and say, "that guy has the luxury of a car when I can't get enough food to eat. I hate those whiny, spoiled rich Americans." It's all relative. Be thankful for what you have rather than being envious of what others have.
  4. SupraGlue

    Men's 200m

    How about that? The Greek fans booed the US runners for 10 minutes before the race, because they blamed the American team for their star runner not showing up for a drug test (yeah, like that makes sense). So what did our guys do? Just swept the fucking race. Gold, silver, bronze. Right on! graemlins/thumb.gif
  5. lol That fucker is all over my loafers too. Maybe he's got a foot fetish? How much for the shoe? graemlins/thumb.gif
  6. graemlins/banned.gif WTF is wrong with you? That is some sick, twisted shit. graemlins/puke.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif
  7. SupraGlue


    Whew. I was scared for a minute that you might slur me with the dreaded epithet "fagmo". I guess I'm just lucky this time around. graemlins/thumb.gif
  8. SupraGlue


    You have to love how the media considered 80mph to be "fast". Considering that several states have speed limits as high at 75mph, 80 hardly seems like the realm of "daredevils".
  9. SupraGlue


    Physician, heal thyself.
  10. Talked to some political types, and they told me that it's going to pass and get signed next year. I'll believe it when I see it, but there are a lot of people in the legislature fighting to get rid of front plates.
  11. SupraGlue


    That's a FACT. So what did Chris do now?
  12. Steve's formula would just have someone riding the brakes through the traps. Do you really think it's that hard to sandbag a trap speed?
  13. Who is this guy? Where did he get the Cult Of VTEC Yo kool aid? Listen up. Only in Honda la-la land is the Type R considered some kind of road racing legend. Read all of the dealer brochures you want, but the REALITY is that out on a road course, an ITR better stay the fuck out of the way of any of a number of factory stock cars, never mind a REAL race car. My old GSR sucked coming out of low speed turns, and got smoked on straighaways by Vipers, Corvettes, Mustangs and FD RX-7s. The holy and sacred ITR has what? 15 more hp? Ain't gonna help. In tight corners, moderately prepped Miatas are definitely faster than either a GSR or ITR. In a high speed sweeper, there are literally dozens of cars that are going to feel more stable than any Integra. Learn something about cars. $43k buys you REAL race cars. The Radical, or the Stohr D sports racer (what Matt posted a pic of) are perfect examples of cars that would obliterate an ITR for that money. Obliterate is a technical term that means lapping repeatedly during a typical road course session. Here's my last comment on this -- a white ITR attempted to follow me down a country road in Athens County when I still had stock turbos (SR 691, for those who care). It did not work out well for him (yes, he was obviously pushing hard and trying to keep up), and quickly vanished from my mirrors. Sure, it does well for an under 2 liter four cylinder FWD econobox, but that is all. Once real sports cars and truly purpose built race cars get into the game, the only thing the ITR driver gets are blue flags at every corner. * since this kid has probably never been to a road course, I'll explain that the blue flag means "get the fuck out of the way, the car behind you is faster"
  14. Yeah, whatever. That Russian dude was doing things you'd swear were impossible. Just like watching Tony Hawk spin a 720 on a half pipe. Your jaw just drops. He got robbed, no doubt.
  15. A Radical is a car designed for circuit racing. The Type R is a hopped up Civic.
  16. Hey Evan, funny thing -- I probably saw you right before that happened. You were headed north on Westerville Rd. and turned right on Schrock (I was at Chipolte eating on the patio). Glad to hear you didn't get a ticket. graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. There are plenty of reasons why this isn't a good idea, and why there are other better materials to use from a performance standpoint. My only dig at Mike was his claim that Aluminum was a better insulator than glass. smile.gif Rubber and plastic are obviously ideal from a cost, weight, durability and heat transfer standpoint. This is just something for show cars to be different. From that standpoint, it's kind of unique, though I agree that their designs look suspiciously like bongs. To really set it off, I think you'd want to pick more interesting coolant colors than the standard green (Toyota red or DexCool might look better), and it would look pretty wild at night if you had an LED inside the tube to make the coolant glow. But we hate anything show oriented on here, so it sucks! tongue.gif
  18. Wait...Jonny boy tried to get busy with a plump pretty and got SHOT DOWN? http://home.frognet.net/~mitias/smilies/laugh%5B1%5D.gif It's all good, man. The Phi Pigs' house is directly behind the Pike house, so you can sneak on back there without anyone seeing you. Eventually you'll find one drunk and desperate enough. I have confidence in you. graemlins/thumb.gif
  19. See if you can work up enough attention span to read your PMs.
  20. So you want aluminum windows on your house this winter? How about some aluminum fiber insulation to replace that Owens-Corning fiberglass? You are confusing two seperate properties of matter, AND you are misinterpreting one. Thermal conductivity is not the same thing as heat capactiy (which is the specific heat of a material times it's density). In this case, the thermal conductivity of 2024 Aluminum is 177 (W/mK). Ordinary plate glass has a thermal conductivity of around 1.4 W/mK. The specific heat of aluminum and glass are comparable -- 750 J/kgK for glass and 875 J/kgK for Al. Aluminum is also slightly more dense. So, aluminum is going to hold slighly more heat than the same amount of glass, but it is going to lose that heat at a much higher rate. Where does that heat go, you might ask? Straight into your incoming air, if you're using it as a CAI. Your example is terrible, because you haven't accounted for where the heat from the aluminum tube went. See previous paragraph. smile.gif How about this example? I am going to put your arm in a tight fitting tube. Then I am going to hit that tube for 15 seconds with a propane torch. Would you like aluminum or glass (same thickness)? The only common material that makes less sense than aluminum for a CAI would be copper (401 W/mK). Game, set, match. You lose. tongue.gif Edit: All numeric data is from "Introduction to Heat Transfer, second edition", Incropera and DeWitt.
  21. The boxes in the fourth pic down have arabic writing on them, so if it's a hoax at least it's detailed. -1 for the crappy camera, though. graemlins/nonono.gif Edit: the last picture has marks on the wall that look like someone has been counting days. It's hard to see, but it looks like exactly 100.
  22. http://my.webmd.com/hw/eat_smart/te4653.asp
  23. Sounds like he's now running the TheOuttaShitToMakeUp crew. graemlins/nonono.gif
  24. I don't see Adam's Jeep in that picture.
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