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Everything posted by Farkas

  1. http://knowyourmeme.com/i/476/original/H4IAOY2JD6O6IVMG5MGSS6EOOV2CCSME.jpg /thread
  2. I wouldn't go as far as claiming they keep people from getting tickets.. but they can sure make a difference. I can remember at least 3 different situations where it saved me from tickets.
  3. Passport 9500ix... don't waste your money on anything else if you're going to buy one at all.
  4. You know you can die from that type of shit, right?
  5. It even tells you on the can, ABSOLUTELY do not consume the entire can in one serving... it's that crazy.
  6. When did you ever keep me in line?
  7. Hahahah, asshole.. Must I remind you, you're one half of team gay lol.
  8. I don't know if I should be embarrassed that my dad is joining the same site as me, or not hahah We at least gotta change your name to PapaFark or something, Dad.
  9. I just came from Blockbuster looking for it and they don't have it.. I'm assuming they won't stock it because of the sheer horror?
  10. I had it once before as well, and thought I was going to die.
  11. I also, would really like to emphasize how well Seth and Richard did in their Omni. Honestly, Every time Doc and I thought we lost them, they managed to catch up to us.. SOMEHOW. I really had a blast on this entire trip.
  12. Are these the sawblades or salad shooters? 16x8.5 all 4 or staggered 16s?
  13. Farkas


    Sean.. what's your overall thoughts on your 240? Enjoying it more than your Goat?
  14. When you want one, come to me.. I can make you a deal at my work Nordstrom Ebar
  15. newer pic of me and the lady. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs515.snc3/27027_389375036011_559586011_4510893_6285115_n.jpg
  16. http://imgur.com/HdNLw.gif http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b281/BIG_MIKE2005/my%20animation%20clips/Falloffboat.gif
  17. you could almost use a simple drill bit.. as long as you could find an appropriate piece of brass.
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